PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
040326I need to introduce myself?Disastermaster552021-06-26 19:27:45Revert
040327That's right, I figured it would be great if we recorded a quick video of you in your bloomers as a memento❤️Disastermaster552021-06-26 19:28:21Revert
040328...I suppose it isn't every day I get to wear these bloomers. You can record me as long as the video is used to further the goals of the Disciplinary Committee.Disastermaster552021-06-26 19:29:14Revert
040329Great~❤️ Then lets make it a public announcement from the Disciplinary Chair herself❤️Disastermaster552021-06-26 19:29:47Revert
040330Yes sir, I'll introduce myself in these bloomers for the sake of civil service!Disastermaster552021-06-26 19:30:08Revert