09/11/14 05:54AM

DHB said:
But the thing is that judging a contest on writing,and judging on drawings are just to fair apart.
-On the drawing side, you have to access the visual qualities it has and how it meets the brief of the contest's theme.
-Where writing is a judgement of doing the same but, the visual part being based on the mental imaging of the readers. I don't particularly see a written piece standing up to visual design...

But if there is a way. to get more people involved, go for it.

I'm just saying that a picture tells a thousand words, and judging between the two media might be to difficult in the means of being fair and just.

We can possibly judge them on separate categories. So rather than having a mix of media going for the same prize we can have art, writing, and possibly manipping categories for the contest. But then distributing prizes becomes a problem since I'm not sure how many artists would be willing to do 2-3 full drawings. At least I'm not sure if I could handle that, dunno about other artists
09/11/14 06:15AM
Zko said:

We can possibly judge them on separate categories. So rather than having a mix of media going for the same prize we can have art, writing, and possibly manipping categories for the contest. But then distributing prizes becomes a problem since I'm not sure how many artists would be willing to do 2-3 full drawings. At least I'm not sure if I could handle that, dunno about other artists

I like the idea of separate categories, but yeah if the winners pick the same artist it could be too much. Maybe have artists volunteer to draw for that month, with one artist for each category's winner. This way every month it'll be different artists for different categories, and you can either enter them all or if a favorite artist is the prize you can choose that month to enter. This way people try to make great work in return for work from great artists. Seems like everyone would win this way
09/11/14 06:17AM
Can we writers work with artists to create manips? Because I was thinking about working with PomPom...
09/11/14 09:19AM
I'd def be down with a contest. It'd be a good excuse to start manipping again >.>
09/11/14 10:19AM
JonSmisu said:
Can we writers work with artists to create manips? Because I was thinking about working with PomPom...

If that was the case, you'd have to share the prize.. I mean, if ofcourse you where to win.
I'm not 100% sure how that would go between the two.
But, if that is what you wish.

And with the whole category idea, it might get to complicated for the hubs first contest.
I started this in the hopes for a quick simple contest, people get inspired and motivative in the community, they have fun entering and making their entries, one or two win~!
I would hope that we don't bite off more then we can chew, and that it becomes fun for every one.
Artist selection wise, I think grab all the artists that are offering up their talents, put their names in a hat, and draw 2-3 of them. Boom!
09/12/14 03:11AM
Everyone offering prizes could be put into a pool; first place gets first pick of who makes their prize, 2nd place gets 2nd pick, and so on for 3 or 5 or however many you want to do. That way the entirely subjective nature of how good the prizes would be is accounted for by the taste of the winners.

I'd be willing to fulfill a manip request as a prize.
09/12/14 04:47AM
Feels a little weird if the prize for art is better art. I'd just make like a manip contest or whatever if art's gonna be the prize. Encouraging a ton of manips is gross as hell to me but it seems less patronizing.
09/12/14 04:56AM
TakyonH said:
Feels a little weird if the prize for art is better art.

No, the prize is free art from someone other than yourself made to your specifications. For fetish artists, that's pretty great, since I know a lot of artists say they can't fap to their own work.

09/12/14 05:27AM
Maybe we can take some games from Humble Bundle/-Store too!
There are some excellent games and with the 'gift'-function it should be possible to send them!
09/12/14 05:32AM
Mindwipe said:
No, the prize is free art from someone other than yourself made to your specifications. For fetish artists, that's pretty great, since I know a lot of artists say they can't fap to their own work.

Maybe it's different for workers in the visual medium, but i find if i'm NOT fapping to what i'm writing (if its erotic, of course), then i take a step back to look at what i've been writing and try to figure out what i'm doing wrong.

Edit: On topic, it's just good for the community. Folks make art (and stories!) that contribute to the community in hopes to win a prize. They win a prize, and more art is generated to further enhance the communities.
09/12/14 05:57AM
Mindwipe said:
No, the prize is free art from someone other than yourself made to your specifications. For fetish artists, that's pretty great, since I know a lot of artists say they can't fap to their own work.

Yeah but like art trades exist for that kind of thing between people of roughly comparable skill. Manips and stories, on the other hand, are totally different things from drawn pictures and I think it makes more sense to have a contest to facilitate trading them for art. Good stories and manips are just generally more abundant commodities than good art so it'd make sense to me that you'd "win" art in exchange for producing a stellar one of those two. That as opposed to winning a chance to "art trade" with someone who you know is better than you and probably wouldn't bother normally, which is what I'm saying would feel kinda shitty. Also if you just put all the entries in one pool you'd be sorta comparing apples to oranges to bananas if you looked at stories next to manips next to art. I think if you guys are gonna do anything you should at least break it up into categories.
09/12/14 06:29AM
Not to be stepping back here, but what are some other prize suggestions besides art altogether?

A Hypno-tan trophy.
09/12/14 06:52AM
PomPom said:
Not to be stepping back here, but what are some other prize suggestions besides art altogether?

A Hypno-tan trophy.

A recording of Mindwipe doing a dramatic reading of My Immortal.

(Also, did you see what I said earlier...? *looks embarrassed*)
09/12/14 07:07AM
PomPom said:
Not to be stepping back here, but what are some other prize suggestions besides art altogether?

A Hypno-tan trophy.

Hypno-tan themed shirts or underwear seems more doable than a trophy XD

But as said before, this is Hypnohubs first contest.
Starting simple is the safest bet, and for that the prize has to be something that the community can provide, which at the point in time, is their skills. Seemingly the creative of art specified by the winner. whether it be writing, maniping, or just drawing.
Drawing to me seems the most effective form of a prize compared to the other two as it is something made from nothing as per requested by the winner. I mean, manippers take other's art and create a story around it, and writers do the same as artist just in a written media.

Sure art for art may seem kinda pointless, but an artist to have something drawn for them, for free. Is always a nice feeling. And that is what I consider a prize, also it helps the community get together and compete for a goal,... I'm rambling... sorry.

But again, its the first contest, so to keep it simple is my idea.
I'm sure their will still be many opportunities for manipers and writers to have a time in the limelight. I'd be more than happy to read the creative things writers can come up with, as opposed to those idiots on writing.com *shivers*
09/12/14 08:54AM
JonSmisu said:
A recording of Mindwipe doing a dramatic reading of My Immortal.

(Also, did you see what I said earlier...? *looks embarrassed*)

Best. Prize. Ever.
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