PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
046592Kaguya-san!fdg2021-11-18 19:00:39Revert
046593Can you keep looking at the screen of this smartphone!fdg2021-11-18 19:03:00Revert
046594Smartphone screen?fdg2021-11-18 19:03:26Revert
046595Do you know what a hypnosis app is?fdg2021-11-18 19:04:36Revert
046596If I use this, you will listen to anything I say!fdg2021-11-18 19:06:41Revert
046597Why don't you go on a diet instead of talking nonsense?fdg2021-11-18 19:17:06Revert
046598Na!fdg2021-11-18 19:17:30Revert
046599Backbiting!fdg2021-11-18 19:18:45Revert
046600You can't hypnotize with that kind of thing...fdg2021-11-18 19:20:17Revert
046601Why don't you go study without messing around?fdg2021-11-18 19:21:42Revert