09/15/14 02:53PM
Exhentai down?
Seems like exhentai is down since yesterday...
do you guys have any problems logging in as well? Seems like the URL is gone.

Sure hope that exhentai didn't turn into another hypnochan-esque disaster, the thought of my major hentai doujinji source going under makes me ANGRY (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ.
09/15/14 04:31PM
Works for me? *shrug*
09/15/14 08:58PM
Hypnochan went under because of the EXTREMELY questionable secret thread....forget that.....it was pretty fucked up it even had that.

Exhentai works for me.
09/15/14 10:08PM
hypnoahegao said:
Hypnochan went under because of the EXTREMELY questionable secret thread....forget that.....it was pretty fucked up it even had that.

Exhentai works for me.

Wait, secret thread?
09/15/14 10:12PM
When I found HC, I also discovered a URL that wasn't linked directly on he domain itself, but it existed. This section had manips of real girls, mostly under-age. Me saying this was "questionable" was putting it lightly. I am happy it no longer exists at all.

When I was lurking here, it seemed pretty clear that talking about that thread is frowned upon....so lets stop there. Just be happy its gone for good.
09/15/14 10:29PM
hypnoahegao said:
When I found HC, I also discovered a URL that wasn't linked directly on he domain itself, but it existed. This section had manips of real girls, mostly under-age. Me saying this was "questionable" was putting it lightly. I am happy it no longer exists at all.

When I was lurking here, it seemed pretty clear that talking about that thread is frowned upon....so lets stop there. Just be happy its gone for good.

Are you sure you aren't thinking of Hidden Hypnochan? That was (is?) a separate entity from Hypnochan that existed on the darknet, and was known to have an entire section devoted to IRL manips of underage girls. Hypnochan itself was deleted because of a very large number of copyright violations.
09/15/14 10:30PM
Mindwipe said:
Works for me? *shrug*


Now I'm really frustrated <.<...

Mindwipe said:
Are you sure you aren't thinking of Hidden Hypnochan? That was (is?) a separate entity from Hypnochan that existed on the darknet, and was known to have an entire section devoted to IRL manips of underage girls. Hypnochan itself was deleted because of a very large number of copyright violations.

09/15/14 10:48PM
hypnoahegao said:
When I found HC, I also discovered a URL that wasn't linked directly on he domain itself, but it existed. This section had manips of real girls, mostly under-age. Me saying this was "questionable" was putting it lightly. I am happy it no longer exists at all.

When I was lurking here, it seemed pretty clear that talking about that thread is frowned upon....so lets stop there. Just be happy its gone for good.

Things That Totally Happened for $500, Alex
09/16/14 02:47AM
Mindwipe said:
Are you sure you aren't thinking of Hidden Hypnochan? That was (is?) a separate entity from Hypnochan that existed on the darknet, and was known to have an entire section devoted to IRL manips of underage girls. Hypnochan itself was deleted because of a very large number of copyright violations.

My bad. Ya I was talking about the hidden one.
09/16/14 04:54AM
Mindwipe said:
Are you sure you aren't thinking of Hidden Hypnochan? That was (is?) a separate entity from Hypnochan that existed on the darknet, and was known to have an entire section devoted to IRL manips of underage girls.

As far as I'm aware, the Hidden Hypnochan was taken down due to lack of activity. After the owner took down /cake/ (the irl underage-but-sfw manip board) to try to appease the community, existing users blamed him for "censorship" and fled the scene, and most hypnofetish sites refused to let the site be advertised in their forums and the like due to the bad first impression, so new users never really found the site.

Or something like that. Half of this is hearsay while the other half was me skimming the site when I heard that he removed /cake/ to read the overreactions I knew was coming from the users.
09/16/14 06:40AM
All i recall is BluRider once telling me "Hypnochan is like the Wild West, HH is like Tortuga."
09/16/14 08:26AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
All i recall is BluRider once telling me "Hypnochan is like the Wild West, HH is like Tortuga."

Not sure I get the joke, but I have the urge to laugh anyway. Weird.
09/16/14 11:32AM
Dantus said:

Now I'm really frustrated <.<...


Yes? >_>

Ogodei-Khan said:
All i recall is BluRider once telling me "Hypnochan is like the Wild West, HH is like Tortuga."

That is a pretty good joke. Got me to chuckle a bit.
09/16/14 03:21PM
Yay, for whatever reason exhentai is working for me again, no more 404 site not found error messages ^_^.

Whelp, I bet I couldn't have survived more than 2 weeks without it <.<...

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