PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
046658Fujiwara-san told me to lick it, but it feel weirdfdg2021-11-18 21:42:24Revert
fdg2021-11-18 21:42:56Revert
046660Come on lick it plea-fdg2021-11-18 21:43:35Revert
046661What does hypnosis mean?fdg2021-11-18 21:44:02Revert
046662Why am I licking Fujiwara-san's feet...?fdg2021-11-18 21:44:36Revert
046663Ehfdg2021-11-18 21:44:45Revert
046664...That?fdg2021-11-18 21:45:03Revert
046665Are the effect of the application about to run out?fdg2021-11-18 21:46:20Revert
046666I didn't think much about it, but what would happen to me if this hypnosis was lifted?fdg2021-11-18 21:46:50Revert
046667For the time being, once again...fdg2021-11-18 21:47:10Revert