09/03/14 05:45AM
eshie said:
The less than makes green text on 4chan which is used for quoting mostly.... Sometimes.... The mfw mean My Face When which usually has a picture of a reaction posted with it, I'm guessing he's using his avatar as the reaction. Quest threads is what Mind Control Quest is and it's kinda explained above. Basically he's posting as if he were on 4chan.

best breakdown 2014

JonSmisu said:
The mfw. I didn't see any less than though. And now I want to criticize him for bad grammar. My face when what?

m8 you can't into pastebin so I don't even care

Mindwipe said:
No, it is 4chan. 4chan is 4chan. There is nothing nice on 4chan.

/po/ exists so CASE DISMISSED
09/03/14 06:28AM
TakyonH said:
best breakdown 2014

m8 you can't into pastebin so I don't even care

/po/ exists so CASE DISMISSED

Is it that big of a deal, really? I'm being serious, is it that mind-numbingly bad? You're the only one who's said anything about it. I'm using the thing for this next entry, but I'm honestly baffled about why this is such an insult. Or are you being sarcastic or not entirely serious? If so, I apologize. I was joking myself with the grammar comment.
09/03/14 07:02AM
JonSmisu said:
are you being sarcastic or not entirely serious

Unless money is involved it's generally safe to assume this with me if you have to ask in the first place.

The reason I meme arrowed quest threads is because they suck the life out of /tg/. I don't know anything about this one in particular.
09/03/14 07:08AM
TakyonH said:
Unless money is involved it's generally safe to assume this with me if you have to ask in the first place.

The reason I meme arrowed quest threads is because they suck the life out of /tg/. I don't know anything about this one in particular.

...There's been a misunderstanding. I'll just drop this before I say something stupid. I was worried about that post, but there's clearly no harm now. I got my answer anyhow.
09/03/14 01:08PM
TakyonH said:
/po/ exists so CASE DISMISSED

For a second I thought you said /pol/.

TakyonH said:
The reason I meme arrowed quest threads is because they suck the life out of /tg/. I don't know anything about this one in particular.

I don't go to /tg/ so I have no idea of how quest threads are there but Mind Control quest is pretty good.

09/03/14 01:32PM
Okay, that took a LONG fucking time to read.

Still, Best Drone Best Girl.
09/04/14 10:01AM
I haven't been able to find the actual threads D:
09/14/14 08:08AM
Nooooo it died just when we were having robot sex with a goo girl
09/15/14 02:41PM
Bumping this thread to let everyone know about a new series I found called slaveworld.

Archive is here: archive.loveisover.me/d/search/subject/slaveworld

It's not mind control-focused, but there's a bit of it, with some of the characters being identity wipes and some being given triggers and such.
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