PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
046698I can see that you're just looking at my legs and expecting something~fdg2021-11-18 23:27:38Revert
046699Hayasaka-san!fdg2021-11-18 23:27:50Revert
046700Yes!fdg2021-11-18 23:28:03Revert
046701I'm glad that you remember what I taught you earlier.fdg2021-11-18 23:28:50Revert
046702Like Hayasaka-san, let's make it so you won't forget even if the effect runs out!fdg2021-11-18 23:30:12Revert
046703Kaguya-san, look over herefdg2021-11-18 23:30:31Revert
046704Breathe out~fdg2021-11-18 23:31:27Revert
046705That...?fdg2021-11-18 23:31:44Revert
046706Please close your mouth!fdg2021-11-18 23:32:00Revert
046707The effect of the app is about to run out and my body would be able to move freely ... butfdg2021-11-18 23:33:26Revert
046708Breathe in with your nosefdg2021-11-18 23:33:45Revert
046709I want to sniff... the thick smell ...fdg2021-11-18 23:35:15Revert
046710I love this smell...fdg2021-11-18 23:35:52Revert
046711I don't want to endure...fdg2021-11-18 23:36:27Revert
046712But... but it doesn't work...fdg2021-11-18 23:36:51Revert
046713Just a littlefdg2021-11-18 23:37:19Revert