09/27/13 10:14AM
Please reconsider Mindwipe. You tried to find a way out that pleased everyone, but this just wasn't one of those moments where everyone was going to be happy. You did what you had to do, even though it killed you. A bad leader wouldn't have been able to do that. It was a bad experience yes, but you learned from it didn't you? And you're good at what you do. You are, you're hard when you need to be. You don't like it sure, but you still do it. And I think it's awesome that you don't because you put some intense thought into those actions. And even though you feel bad, you do it. You do it because you've got what it takes.

I'm no good at things like this. But after this whole ordeal, it kills me to see you say that.
09/27/13 10:46AM
Honestly I'm just trying to not be upset but I am. Freaking Bullet is one of our own. How can we call ourselves a community when we are willing to let this happen? I've got a lot more to say but everyone is 100 percent one way or the other that I cannot change minds. I need a break from this "community".
09/27/13 10:51AM
petal said:
I know, to a certain extent, you're fishing for compliments here.

Would you believe me if I said that was entirely subconscious? ...Yeah, me neither. I know, I can be a very depressed and somewhat self-loathing individual, and I try to keep that off of here, but I got upset and let it slip. Sometimes, I have trouble seeing my successes through all my failures.

Fact is, I'm really a nice guy at heart. I don't like conflict, and I don't like upsetting people. I don't like to be the bad guy. So it breaks my heart when something like this happens, and that's what brought out that side of me. I saw myself as doing damage instead of good, and I reacted with the first thing that came to mind, which was "resign".

I've had some time to compose myself, calm down, eat, reflect. In short time, I'll get some sleep, which should help as well. I was emotional and not thinking clearly. Had I truly quit, I probably would have regretted it and asked Vanndril to reinstate me, anyway. Not that he's going to let me quit, and I think, deep down, I knew he wouldn't.

I don't suppose we can forget this whole thing, can we?


Fossilbrand said:
Honestly I'm just trying to not be upset but I am. Freaking Bullet is one of our own. How can we call ourselves a community when we are willing to let this happen? I've got a lot more to say but everyone is 100 percent one way or the other that I cannot change minds. I need a break from this "community".

Try to look at it this way: the users who campaigned for Bullet's banning weren't doing so out of ill will towards him. I don't think anyone here has anything against the guy. They were acting out of concern for the site as a whole. Bullet isn't gone forever. I know it seems half-hearted (that's not at all the word I'm looking for, but I'm tired) to say this, but he's free and more than welcome to come back when he is of age. I know it seems unfair, and perhaps, to a certain extent, it is. But it would also be unfair of us to expect everyone to be fine with talking about explicit things with someone who claimed to be underage. We don't want to turn anyone away here, I don't think anyone does (there was to be more to this, but I've spent forever on this and can no longer think).
09/27/13 11:08AM
Fossilbrand said:
Honestly I'm just trying to not be upset but I am. Freaking Bullet is one of our own. How can we call ourselves a community when we are willing to let this happen? I've got a lot more to say but everyone is 100 percent one way or the other that I cannot change minds. I need a break from this "community".

I know the feeling. This is essentially how I feel about it.
It seems ridiculous that everything has to suddenly change just because their (supposed) age was suddenly made known. Trust me, we all came out of this with hard feelings one way or the other. I don't like the decision. I really don't. Others would hate it just as much if we made the other decision. There was no winning in this situation. Both choices were a loss to all.

It was a lose-lose situation, but a choice had to be made. I just wish there would have been a nice middle ground that we could have stood from.

In any case, I pray that this doesn't dig any trenches in the community.
09/27/13 11:30AM

*everything Vanndril said*

Cannot quote only one portion of it.

Also, Mindwipe, hear me out. We all have flaws. Your "flaws" are much smaller (and sillier) than many other people's, and if you think you shouldn't have any, that's delusional. So don't be a pussy - you're the heart of the site, hear Petal and Jack about it.

About this whole thing, can't we just chill down? It's one hell of a drama for no real reason. Everybody here has chosen to be here and see the content here. And that's what makes us adults, our choices. Forget preconceptions for a moment and think about it.


Also, now I've thought about it from Bull3t's side, and I want to put it here in case he sees it, that: it's not his fault. All this finger-pointing from people probably did him more harm than good, thinking he made everyone suddenly so angry and emo just because he revealed his oh-so-terrible truth.

So he was not only banned but also broke everyone's heart. Great. All in the name of "protecting the children". If you're a parent or care-taker and think like this, you might as well move to the UK, they're passing laws so that you don't have to parent kids about the internet. So much better, ain't it?
09/27/13 11:56AM
Stem_Cell said:
Also, now I've thought about it from Bull3t's side, and I want to put it here in case he sees it, that: it's not his fault.

I think he knows this by now. I've explicitly told him multiple times that it wasn't his fault. His supposed age may have been the CAUSE, but his "fault" ends there.

Though, to be fair, I don't think there was all too much finger pointing at all. Most of what was said was ideological debate and whatnot. I don't believe anyone came across as though they had it out for just him, but more that they disagreed with the idea of a minor being on the site.
09/27/13 12:17PM
I'm glad that Mindwipe will stay here, because Hypnohub with Vanndril but without Mindwipe will be like a cake without filling
09/27/13 01:18PM
KinkyLoli said:
I'm glad that Mindwipe will stay here, because Hypnohub with Vanndril but without Mindwipe will be like a cake without filling //>.<//

Wait...so...so...I am...cake?
But...the cake is a lie?
...So...I am a lie?
09/27/13 02:28PM
Vanndril said:
Wait...so...so...I am...cake?
But...the cake is a lie?
...So...I am a lie?

hahaha XD OH NO!
You're a.... hnnmmm Ice cream! huh >.> And the Mindwipe... the.. h-hm... syrup chocolate! T-this! //////>__<//////

Now come baaaack...!
*throws herself on the ground clutching his feet*
09/27/13 03:11PM
KinkyLoli said:
hahaha XD OH NO!
You're a.... hnnmmm Ice cream! huh >.> And the Mindwipe... the.. h-hm... syrup chocolate! T-this! //////>__<//////

Now come baaaack...!
*throws herself on the ground clutching his feet*

... I'm relieved and hungry.

And yeah, Bullet I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Sorry all of this happened the way it did.
09/27/13 04:39PM
I think this has been dealt with now in one way or the other. I'd advise closing the thread, because the recent comments kind of drift into a direction which makes this rather serious thread look weird. I don't want to spoil your fun, but I just don't think it would be appropriate in this topic.

I also second the idea of Mindwipe getting some kind of mod backup. Views differ greatly (as we have seen) and having someone with a different kind of view may benefit both the growth of the mods and this site.
09/27/13 05:50PM
Thank you, Mindwipe and Vanndril. I know it wasn't the decision you wanted to make, but I really do appreciate it.

And thank you for not stepping down, Mindwipe. Echoing what petal said, there are some decisions you've made I haven't completely agreed with in the past, but that doesn't change the fact that you're a fantastic mod. I'd feel pretty shitty if my leaving incited you to step down.

And yeah, Bullet, please don't take any of this personally. None of this mess is your fault, and none of us have anything against you. You just really shouldn't make an account on an adult website till you're 18.

Sorry for turning this thing into a huge drama bomb, guys. I'll stick around, this is my favorite hypno-site after all. I really hope there aren't any hard feelings.
09/27/13 05:54PM
HypnoMangaEditor said:
the recent comments kind of drift into a direction which makes this rather serious thread look weird.

Look at this thread, it's more emo-ness and butthurt feelings than something resembling serious.

Seriousness is for people wearing suits - I wouldn't be surprised if half the people here aren't even properly wearing their pants.

The only thing serious we need is to seriously chill down.
09/27/13 06:04PM
Huh, sorry (?)
Bullet know that the people don't hate him, I hope ^^
And I feel that the discussion finished, why continue with it?
To me all people looks so tired of it all, why don't relax a little now?

09/27/13 09:13PM
Stem_Cell said:
Seriousness is for people wearing suits - I wouldn't be surprised if half the people here aren't even properly wearing their pants.

Well, if it makes you feel any better, I'm not even WEARING pants, let alone properly!

Anyway, I suppose HME is right. The topic at hand has been taken care of. It's time to close the thread.

Just some final words...

Glad you decided to stay, Vorp (although I knew you would :P).


Sorry to see this happen to you, Bull3t (if you see this). I hope to see you again sometime in the future. You really did have some potential in the manipping department, so I hope you keep at that and have many wonderful works to share with us when the time is right. Good luck to you.
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