08/23/14 02:28AM
Hypnofood pics restored. Artist removed from DNP list.
Hello friends. A few days ago, a few of us were fortunate enough to communicate with a fan-favorite artist and long-time Hub supporter, and after some encouragement and puppy dog eyes, he was gracious enough to let us display his pics again. Please welcome back Hypnofood, and please let him know if you're a fan.

PS: All favorites and votes from the old pics are still saved, with the exception of child posts. So, if you favorited hypfoo's stuff, double check to make sure your favorites are still there. Also, pools were removed. We'll have to re-add those manually.
08/23/14 02:35AM
Yayy one from my top 3 artists back :DDDDDDDDDDDD
08/23/14 02:36AM
Note: There appears to be an issue with some of the restored pics not showing up in any searches. We'll try to work this out as soon as possible.
08/23/14 02:44AM
Great to see an artist rethinking his retirement and making his old pics available again :).

Now if we only can get Faustus to reupload her stuff again ^^...
08/23/14 02:48AM
Mindwipe said:
Note: There appears to be an issue with some of the restored pics not showing up in any searches. We'll try to work this out as soon as possible.

Damn :D it like quest! How much XP i have for this :D?
08/23/14 03:10AM
08/23/14 03:33AM
I think all the pics should show up again. If you notice any pics still missing from the hypnofood tag, let me know. Or, if you can access the post page yourself, just click "save" on the tags. That fixes it.
08/23/14 03:55AM
Dantus said:
Now if we only can get Faustus to reupload her stuff again ^^...

It's even easier to convince someone to give you $1.000.000 than to convince her to reupload :\
She didn't even respond to my FB message :'(
08/23/14 06:49AM
Ah, that's great! Was wondering why the counter had suddenly jumped up by about 64 images when there were only 3 new ones.

08/23/14 03:04PM
Anno1404 said:
It's even easier to convince someone to give you $1.000.000 than to convince her to reupload :\
She didn't even respond to my FB message :'(

Sigh, what a shame.
I don't really see the logic in her actions either. Being harassed for posting RL manips of yourself and feeling the need to keep a low profile as a result is one thing, but deleting all your drawn art while still keeping the RL manips online and showing your face now and then is absolutely counterproductive. Refusing to do the community a favor and to upload your art again under those circumstances even more so <.<...

Might be she had a Hypnofood type fit, suddenly considering her art not good enough to be online, but really her art style was superb
08/24/14 07:01PM
Mindwipe said:
Note: There appears to be an issue with some of the restored pics not showing up in any searches. We'll try to work this out as soon as possible.

And I immediately thought: "Oh, damn. Looks like I better get to work."

Then I read...

Mindwipe said:
I think all the pics should show up again. If you notice any pics still missing from the hypnofood tag, let me know. Or, if you can access the post page yourself, just click "save" on the tags. That fixes it.

And now I'm both relieved that such an easy solution was found, and worried that I have no idea what may have caused this. o.O
08/26/14 01:57AM
Mindwipe said:
Hello friends. A few days ago, a few of us were fortunate enough to communicate with a fan-favorite artist and long-time Hub supporter, and after some encouragement and puppy dog eyes, he was gracious enough to let us display his pics again. Please welcome back Hypnofood, and please let him know if you're a fan.

PS: All favorites and votes from the old pics are still saved, with the exception of child posts. So, if you favorited hypfoo's stuff, double check to make sure your favorites are still there. Also, pools were removed. We'll have to re-add those manually.

My reaction to this news.


Dantus said:
Great to see an artist rethinking his retirement and making his old pics available again :).

Now if we only can get Faustus to reupload her stuff again ^^...

A lot of her stuff is still on the Hub. Would be great to see her come back again though.

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