09/26/13 06:49PM
Which Operating Systems do you use?
As I saw our community growing I thought why not start a thread about OS(s)^^
Which one do you use?
or prefer mobile like
Android,iOS,Windows Mobile,Windows Phone,BlackberryOS ?

Or do you even use a operating system? Do you browse on your calculator? Or on your microwave (Vanndril?) ? :P
09/26/13 06:56PM
Windows 8, though I'd much prefer to use 7. Unfortunately, 8 came installed on my new laptop and I've had neither the time nor the money to get 7 on there instead.
09/26/13 07:13PM
Mac OSX 10.6.8, and I play games on Bootcamp with Windows 7.
09/26/13 08:31PM
AC said:
Windows 8, though I'd much prefer to use 7. Unfortunately, 8 came installed on my new laptop and I've had neither the time nor the money to get 7 on there instead.

I use Windows 7. It's like XP but better! But I am interested in the chrome OS.
09/26/13 09:22PM
AC said:
Windows 8, though I'd much prefer to use 7. Unfortunately, 8 came installed on my new laptop and I've had neither the time nor the money to get 7 on there instead.

I tested all Win 8 versions in virtual vomputers and came to the same conclusion^^
But I heard some manifacturers wanted to offer a free downgrade to 7...Maybe yours too? :\
09/26/13 09:26PM
Windows 7 for my desktop and my 5 year old laptop (which still has me flabbergasted at how it's still alive after all it's been through) runs Windows XP.

Windows 8 looks silly to me. :c
09/26/13 10:00PM
RebKMG said:
Windows 7 for my desktop and my 5 year old laptop (which still has me flabbergasted at how it's still alive after all it's been through) runs Windows XP.

Windows 8 looks silly to me. :c

My friend, a computer science major, played around with Windows 8. Took him 3 hours to figure out how to do basic functions in 7. After that he made sure he had his Windows 7 disk handy.
09/26/13 11:11PM
You mean computers don't run on voodoo?
09/27/13 12:25AM
My laptop uses Windows 7. For three straight years, she's been doing pretty fine.

When I make a gaming PC this year, I might go with Windows 8. I'll see how it turns out.
09/27/13 01:50AM
Mindwipe said:
You mean computers don't run on voodoo?

Nope and Mayonnaise is not an instrument neither! :P
09/27/13 02:38AM
Fossilbrand said:
My friend, a computer science major, played around with Windows 8. Took him 3 hours to figure out how to do basic functions in 7. After that he made sure he had his Windows 7 disk handy.

You have to get used to 8. On the upside, its core is even a little bit better than 7, but not by much. You can make it run like 7, look like 7, but you don't exactly gain much. That said, 8 is the better OS if you know how to tweak it, everyone else I'd advise to stick to 7.

Looking into the future, Linux might be a good choice - maybe dual booting with Steam OS. We will have to see how it works out, but I think Linux is going to be pushed hard as Multimedia/Gaming rig the next couple of years. We cannot count on MS to do this, because directX has been going nowhere for years. Lucky for us, nem GPU API's are in the making that run on both windows and Linux, which may make DirectX and the dependency on the MS OS for Gamers obsolete.

There's a lot of possible traffic here and we may see a shift,
09/27/13 03:56AM
Mindwipe said:
You mean computers don't run on voodoo?

Won't lie. Spent 10 minutes on google trying to find an image of this.

I run Windows 7 and my laptop. I have a free copy of Windows 8 from my college, but... I've tried it and it just makes me wonder why they made the changes they did? Honestly, it's not that big a deal. Just need to refind everything. I suppose the biggest boon of 8 is better touch screen usage.
09/27/13 10:49AM
AC said:
Windows 8, though I'd much prefer to use 7. Unfortunately, 8 came installed on my new laptop and I've had neither the time nor the money to get 7 on there instead.

Mine also came with Windows 8, and it didn't take much time for me to put 7 on it - it's a necessity. Windows 8 is just horrible for everything other than Cut The Rope or whatever people are doing with it (Facebook, etc).

Fossilbrand said:
But I am interested in the chrome OS.

Are you aware that Chrome OS is just Linux modified to only load Google Chrome right? You've got Chrome OS already, just install Google Chrome.

Fossilbrand said:
My friend, a computer science major, played around with Windows 8. Took him 3 hours to figure out how to do basic functions in 7. After that he made sure he had his Windows 7 disk handy.

Give me one hour and I write you a basic Windows 8 app, but don't ask me to use one.

Mindwipe said:
You mean computers don't run on voodoo?

<<|They do>>.

HypnoMangaEditor said:
Lucky for us, nem GPU API's are in the making that run on both windows and Linux, which may make DirectX and the dependency on the MS OS for Gamers obsolete.

If you're talking about OpenGL, not only that thing can replace DirectX, it has already done that in many areas (like WebGL which probably will allow impressive games running on the browser no less).

I've also used Linux in the past and still do for any task that requires a decent scripting environment, plus in my Windows I have lots of Linux utilities because I can't be happy without them.
09/27/13 11:25AM

09/27/13 12:57PM
Stem_Cell said:
If you're talking about OpenGL, not only that thing can replace DirectX, it has already done that in many areas (like WebGL which probably will allow impressive games running on the browser no less).

I've also used Linux in the past and still do for any task that requires a decent scripting environment, plus in my Windows I have lots of Linux utilities because I can't be happy without them.

No I am not talking about OpenGL (that one's been around for years and failed to bring down directX). A couple of days ago AMD had a Press Conference and talked about their new API "Mantle". Nvidia also did a 180 and said they will release more Information for nvidia drivers to become better on Linux (which is only logical after the announcement of steam os, they need to at least be dominant in the PC sector, seeing that they are not involved in the new console generations at all).

So yeah, more rivalry, which is good for us customers - means better/cheaper products and technology advancement.

The things I need when I am not gaming is a browser, gimp, xbmc and trillian - all of which do have a linux version. So they only need to make it work with most PC games and I will happily dive into Linux.
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