08/10/14 03:38AM
Any chance for WebM support?
I don't know if the website has the infrastructure to support them or if its even possible, but it would make uploading clips from videos easier without having to make a second YouTube account just to do it.
08/10/14 05:08AM
Ocumuraj said:
I don't know if the website has the infrastructure to support them or if its even possible, but it would make uploading clips from videos easier without having to make a second YouTube account just to do it.

Wait....how do you upload here with youtube? o0
Do we somehow share the same user-database?
08/10/14 05:52AM
I want WebMD support instead. Just automatically tags every image with 'Cancer', no matter what the image shows.
08/10/14 06:18AM
Anno1404 said:
Wait....how do you upload here with youtube? o0
Do we somehow share the same user-database?

Err sorry i meant uploading clips onto youtube. Id like to upload longer gifs to this site. Hell I don't even want sound, tho it would be cool.

Chaytel said:
I want WebMD support instead. Just automatically tags every image with 'Cancer', no matter what the image shows.

10 outa 10
08/10/14 09:06AM
While this isn't the sort of thing I could possibly do myself, I can pass along your suggestion to the developer of the My Imouto Booru software that we use. He's got bigger fish to fry, though, so I highly doubt it will happen any time soon, if at all.
08/10/14 11:19AM
We're using the permanently-in-development status of all modern software as a convenient excuse to never do anything.

It actually works pretty good.
08/10/14 11:38AM
greasyi said:
We're using the permanently-in-development status of all modern software as a convenient excuse to never do anything.

It actually works pretty good.

Indeed! Current predictions are that I can avoid having to seriously learn web development languages for another...

*does serious maths*

10 years!

But in all seriousness, the My Imouto Booru software is one hobbyist developer's pet project, which means what shall be done with it is entirely dependent on his whim. As we're the sort of unofficial official live test site for the software per our hosting agreements with Slayerduck, who wants to eventually use this software as a replacement for the beta Gelbooru software currently utilized by Booru.org, we have to be careful with how far we stray from the official software via personal modifications.
08/11/14 05:32AM
Would having an idea how other sites (4chan) did it help any?
08/11/14 12:41PM
I'm sorry. I really don't know enough about this sort of thing to be of any real help. I doubt I'd understand what you'd be trying to explain to me, anyway.

You might be better off contacting the developer of the software, instead, for any of the technical talk involving WebM or anything similar. He uses <<github.com/myimouto/myimouto|github>>, so you could make the suggestion and start the conversation in the <<github.com/myimouto/myimouto/issues/new|ticket system>>.

I'm not even sure if he intends to ever add any sort of video support to the software, however, so it may be worth asking that first.
08/11/14 12:57PM
Vanndril said:
I'm not even sure if he intends to ever add any sort of video support to the software, however, so it may be worth asking that first.

Videos could even blow up our server HDD space D:
Atleast if it supports any video length...
08/11/14 01:01PM
Anno1404 said:
Videos could even blow up our server HDD space D:
Atleast if it supports any video length...

Well, we'd most likely have limitations. If the dev ever did add video support to the gallery, I'm sure the video files would adhere to the file size limit options already in place.
08/11/14 01:05PM
I don't think hosting videos would be a good idea. Now, allowing YouTube embeds in place of images, that I could get behind. I like me some pics but it's nice to hear things every once in a while, and searching "hypnosis orgasm" or whatever on YouTube got old 4 years ago. Our tags could turn up something nice. Hosting videos and audio, on the other hand, could lead to the site getting pegged a bunch with takedown notices when people keep uploading pay files.

That said I doubt the original dev wants anything to do with vids anyways since he's making the site pretty explicitly for image stuff and seems to fuck up a lot of kinda basic stuff, but I don't know enough about PHP to know what's basic. You'd probably need someone else to do it.
08/11/14 01:14PM
TakyonH said:
and seems to fuck up a lot of kinda basic stuff, but I don't know enough about PHP to know what's basic

Nothing about PHP is basic. PHP is easily the most uncooperative programming language out there (not to be confused with hardest to use or learn). In fact, many experienced programmers refuse to even call it a programming language, because it doesn't seem to fit the criteria needed to be met in order to be considered one.

If I remember what I read correctly, PHP is unreliable in that it's not always evident in what it will do when you use the same line of code in different situations. That is, PHP is unpredictable and interferes with itself, which causes strange happenings that shouldn't work the way they do.
08/11/14 01:25PM
That's pretty much what I've heard about PHP. I read a really long article bashing its technical bullshit once that everyone seemed to agree with. I think the other problem is that everyone agrees it sucks so nobody wants to learn it anymore, but things have already been written in it and need to be maintained, so it creates a sort of artificial demand for itself while being less able to actually produce anything new due to a lack of developer interest. Like, if the site was js, I'd totally be up for writing shit for it so I'd have an excuse to really learn how the language is used. PHP? I want excuses to not learn PHP.
08/13/14 05:36AM
Chaytel said:
I want WebMD support instead. Just automatically tags every image with 'Cancer', no matter what the image shows.

i know a couple of sites that could use that system
ill tell you that for free

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