08/16/14 05:16PM
HypnoHub Administration AMA
It's our one year anniversary! I can't really do a whole lot special to celebrate, but I thought I'd do a special stream where I'd answer any questions you might have. I plan to do the stream at 2 PM CST on my Twitch channel ( www.twitch.tv/hypstermindwipe ). Basically, I'll just be playing a random game while I answer questions.

The reason I'm making this thread is not just to advertise, but also to give those who can't make the stream a chance to ask their questions anyway. Post any question you have here, and I will answer it in here and in the stream (if you ask before I start). It can be any question. It isn't required to be Hub-related. However, I do reserve the right to not answer some questions, depending on the content. If you want, feel free to ask Vanndril questions too. I doubt he'll be in the stream with me, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind answering some stuff in here.

One more thing: at the end of the stream (it probably won't last more than an hour and a half to two hours), I plan on revealing something. Some of you already know about it (and I ask you not to mention it here), but some of you will be very surprised. Even if you know what it is, you'll still likely see something you haven't seen before.
08/16/14 07:42PM
For both Mindwipe and Vanndril:

Boxers or briefs?

08/16/14 09:22PM
Character and control method that you think don't have enough art?
08/16/14 11:57PM
PomPom said:
Boxers or briefs?

Boxers, like a boss.

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say that Mindwipe wear's Tighty Whities. :P
08/17/14 12:25AM
PomPom said:
Boxers or briefs?

Boxer briefs. Best of both worlds. (Hey, I'm a switch. :P)

Dr_Mabuse said:
Character and control method that you think don't have enough art?

I could spend all day listing characters I think don't have enough art. It would mainly be a list of my favorite characters. Control method: singing. Like siren songs. I find that really hot.
08/17/14 01:30AM
For both Mindwipe and Vanndril, favorite ship of people on the hub or IRC in general and favorite ship that involves yourself? >____>

Also sorry I missed the stream.
08/17/14 02:23AM
strangeperson said:
Also sorry I missed the stream.

It was full of TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES and links to dramatic youtube music in chat.

strangeperson said:
For both Mindwipe and Vanndril, favorite ship of people on the hub or IRC in general and favorite ship that involves yourself? >____>

I'm not privy to most of the ships. In fact, I pretty much only know the ones related to me. :P

So my answer to both questions has got to be VanndrilxMindwipe, because that opens the doors to endless potential jokes and gives me equally endless fodder to use to mess with Mindwipe. XD

Though, if Stemcell and Kinkyloli were still around here, I'd have to choose them as my overall favorite ship. I mean, they weren't really a ship, but an actual couple, but it was a cute as hell relationship.

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