09/10/14 08:54AM
Contest potential
With all these great pictures being uploaded to the hub, and it becoming ever so popular now that artists seem to embrace their love for fetish that is hypnosis/mind control~!
I think that the site is due to move into somewhat of an 'Event' type.
Such as a Contest or maybe even having a theme now and again.
But a Contest I would be very much interested in seeing.

I feel as if that a contest would bring out the people that a passionate about drawing or maniping to work towards a goal or a prize to get motivated to make something.

There are so many amazing artists here. And I think it couldn't hurt to have an Event happen.
I would even be willing to put my artistic abilities towards being a prize for the winner...
In saying that... Some might think that my art isn't good, or good enough as a prize thats understandable.

I... just want this hub to pick up into an exciting moment.
09/10/14 10:55AM
I don't know about anyone else but I certainly get more art done when theres a deadline or someone is waiting on me. So if anyone would want my art I'd be willing to take on a request as a prize too if people wanted.

That said, if we'd have a contest, who'd judge it, and what would be the theme if any?
09/10/14 11:45AM
You want to encourage artists and possibly make the entire community grow... without the explicit use of mind-altering procedures....in order to have more hypno

I´m both proud and disappointed.

No but seriously, let´s get this going, you got my vote.
09/10/14 12:57PM
DunkelSpiral said:
You want to encourage artists and possibly make the entire community grow... without the explicit use of mind-altering procedures....in order to have more hypno

I´m both proud and disappointed.

Maybe you have a point there... maybe I should make a picture advertising this idea....
I mean, provided people like it here...
Otherwise I'd just look like a complete fool. X3

Mr.H said:
That said, if we'd have a contest, who'd judge it, and what would be the theme if any?

I'd imagine the prize givers and one/few of the moderators of the site, depending on if they want too.
09/10/14 04:27PM
Sounds like a fine plan, it can even be used to promote the site a bit if people are willing to share info on the contest somewhere else.

I'd love to participate in those too, or help with the prize if need be.
09/10/14 05:18PM
Contests are something we've wanted to do for a long time, but didn't have the means to provide prizes. And here people are offering to help with prizes... That said, if all our artists are offering to make prizes, who's gonna enter the contest?

As for themes, well, we have one right now with Sleepy September. But maybe an end of the month deadline would be too soon, especially since we still don't have things planned out. Maybe we could do something for Halloween?
09/10/14 05:31PM
Mindwipe said:
Maybe we could do something for Halloween?

Time to practice drawing Hypno-tan in a witch outfit.

Excuse me while I have a stroke from the cuteness.
09/10/14 05:42PM
Mindwipe said:
Contests are something we've wanted to do for a long time, but didn't have the means to provide prizes. And here people are offering to help with prizes... That said, if all our artists are offering to make prizes, who's gonna enter the contest?

As for themes, well, we have one right now with Sleepy September. But maybe an end of the month deadline would be too soon, especially since we still don't have things planned out. Maybe we could do something for Halloween?

best holiday

but that is a valid point, if all the artist are willing to draw a prize its basically just art trades all around. But we'll obviously include manips and written pieces for the theme so at least theres that. I mean I hope we include those.
09/10/14 05:49PM
I fully support this and I want to help any way I can, except judging.... I'm very indecisive.

I definitely want to enter though I don't think I should make art for a prize.... I'm not really prize worthy.... Unless I can think of something else to offer as a prize.

This is gonna be fun!

PomPom said:
Time to practice drawing Hypno-tan in a witch outfit.

Excuse me while I have a stroke from the cuteness.

Now I really want to draw this.
09/10/14 06:29PM
eshie said:

I definitely want to enter though I don't think I should make art for a prize.... I'm not really prize worthy.... Unless I can think of something else to offer as a prize.

Hush you, you fine artist you!
How dare you think your art not good enough.... then again, that is a quality that many fine artist have.. such as my self.

As for the contest being on Halloween, that is a great place to start for a contest. Though saying that, makes me want to draw and enter things for the contest at the same time.

I believe that if we where to have multiple artists offer their art as a prize, that we should limit the prize givers to say 2-3 people, and the winner can choose which artist they prefer to have their prize to be done by, and then second chooses out of the remaining 2 prize artists. And third place .. if there is a third place gets the last artists to draw them something as a prize.

I'm not sure if this is the most effective way... just throwing it out there.
09/10/14 06:38PM
Do we poor, abused, underpaid writers with no artistic skill get included?
09/11/14 03:07AM
JonSmisu said:
Do we poor, abused, underpaid writers with no artistic skill get included?

In the same contest as the artists? I doubt it. It's more or less impossible to compare writing and artwork for a contest as though they were the same thing.
09/11/14 03:34AM
JonSmisu said:
Do we poor, abused, underpaid writers with no artistic skill get included?

Vanndril said:
In the same contest as the artists? I doubt it. It's more or less impossible to compare writing and artwork for a contest as though they were the same thing.

I would really like if manippers and writers can join too because those are 2 fundamental parts of the community.

Maybe instead of having the winner choose which artist draws for them like DHB suggests, maybe the artist picks which entry they like the best and draw for them. but then that would open up the problem to mulitple artists picking 1 guy which is no fun.

I dunno but i still would really like writers and manippers.
09/11/14 05:19AM
Zko said:
I dunno but i still would really like writers and manippers.

But the thing is that judging a contest on writing,and judging on drawings are just to fair apart.
-On the drawing side, you have to access the visual qualities it has and how it meets the brief of the contest's theme.
-Where writing is a judgement of doing the same but, the visual part being based on the mental imaging of the readers. I don't particularly see a written piece standing up to visual design...

But if there is a way. to get more people involved, go for it.

I'm just saying that a picture tells a thousand words, and judging between the two media might be to difficult in the means of being fair and just.
09/11/14 05:37AM
I'd still be willing to pen a quickie story to go with a theme, even if we don't have awards.

Though i'm currently trying to finish "Omkara" and am storyboarding this delicious shota/milf story...
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