08/14/14 12:12PM
Hello World/What Do You Think?
Ello, community.

. I am new. I am hoping to have some fun here. <(^_^)>

. What do you guys normally talk about on here? (Silly question, I know) Any games?

. I read a few posts.
. Dream stories are cool. It is ironic that you are dreaming about hypnotism, isn't it? Maybe it was not a dream. <(o_- )>
. PC master race. I am not sharing my steam information either. (Not without persuasion anyways)

That was the "Hello World" part.
Here is the "What do you think?" part:

. I am (I think) a heterosexual male.
. My best friend is a homosexual male furry. (A wusky: wolf/husky mix) He has been exploring his sexual nature and has shared some of it with me. Through his exploration, he met a furry. This furry only had black cat ears and a tail when they met.
. Wusky said he got playful and pulled on the tail gently.
. Cat turned around smiling and looked directly into his eyes and said, "That is flirting in the furry community." They had a relationship for a short time, but later became good friends.
. Cat is a short trangendered male. (This is why the relationship did not last) Cat has not had anything major done due to a lack of money, but they do take testosterone medication and wear a binder.
. I hang out with Cat and Wusky a lot. Sometimes, Wusky likes to think he is putting me in an awkward situation by talking about "gay things." He asked me what kind of "fursona" I think I am.
. The cat looked directly into my eyes, smiling, and asked excitingly, "Yeah, are you a cat?"
. I have a weird desire for short, near-flat-chested women. Looking down into Cat's eyes, I feel a warmth come over my face as I say, "Yeah." My voice reached an unusually excited tone.
. "Really?" Wusky said.
. I thought to myself: /Damn. I need a reason to really drive it home./ Scratching my beard I thought of an answer. "Yeah... A lion of course!"
. We shared a laugh, but I could not help but realize I had a crush on Cat. What do you think? Am I gay for that?
08/14/14 12:27PM
Interesting first post.

First off, welcome to the Hub. It's nice to have you here.

As for your question pertaining to that interesting story: the short answer is "Yes", but the answer truly isn't so black and white.

First, some background information: Male and Female are not so separate as people think. Beyond the physiological differences, all else that separates the two genders is founded by society. A little known fact is that homosexual behavior is actually the norm for every other species other than people and is only not the norm for most people due to societal norms. It's theorized, by sociologists in particular, that people are, by default, bisexual, with their more fine-tuned sexuality painted by their environment and society. What this entails is that your interest in the opposite sex is superficial. It is what you see females as that attracts you.

So, how does this relate to your question? Well, we're talking a transgender, here. Even if you're completely heterosexual, you might find yourself attracted to this person because of their attractive feminine attributes.

So, the question you asked: are you gay? Well, are you homosexual? Do you find men in general sexually attractive? If not, then no. Even if you did, for example, have sexual relations with this transgender male, you, yourself, would not be homosexual, because you're attracted to the more feminine attributes that he has, even if the act of sex itself would be homosexual.
08/14/14 12:29PM
if it's cute, fuck it
who cares if you're straight or homo or bi or pan or purple
fuck the cat CSS
do it
08/14/14 12:35PM
TakyonH said:
if it's cute, fuck it

08/14/14 12:47PM
Dreamshade said:

Original Quote Do Not Steal
I dunno where I heard it in the first place. I think the whole thing was "There is no gay, there is only cute. If it's cute, fuck it." Actually scratch that; it was one of those wolf macros on /b/ fucking ages (4+ years) ago.

OP - Alexander the Great fucked dudes full stop. No trans business or anything and he nearly took over the world; he didn't give a fuck. If being in a relationship with a trans-whoever isn't going to stop you from taking over the world, why worry?
08/14/14 01:01PM
TakyonH said:
if it's cute, fuck it


*unzips pants*
08/14/14 01:07PM
Mindwipe said:

*unzips pants*

printed out and framed
08/14/14 01:28PM
TakyonH said:
printed out and framed

Send me a copy. :3

For posterity.
08/14/14 02:05PM
A cat is fine too.

Seriously though it's hard to really tell when you're into transgender territory. What's the feminine to masculine ratio? Then again even if it's one way or the other it doesn't make that much of a difference. Don't worry about it too much, everybody has gay thoughts once in a while. Just don't force anything or you'll end up in an awkward situation.
08/14/14 02:19PM
eshie said:
Just don't force anything or you'll end up in an awkward situation.

This is advice to live by.
08/14/14 03:43PM
eshie said:
What's the feminine to masculine ratio?

Robin Thicke sang:

08/14/14 05:28PM
. Cat is- Well... Was more feminine than masculine. (I knew them before the testosterone medication) It was their voice that was especially cute. Looking back, I remember thinking that their face was actually quite ugly. I guess that changed the more I got to being around them.

. Since this situation with Cat, I have begun to see the feminine side of men in a sexual nature. I guess I am just surprised that I have been ignorant of it for so long. If I had to label myself, though, I think I am straight.

. On second thought, this realization is not too surprising. I remember being around 15 years old and having friends over. They would steal my mom's magazines and play hot or not. Meanwhile, I would look at them, holding a Playstation controller, playing Abe's Oddysee, and say, "Uh... Why are we not gaming? Hello! We are still kids! How do you even have an opinion of those girls?!" I must be a late bloomer. :P

. It is amazing how our minds develop, right? How easy it is to have an illusion pulled over your eyes.
08/15/14 01:45AM
First off, welcome to the hub. Hope you enjoy your stay here.

Vanndril said:

The more you know. :O

Anyway, I honestly wouldn't worry about what kind of label you fall under too much. Just find someone who you like and try to make it work.
08/15/14 01:56AM
If you worry too much about your love fitting the definition of a preexisting label then you could wind up missing out.

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