08/06/14 03:23PM
looking for a removed pic, any one know where to find it?
a few weeks back someone did a pic with a bear girl, it was age regression and i found the art to work for me. i am not one to be into furies but i loved the story behind it "the hypnotist would dumb down the subject by how strong they were, it took place in a gym".

does any one else know the one i am talking about and if you do know where i can find it please let me know.
08/06/14 03:33PM
Dude who wrote the stuff was arashidrgn I think but I dunno where to find his stuff since most of it came from sleepychan IIRC. His FA and stuff don't have his manips.
08/07/14 01:22AM
thank you for the help, now that i know whose work i am looking for it should be easier :D

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