08/10/14 01:45PM
Hypno dreams...
Has anyone had a dream where they were hypnotized, or hypnotized someone else? (Feel free to share, even if it wasn't just a dream)

Here's the dream I had about a week ago.

I found myself in a very large house, I didn't know anyone living there. There was a mom, a 12-year-old boy, and several 7-year-old girls. I got lost in the house, and the boy found me in one of the bathrooms. He used a pendulum to hypnotize me, and gradually, as he hypnotized me, I too turned into a 7-year-old girl, one of his slaves.
08/10/14 03:24PM
That would be a terrible fate. You'd have to wait 11 whole years to come back to the site! :O

08/10/14 04:10PM
I've had a few. Posted them here.
08/10/14 05:49PM
I had a dream once that incorporated my sleep paralysis, but in a good way. I was hypnotized by a lamia to be paralyzed so I could not move while she started trying to have her way with me.

Being hypnotized in a dream has an unusual feeling, too. It's like my brain is buzzing and everything gets washed out by white noise. It's very pleasant.
08/10/14 08:38PM
I've never been hypnotized IRL but I did have a dream I was hypnotized by one of my lady friends once, long ago, it was strange because it didn't feel like much of a relaxation and slowly going under thing but rather someone rewriting my brain to make me do everything they say. It was fun but I felt awkward talking to her the day after, damn dreams, she must never know.
08/10/14 09:33PM
The last wet dream I had (2 or 3 years ago now?) was hypnosis. Like, it's a kinda lame story compared to my other dreams, which are usually vivid and fucked up with body horror and painful shit (see my avatar for my face a few minutes after I wake up every other morning.) Apparently my brain wanted to show some mercy that time though because it was just straight up hypnosis, no crazy shit. Was at a summer camp and they had some lady visitor come in to do a presentation on everyone's favorite topic. When she started hypnotizing me I think it went 3rd person, kinda. It didn't even get to the point where she had me do anything; the induction alone was enough to, ah, wake me up. Good times, good times. The other couple times I fucked my sheets were less fun so 9/10 dream breddy gud.
08/10/14 11:31PM
I wish I had dreams; 99% of the time I just go to sleep and wake up. Maybe I'm too tired or something. The few times I've had dreams I can remember they were either nightmares or non-hypno related.
08/10/14 11:39PM
Dreamshade said:
I wish I had dreams

Noooo you don't. People are always like "Oh, dreams are so cool, I'm gonna start writing down stuff so I remember them better!" You know when most stop that? When the fucked up stuff starts happening, that's when. You know how when you wake up you're all tired and weird for a minute? Yeah, that's the level your brain's on when it's making up the dreams you see. And then you have to live with having imagined that fucked up situation. Even the good dreams get bad when you remember them clearly enough and get to thinking about them.

Edit: Oh, now that I'm thinking about this, another hypno-dream I had - there was this big floating pink mansion in the sky. Well, most all the furniture and walls and the floors were pink, and I seem to remember sky. I only saw it from the inside, though. It was supposedly a school of sorts, but there was only one old dude there, aside from the rest of us. We were kids, mostly, though I think there were a few of our parents around (I vaguely remember my own family being there, but not very clearly.) We hear the old man's voice, and I can pretty clearly remember what he looked like, but it's in our heads. At that point, everyone else freezes. Then they get all trancey and he tells us to go to him. They all move slow and zombie-like, and I don't remember what he told them to do when they got there, but I think it was really bad, so I'm thinking, "I can get there first and stop him!" And I run through this mansion, up stairs and past all this freaky magical shit -- weird creatures I can't describe now, floating blue crystals with lightning inside them and stuff like that you'd see in a TES game, and I get to his room... And everyone else is already there, and the dream ends. I like to think we were all like, "I'll be the one to stop him from doing this!" And then we all wound up there, oblivious to our own situation. That one was fucked up because I remember being really worried about what he was gonna do to everyone. Pretty sure it involved some weird horrific transformation stuff. And I ran to it... Dreams: not even once.
08/11/14 12:53AM
Did everyone miss that we already have a thread for this? Here's the link again:

I'm gonna go ahead and close this thread.

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