08/29/14 09:11PM
New to the forum
Ive been a lurker for a long time, but I think its finally time I join in on the discussion fun. Cool to see like minds here.

Anyway, here I am. Nice to meet you all :)

Please check out my commission request thread if you are aspiring to make some money

08/30/14 07:40AM
Welcome avatar-less sir or madam. I like ahegaos too.

Hopefully you'll have a good time, even though it sometimes takes a while for responses to come.
08/30/14 05:00PM
DunkelSpiral said:
Welcome avatar-less sir or madam. I like ahegaos too.

Hopefully you'll have a good time, even though it sometimes takes a while for responses to come.

Don't be silly 10 hours is a great response time. I had a look at your request but it's too furry for me, sorry. I can totally draw you some ahegao though! I think I'm open for commissions but having not done one properly yet I'm not too sure what I'm doing.

Anyway, nice to meet you too, I've only started being active a few months now but I already feel at home here. It's a comfy corner of the Internet and I think we can get along well. Oh, and here are your complimentary keys with keychain, don't ask what they're for.

08/31/14 08:25AM
Welcome to the Hub. It's always glad to see a new face.

*hands the orientation pamphlet* I would recommend reading that. And pay extra close attention to the pictures with the spirals on it. >_>
08/31/14 10:01AM
Ah! Welcome, welcome! I do so love it when lurkers decide to join in all the fun!

Let me guess: you like hypnosis and ahegao? :P And a taste in Thundercats is never a bad thing.
09/01/14 01:02AM
Believe it or not, I actually don't like furry all that much. But I have always wanted to see Wilykit like that. And to make matters worse, an ahegao overrules almost anything and makes it pron material for me. No idea why I love it so much. Tried looking up explanations for the fetish...hypnosis is pretty easy, but I have no clue about eye rolling/ahegao.

My username is uncreative as hell. But it works. And it doesn't hide why I am here XD

Call me HA
09/01/14 01:36AM
hypnoahegao, you need to change your avatar. Avatars using loli/shota pics cannot show any part that is nsfw.
09/01/14 11:36AM
A strange rule, given the nature of the site itself...but I fixed it. Thanks
09/01/14 03:51PM
hypnoahegao said:
A strange rule, given the nature of the site itself...but I fixed it. Thanks

Loli, shota, and death content are automatically blacklisted when tagged. They're still viewable under hidden posts, but avatars aren't affected by blacklists. This causes those who dont want to see such content to see it anyway. Hence why that rule exists.
09/02/14 01:57AM
PomPom said:
Loli, shota, and death content are automatically blacklisted when tagged. They're still viewable under hidden posts, but avatars aren't affected by blacklists. This causes those who dont want to see such content to see it anyway. Hence why that rule exists.

Pretty much. Plus the fact that loli/shota are illegal in many countries which our users may be from, thus the rule of them not being nsfw in avatars in particular.

hypnoahegao said:
an ahegao overrules almost anything and makes it pron material for me.

I know the feeling. Mind Control is the same for me. It overrules nearly anything and makes it sexy just by being there.

hypnoahegao said:
Tried looking up explanations for the fetish...hypnosis is pretty easy, but I have no clue about eye rolling/ahegao.

Most likely has something to do with eye rolling and ahegao being visual representations of states of extreme pleasure.
09/04/14 10:28AM
While my sexual orientation is heterosexual, I sometimes lose alot of my "standards" when a good ahegao or hypnosis theme is introduced. Of course, it has to be done to match my specific taste for me to even consider going outside the comfort zone.....

This for example is furry/shota. Something I normally hate...but the eyes and face are SO good...

I just love seeing it when a character is sent into complete bliss and fuck inside their little heads.....

Even as a child I remember feeling a certain way about mind control and eye rolling...so maybe I just have had a natural affinity for it all along?

I wish I could find good IRL porn involving an ahegao and mind break theme...

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