08/10/14 07:05AM
Sims 2/3 mods? (or any game mods, really)
I've been considering getting back into one of the sims games, and have wondered if anyone's found any game mods that cater to MC content in any way (be it sexy or not)- I seem to recall once seeing a "hypno wheel" mod of some sort for sims 2 where your sim could stare at it to relax, (I think) but it seems to have been removed from modthesims2 where I found it years ago

I suppose yeah, sims is already 95% giving commands to your slaves, but there's rarely any "style" to it (dialogue, expressions, etc) to make it really feel like MC

Similarly, has anyone else discovered hypno mods for other frequently modded games? Sadly my PC gaming is limited by my OS, but would be a good thing to keep in mind for the future
08/10/14 08:28AM
Sims 3 has a hypno-wheel in vanilla or one of the xpacs (just torrent all of them anyways.) Sims 1 had hypnosis in the Makin' Magic xpac.
08/10/14 09:15AM
I vaguely recall a mod that had an unofficial addon-mod for TES:Skyrim. The Paradise Halls (I think it was called) slavery mod had another user create an MC spell and potions mod that works with it which allows you to enslave NPCs via spell, potion (using the poisoning perk, whatever it's called), or magical soul-binding collars (the default method of Paradise Halls).

All in all, it wasn't very good. I mean, it was obviously a work in progress, and the newer versions of Paradise Halls are incompatible with the MC spell and potions addon. As well, no one has created an updated version of the MC addon, as it was created by someone other than the person who made/is making Paradise Halls.

Paradise Halls in and of itself is aiming to be a realistic and in-dept slavery system for Skyrim, between capturing potential NPC slaves with whip and collar in hand (like a boss) and training your slaves by conditioning them through repetition, punishment, reward, and conversation. But there's no actual MC to be found within it, as the project creator has moved on from the whole soul-binding collars gig to more traditional, realistic methods.

I also know for a fact that some of the Fallout games have MC, whether they be mods or official content. I don't own the games, however, so I know nothing more.

I vaguely recall a thread back on Hypnochan, when that was a thing, mentioned that Vampire: The Masquerade has some weird item that allows you to make a thrall of another vampire if you can convince them to drink it (it's some sort of blood-filled creature). Again, I don't know if it's a mod or an actual part of the game.

That's about all I can remember off the top of my head.
08/10/14 11:34AM
I tried Paradise halls, it is a pain in the arse. The older versions that are compatible with Magic and Potions don't have training, and selling slaves has always had a game breaking bug in it that makes enslaving anyone after selling one slave have massive issues.

Someone made a third party patch to fix that for the later versions, but the new version gets rid of the mind control aspect of the slave collars, and relies on a bleedout mechanic that is completely unreliable due to many NPCs just plain not going into the bleedout state before dying even if you use the whip to whittle them down one HP at a time.

Also, the guards in Skyrim are the worst thing ever for playing any character that does illegal stuff. Can't just sneak into some NPC's house an enslave them because guards instantly burst through the door the instant you try. Makes me wonder how that murder plot in Windhelm managed to even happen.
08/10/14 12:00PM
Changer said:
Makes me wonder how that murder plot in Windhelm managed to even happen.

In case you don't know, that quest is notorious. It was known for a long time as one of the buggiest quests in the game, which took many attempts and patches to fix. And even now, there's a good chance it will just not work. For example, the murdered woman can die to a dragon or vampire or wombat or whatever-else attack before you even reach the city, stopping the quest from ever even starting. If anyone involved with the quest dies before you finish it, the quest will still tell you to find them, but they'll be dead and gone and you'll be stuck. Permanently.

For all the things Skyrim was, it was anything but bug-free.

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