08/07/14 10:24AM
Holy Crap, One Year!
So, it just occurred to me (thanks Mugi :P) that the HypnoHub's
1-Year Anniversary is coming up! HypnoHub was opened to the public on August 16th, 2013 in the early morning. A little over a week from now, this site will officially be one year old!

So, with the upcoming anniversary, I'd love to do... something. Sites do things for their anniversaries, you know? Not even to mention that anniversaries for healthy hypnofetish sites are a rarity. But I have no idea what we could possibly do! Any ideas?

Maybe some of you artists around here want to draw up an anniversary image of some sort, to be released that day? That's probably what I'd do if I had any art skills. I might make a commemorative manip, though, since I can't draw worth crap.
08/07/14 10:35AM
Uh..august 1st was 6 days ago...unless you mean the 16th
08/07/14 10:37AM
Vanndril said:
So, it just occurred to me (thanks Mugi :P) that the HypnoHub's
1-Year Anniversary is coming up! HypnoHub was opened to the public on August 1st, 2013 in the early morning. A little over a week from now, this site will officially be one year old!

So, with the upcoming anniversary, I'd love to do... something. Sites do things for their anniversaries, you know? Not even to mention that anniversaries for healthy hypnofetish sites are a rarity. But I have no idea what we could possibly do! Any ideas?

Maybe some of you artists around here want to draw up an anniversary image of some sort, to be released that day? That's probably what I'd do if I had any art skills. I might make a commemorative manip, though, since I can't draw worth crap.

If it was opened on August 1st... then wasn't the anniversary near a week ago?
08/07/14 10:44AM
Sol420 said:
Uh..august 1st was 6 days ago...unless you mean the 16th

That one. :P

daltar said:
If it was opened on August 1st... then wasn't the anniversary near a week ago?

No, I just dun goofed. ;)
08/07/14 11:10AM
We could have a sort of hypno-thon. Artists and manippers create as many works as possible for 24 hours.
08/07/14 01:07PM
Woo, one year anniversary! Even though I've been here for less than that.

Vanndril said:
I might make a commemorative manip, though, since I can't draw worth crap.

Doors54 said:
We could have a sort of hypno-thon. Artists and manippers create as many works as possible for 24 hours.

I can try to make a manip or two for this. It can double as a celebration after my finals.
08/07/14 02:53PM
A big swirly spiral background :P
08/07/14 03:26PM
Oh now I have to do a one year anniversary art. However.... I.... I HAVE NO IDEAS!

Wait.... I have no ideas yet. I have just over a week for something to happen in my head, plenty of time for ideas. I just have to think of a way to represent a one year anniversary of this site in one picture, it's actually really simple for a genius like me*.

It should probably feature Hypno-tan.... Age Regression? NO! One year wouldn't change a damn thing. A birthday party setting perhaps.... Though I don't know much about those seeing as I've been to one, no problem I'll just google it. Hmm.... Maybe one picture is too little to show a full birthday party, I could comic it instead! YES! Yes it's perfec- WAIT! Who would be at her party?! Does she have friends? Should I make them up? No, that wouldn't work.... What about our members?

Hey, everyone! Would you come to Hypno-tans party? You'd have to bring a gift.

Yeah, but it has to be a surprise so you'd have to tell me in secret. I think Mindwipe and Vanndril should make the cake. I'll go get started on the party.

*Not actually a genius.

tl;dr: I'm gonna try to make a comic where we give presents to Hypno-tan. So I need you guys to PM the presents you're gonna give her along with any additional stuff you feel you need to tell me to complete your present giving experience. I'll need you're ideas ASAP because I'll need to draw it. If you're actually good at drawing maybe you want to draw your own bit, just let me know so I can fit your page in there.
08/07/14 04:01PM
How about we shut down the site forever to celebrate?

Doors54 said:
We could have a sort of hypno-thon. Artists and manippers create as many works as possible for 24 hours.

Wait, this idea sounds better than shutting it down.
08/07/14 08:34PM
Well that sure is exciting :D

Happy... almost 1 year Hypnohub! XD
08/07/14 08:36PM
Huh. For some reason, I though this place opened up around in 2012. Time to change what I originally said in the "Era" topic!

But anyway, cheers ya guys.
08/08/14 03:36AM
I demand that Mindwipe and Vanndrill sing a happy birthday duet on the stream. :O
08/08/14 04:00AM
Time to warm up da drawing hand! I'll help out with this if i can think of somethin...
08/08/14 04:51AM
We might need some <<|celebration background decoration>> for the site :\
Vann,you're able to speak HTML so you could decorate the website :P
08/08/14 05:34AM
I propose putting party hats on all the thumbnails because I'm an extremely creative person.

Maybe I can draw something not furry (and not "not-furry," fuck your tags) for the second time too. Or I can just draw a Gardevoir with our color scheme <<|:^)>>
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