09/15/14 08:33AM
TakyonH said:
Shit, if someone knew who she was I'd just be like "hey cool we're friends now; let's talk about weird stuff!" The problem would be people you don't know asking what's with her face and why she has spirals on her tits and isn't that kinda indecent shouldn't you know better young man? That's why I'm sayin' filters and distortion to the rescue. Turn it into some Hypno Yon shit.

I'd still do it. I'm proud of her design~!
So I would wear it in public, her spiral tits are awesome.
Hell, I'd do it for spiral underwear.
But not many people on this site, I imaging have the resources to do such printing.
09/15/14 09:45AM
CustomInk and stuff exist. I hope most of us have $30 to spend once in a while on clothes.
09/15/14 10:50AM
Anno1404 said:
*throws Bytes at strange*

Noooooooo, stop pelting your monarch D:

I like the shirt (though I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing it in public). Why not go with the yellow shirt with a spiral in the middle as a prize though? There would probably be less awkward questions.
09/15/14 12:33PM
I fully support the idea of a contest XD

I have no idea whether or not I would ever join in though. As some people have learned... I'm uhhhhhh kinda bad with deadlines >>


Some other possible prize ideas -

A prize pot with a variety of things. For instance - if we have someone to do mp3 recordings, have a few of those in there.
Art [duh]
Maybe a hsort story or two from x person?
Perhaps, if anyone is willing to pitch in, that is] some cash through paypal? Like... like have it that one of the options in the pot is uhh... hmmm... 2o bucks? Or something.

And yes, I prefer a prize pot idea [pot has say... 5 things. Pick five winners. 1st place choose first. 2nd place choose second, etc.]

Just... my two totally unasked for cents >>
09/15/14 12:37PM
strangeperson said:
Noooooooo, stop pelting your monarch D:

*throws Megabytes*
Down with the authority! >:-]

Interesting how everybody ignored my games idea and now argues about clothes xD
09/15/14 03:53PM
Lunakiri said:
Some other possible prize ideas -

A prize pot with a variety of things. For instance - if we have someone to do mp3 recordings, have a few of those in there.
Art [duh]
Maybe a hsort story or two from x person?
Perhaps, if anyone is willing to pitch in, that is] some cash through paypal? Like... like have it that one of the options in the pot is uhh... hmmm... 2o bucks? Or something.

I would say that is an awesome way of dealing with the winners.
But the art it self wouldn't be as much as a prize, as say the services of the artist.

strangeperson said:
I like the shirt (though I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing it in public). Why not go with the yellow shirt with a spiral in the middle as a prize though? There would probably be less awkward questions.

And why not?
Embrace your fetish! let it control you, consume you~!
09/16/14 02:35AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
Just say you don't know, and that the shirt was a freebie from a graphic design student :P .

TakyonH said:
With a few paint.net filters and sizing up that could be kinda fashionable, really

It could benefit from a "Design By Humans" style. Really artist, splashes of color.

Only obvious reference to those who know it. Those who question it would just think it's some graphic design character etc etc.

More like <<i.imgur.com/3iJdTze.jpg|this>> style.
09/16/14 03:46AM
PomPom said:
More like <<i.imgur.com/3iJdTze.jpg|this>> style.

That's it~! I want it, lets make the contest. And the winner gets shirts. I want that, Halloween come sooner.
09/16/14 06:09AM
DHB said:
That's it~! I want it, lets make the contest. And the winner gets shirts. I want that, Halloween come sooner.

Granted it wouldn't have that pixely effect. Or we could make it a more artsy effect. I was just doing a rough select to colorize the image.

Also this would hinge entirely upon the original artist.

09/16/14 08:27AM
PomPom said:
Also this would hinge entirely upon the original artist.

Who is entirely MIA from all of her avenues of contact, as far as I'm aware. <.<
09/16/14 11:58AM
Anno1404 said:
*throws Megabytes*
Down with the authority! >:-]

Interesting how everybody ignored my games idea and now argues about clothes xD

Noooooooo. Defend me minions D:

DHB said:

And why not?
Embrace your fetish! let it control you, consume you~!

I see what you did there >_>

I do like the prize pot idea though.
09/19/14 06:15AM
*kicks thread* so...any more ideas?
09/19/14 10:23AM
PomPom said:
*kicks thread* so...any more ideas?

Maybe even a '"Feature"...feature for the winner, their art displayed on the home page. As a small token.
But I think the Halloween contest to be a good idea, if not the best.
The hub can even be themed all spooky like.

Prize is hard, but I still think that we could possibly start up another thread in which we gather all the people willing to offer their services, grab 3-4 and tell the others and the rest of the hub that the winner gets to choice. Other than that I can think of any other fair means of prizes... since getting art for art is 'apparently' a problem.
09/21/14 01:30AM
I've been largely absent from this thread, but I just wanted to let you know that I am here and I am reading what's being posted.

It would be interesting to start hosting contests and the like. As Mindwipe mentioned earlier. it's something we've wanted to do for some time, now. Previously, we had no way of preparing rewards and the like, but given the interest and the apparent willingness of the community artists/writers/manippers to volunteer to make reward "commissions", we might finally be able to make something of this.

We (as in the admins) haven't talked much about how this would work, but I'm sure we're all interested. Personally, I like the "reward pool" as outlined by DHB in the post above and how that would work, but who knows how things will change as we sort out our plans.

In any case, I can't say for sure that we'll have a contest, but I can say that we'll definitely be looking into it. It's something we're interested in, for sure. I'll be sure to bring it up to Mindwipe on Monday evening, and hopefully we'll make some progress toward planning things out, then.

In the meantime, please, continue posting your ideas and suggestions. We always take suggestions seriously, so if you think of something, you should share it.
09/21/14 02:40AM
I still totally wanna design a shirt for this at any rate.
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