09/06/14 05:35AM
A third pic with Ariel ? You decide !
So, most of you know that I'm spending all my money in commissions to Sebastian. =p

In october, I will commission a third pic with Ariel. But most important, I would like to know what YOU want to see this time.

So that's why I created a poll with a list of characters that you can choose to be in this pic.
You have until 1 October to vote.
After that, the 4 characters who have the most voices will get the chance to hear Ariel's beautiful voice !

Here's the poll :
09/06/14 05:45AM
Lara Croft for me. Girl needs happiness after all the shit she went through.
09/06/14 05:56AM
Can I sacrifice my vote to give a -1 to Leela?
09/06/14 06:02AM
TakyonH said:
Can I sacrifice my vote to give a -1 to Leela?

You made me cry. Poor girl...
09/06/14 06:20AM
TakyonH said:
Can I sacrifice my vote to give a -1 to Leela?

Yeah, that was the only option in the poll that made me ew.
09/06/14 06:23AM
Hypno-tan must OBVIOUSLY win this poll!

Though, I'd also settle for DMG. <.<
09/06/14 06:29AM
Mindwipe said:
Yeah, that was the only option in the poll that made me ew.

Well, sorry about that.

Vanndril said:
Hypno-tan must OBVIOUSLY win this poll!

Though, I'd also settle for DMG. <.<

Yeah, I'm pretty sure she will win. ^^
09/06/14 08:22AM
Winry! Esp. with Rose.

Delicious, delicious rose...
09/06/14 08:55AM
Hypno-tan for me.
09/06/14 09:26AM
Sheena tho Winry is a nice option and the Martian queen would be interesting as well
09/06/14 10:25AM
Vanndril said:
Hypno-tan must OBVIOUSLY win this poll!

Though, I'd also settle for DMG. <.<

09/07/14 12:52AM
I came back here to make a joke about how the poll is rigged because Hypno-tan will just hypnotize everyone into voting for her, but then I realized there's a tie between her and "Winry RockBell with Rose Thomas".

Could Hypno-tan actually lose!? Or is she just lulling her opponents into a false sense of security?
09/07/14 01:01AM
Vanndril said:
I came back here to make a joke about how the poll is rigged because Hypno-tan will just hypnotize everyone into voting for her, but then I realized there's a tie between her and "Winry RockBell with Rose Thomas".

Could Hypno-tan actually lose!? Or is she just lulling her opponents into a false sense of security?

It seems that there will be a tight game between Hypno-Tan and the Winry/Rose couple. But the three of them should be in the pic.

I am more worried by the fourth character. Fuu, Sheena and Lara are fighting for the place.

EDIT : Oh. Good job Lara !
09/07/14 01:28AM
Roxa said:
EDIT : Oh. Good job Lara !

09/07/14 02:13AM
Contorted said:

And Fuu says : "Nope !"

I'm also surprised that DMG has just 3 voices.
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