09/26/13 06:18PM
Good luck & have fun,Fossil ;)
And if anybody here really wants pornography to be 'hidden' behind a age verification he should start with those nasty porn ads on many 'normal' websites! Those just *pop* up and you see their content...For boorus you have to go to a URL and maybe even click a 'Posts' button....
So nothing to do here for you Mindwipe ;)
09/26/13 11:10PM
Okay, so we've all calmed down now? Everyone's still here? No one's rage quit the site? Good.
I'm still waiting for Vanndril to weigh in on this. In the meantime, everyone go back to being sexual deviants.
09/27/13 12:22AM
Mindwipe said:
In the meantime, everyone go back to being sexual deviants.

Everything he does is my fetish then.
09/27/13 01:00AM
Mindwipe said:
Okay, so we've all calmed down now? Everyone's still here? No one's rage quit the site?

Who knows? We might have lost a member or three over this. Doubt it, but you never know.

Mindwipe said:
I'm still waiting for Vanndril to weigh in on this. In the meantime, everyone go back to being sexual deviants.

My opinion? Why, that's simple. A troll said they were underage to cause trouble. Said troll had their post and all replies to it deleted, and has been given a warning not to do it again. The matter has been handled, and the site is safe. After all, they wouldn't be here if they were truly underage. It's against the rules and the law.

I have no reason to believe or act as though I believe otherwise. I mean, because everything said on the internet is obviously true, right? Yeah...right... *sarcasm*

On the off-chance that they really were underage, though? Well, innocent until proven guilty. It just so happens that the only proof has been forever deleted, therefore they are innocent and all speculation about the matter afterward is exactly that: speculation.

In short, we have nothing to worry about. You don't have to agree with our decision, but you do have to accept it as reality. Well, I suppose you could lie to yourself, too... But I heard that that causes psychological issues.
09/27/13 01:42AM
Vanndril said:
I have no reason to believe or act as though I believe otherwise. I mean, because everything said on the internet is obviously true, right? Yeah...right... *sarcasm*

Like Portal - The Cake :D

(even if amazon sells it...)
09/27/13 02:08AM
Anno1404 said:
Like Portal - The Cake :D

Oh, there was cake, you just weren't going to get any. Not that I'd recommend eating it, anyway.

Intelligence Core said:

* 1 (18.25-ounce) package chocolate cake mix
* 1 can prepared coconut–pecan frosting
* 3/4 cup vegetable oil
* 4 large eggs
* 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
* 3/4 cup butter or margarine
* 1 2/3 cup granulated sugar
* 2 cups all-purpose flour

Don't forget garnishes such as:

* Fish-shaped crackers
* Fish-shaped candies
* Fish-shaped solid waste
* Fish-shaped dirt
* Fish-shaped ethylbenzene
* Pull-and-peel licorice
* Fish-shaped volatile organic compounds and sediment-shaped sediment
* Candy-coated peanut butter pieces (shaped like fish)
* 1 cup lemon juice
* Alpha resins
* Unsaturated polyester resin
* Fiberglass surface resins and volatile malted milk impoundments
* 9 large egg yolks
* 12 medium geosynthetic membranes
* 1 cup granulated sugar
* An entry called: "How to Kill Someone with Your Bare Hands"
* 2 cups rhubarb, sliced
* 2/3 cups granulated rhubarb
* 1 tbsp. all-purpose rhubarb
* 1 tsp. grated orange rhubarb
* 3 tbsp. rhubarb, on fire
* 1 large rhubarb
* 1 cross borehole electromagnetic imaging rhubarb
* 2 tbsp. rhubarb juice
* Adjustable aluminum head positioner
* Slaughter electric needle injector
* Cordless electric needle injector
* Injector needle driver
* Injector needle gun
* Cranial caps
09/27/13 04:47AM
Mindwipe said:
Okay, so we've all calmed down now? Everyone's still here? No one's rage quit the site?

Yeah, 'fraid I'm gonna have to do just that. I really do like this site, but I don't feel comfortable posting and discussing porn when I'm well aware that one of the people contributing to said discussion is underage. Banning members who have been outed as minors isn't unreasonable, guys. It's common practice on porn sites.

So yeah. It's been fun, but I'm outta here.
09/27/13 05:13AM
Vorp said:
Yeah, 'fraid I'm gonna have to do just that. I really do like this site, but I don't feel comfortable posting and discussing porn when I'm well aware that one of the people contributing to said discussion is underage. Banning members who have been outed as minors isn't unreasonable, guys. It's common practice on porn sites.

So yeah. It's been fun, but I'm outta here.

Dude, don't do this. Please. You're one of the biggest contributors to this site and one of the best damn manippers we have. If you don't want to discuss porn with someone who you believe may be underage, then don't. You don't have to communicate with him at all. As for what's standard practice on porn sites, I have no idea, because I'm not a member of any porn sites. Technically, we aren't even a porn site. We're an image board that happens to allow adult material, but we are not solely for porn. Please don't leave.
09/27/13 07:11AM
If you truly love him, let him go.
09/27/13 07:12AM
I missed the comments but after sifting through this topic, I think I get the gist of what's going on. The whole "turning a blind eye" attitude feels like a childish way to deal with the blatantly serious issue. As moderators, you should at least exemplify some more maturity than that. Besides, since it was pretty much admitted that the user is a minor, wouldn't the most logical reason be to set a ban in place? The whole "It's the parents' responsibility" shouldn't make it any less of an obligation now that the beans have been spilt. I think HME pretty much nailed how I felt about the whole thing:

HypnoMangaEditor said:
Not even trying isn't good enough.

I know next to nothing over proper legality issues for an 18+ site. In the end, it's all on your call but if it were me, I would instate a ban just because I'm a little antsy on the safety of this site.
09/27/13 07:44AM
The user has been banned for a period of 1000 days, a little less than 3 years. Note that users can be unbanned, so Vanndril could easily undo this at any time. Bull3tM0nk3y, I'm sorry, I'm a terrible moderator, and I really didn't want to do this.

On that note, I've decided that this will be my last act as a moderator on HypnoHub. You guys deserve someone who can make decisions and live with his decisions. I was never cut out to be a leader. So, I'm stepping down. I'll have Vanndril demote me to a regular user, and I'll assist him in finding a replacement if he wants.
09/27/13 08:14AM
e: Oh, fuck it. I spent an hour writing this, like a jackass, so I'm still going to post it. Maybe it'll help convince Mindwipe not to abdicate.

Obviously, I can't tell you guys how to run your site. I hate seeing conflict on this website, though, and I really wish you would have just banned Bullet as soon as he admitted it and dodged all this drama. No, it doesn't stop him from viewing the website or opening a new account, and no, as far as I can tell, you're under no legal obligation to bar minors from viewing the website.

However, look at it this way--BulletMonkey is the same age as my little brother. I know my brother has viewed porn on the web before, and I myself, of course, have seen ridiculous amounts of porn on the web. I have no grounds to tell him not to look at it. (I wouldn't even want to talk about it, actually.) Hell, some of his friends have probably had real sex already. But I would not provide him with pornography myself, nor would I encourage him to view it. I don't think it's necessarily unhealthy. As long as he's not getting himself in legal trouble, I have to admit it's fine. He's not a baby anymore. But as his older brother, I think facilitating his access to it sends the wrong message.

Banning underage users may not ultimately stop them from using this website, but it does send the message that, as an adult, you aren't going to hold their hand on their jaunts through Pornland. I just don't think that's an appropriate relationship for an adult to have with a minor, and as the curator of this website you are in some type of relationship, however distant and nebulous, with all of your users. The line between childhood and adulthood at 18 may be arbitrary, but I think it carries symbolic weight, especially when someone is in mid-adolescence and is crazy hormonal but still several years from legal adulthood. In particular, it plays a big role in who your true peers are. You know how it's always kind of weird when the college guy is dating a high school girl? It's crazy to look at my brother and think, "damn, when I was fifteen, I totally wanted to fuck that senior girl sitting next to me on the bus. He's got to have those kinds of feelings now." But you know--leave encouraging that to his peers. I'm an adult, and I'm responsible for him.

By admitting that he's underage, I think BulletMonkey effectively removed himself from the peer group of most users of this website and put us in some sort of position of power and responsibility. That's the problem. I want to emphasize that I have the utmost respect for you and Vanndril (and Lost+Name and slayerduck,) Mindwipe. You guys have the absolute ownership over this website, and I think you do a great job running it; however, large amounts of the content on this website was posted by ordinary members. Vorp and I posted around 20% of all the images on this website. I don't mean to overstate the amount of work I had to do--all I did was type some tags and hit a button--and obviously by placing these images on an organized, topical image board, I was increasing the likelihood they'd be viewed by people like Bullet. It's not within by power, nor is it my responsibility, to prevent that. It isn't yours either. However, I think it's only appropriate to ask that he not fraternize with porn-viewing adults in an identity as a 15-year old. Is that arbitrary and hypocritical? Maybe. I just want it to be in your consideration.
09/27/13 09:07AM
You make you point well, petal, regardless of the timing. I also appreciate your words. However, the fact is I screwed up. In a big way. This is my fault. I had numerous opportunities to stop this from getting out of hand, and I failed. I could've stopped it by confronting Bullet when he made several cryptic remarks about being banned if his identity was known. I could've stopped it when he made the comment stating his age. I could've stopped it when the first concerned comments were made. I could've stopped it when this thread was made. My indecisiveness and naive belief that we could somehow resolve this without anyone having to leave is what caused this. There's still a chance that the damage I caused through my inaction can be undone and Vorp can be convinced to return, but how much longer until another incident requiring astute judgment and quick action arises, and how much damage could I again cause with my indecisiveness and naivety? I am no leader. It has never been in me. I was miscast in this role. I helped make both Hypnobooru and this site because I wanted to help and give something great back to this community. To see my decision, or lack thereof, threaten to tear this place apart... it's more than I can stomach. But I still want to give back, and I still want to help. So, I have to do what I think is best for this site, and I think it's best if someone who's more qualified to lead takes my place.

Perhaps I'm just feeling sorry for myself. It's something I'm known to do often. But I really think you guys are great, and you deserve someone who can take care of this place better than I can.
09/27/13 09:39AM
And here I was, having thought I put the final touches on this topic... *cracks knuckles* Alright, let's see this through.
First, the important part.

Mindwipe said:
Perhaps I'm just feeling sorry for myself. It's something I'm known to do often.

Yeah, that's more or less it, too. Get praise left and right for months, Mindwipe, and then one moment where the community seems stacked against us and you break. Sounds like the fragility of self-doubt and loathing to me. I would know, I used to be like that all too often.

Honestly, I shook my head as you wrote what you "could have done". Go ahead, read off that list one more time.

Mindwipe said:
I had numerous opportunities to stop this from getting out of hand, and I failed. I could've stopped it by confronting Bullet when he made several cryptic remarks about being banned if his identity was known. I could've stopped it when he made the comment stating his age. I could've stopped it when the first concerned comments were made. I could've stopped it when this thread was made. My indecisiveness and naive belief that we could somehow resolve this without anyone having to leave is what caused this.

If not having done these things makes you a bad leader, one unfit to administrate the hub, then what does that make me? I had every opportunity that you did, yet I didn't act. In fact, all I did was make jokes about it. If that makes you a bad leader, then it makes me a bad leader as well. If we were bad leaders, unfit for our positions, then I think that the community would have let us know a long time ago. And, at the risk of making this a mushy bromance moment, I wouldn't do half as well at moderating without you pointing out what needs taking care of. I say this with a straight face. As you know, that's a rare moment, indeed.

Anyway, I'll put this out there. I'm openly against the 18+ "law"; that's no secret. I had every intent of letting Bull3t keep his account active. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt despite his admission because there would be no legal repercussions, as there is no tangible proof that he is, in fact, under 18. If Vorp was to leave because of this, I'd have waved goodbye with a frown and a tear. But I would not have changed my stance. My belief in the matter is that strong. I was willing to lose one of our greatest members. Given how things turned out, it seems my attempts to keep everyone at least moderately content came not to fruition.

That said, I will not be undoing Mindwipe's taken action (sorry Bull3t, I tried), because whether he likes it or not, this is his site, and if Mindwipe thinks he can get away with escaping his proper role as admin of the site he created when, honestly, I didn't have the guts to try to on my own, then he has another think coming.

Hear that, Mindwipe? I ain't acceptin' this shit. I'm not letting you get off that easy. ;)
09/27/13 10:04AM
e: that's what I get for being a slowpoke

Okay, look, man. I'm going to be 100% serious here because I think you need to hear it. I know, to a certain extent, you're fishing for compliments here. So I'm going to be honest. I've disagreed with plenty of the decisions you've made--policy choices, tag changes/deletions, whatever. I tend to keep my mouth shut because a.) I have no power here and b.) I don't want to stir shit. However, you are, on the whole, a very good administrator. Your interaction with the community is pretty much unparalleled in terms of depth and frequency. Vanndril can't can't run the site by himself--there's 1200+ members and fairly controversial content--and nobody else here has the personal relationship with him like you do (as far as I know.) This website would not exist without you.

People make mistakes. That's good. You have to rip the muscle to make it stronger. Maybe Hypnohub does need more moderators, but you are not going to solve anything by acting like somebody just killed your dog. I am an anonymous stranger sitting behind a computer screen, and you have no reason to listen to me, but for this moment please think of me as a human being with his own passions and disappointments telling you that going hot potato on the moderator role will not make this community stronger. Yeah, this is a porn website. It's where I browse when I'm sitting in bed in my underwear with a patchouli_knowledge+ass Danbooru tab open and blasting some fucking hip hop. That doesn't make it something you can just walk out on. I'm well aware of how stressful it is to run an organization. I'm also aware that surviving a crisis, even something as relatively minor as an internet argument, tends to make an organization stronger.

If you agree, I'd be glad. If I'm making the issue worse, I'm sorry, I didn't want to wait twenty hours for another chance to type this. Peace out, alright? This is but a wave in an ocean made of them.
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