09/16/14 05:52AM
Something pretty bad happened
As said in the title the community faces another catastrophe:
Ayashe Stone (aka Faustus) has deleted both her Facebook account and her ModelMayhem account!
This either means she died (God forbid!) and somebody was ordered to remove her profiles or she has been brainwashed by her snakes to delete them herself..... but why?
One does not simply delete her model account if you're dependent on it....
Please somebody tell me otherwise and that she's still ok :'(
09/16/14 06:03AM
Perhaps she has...quit modeling?

I don't know much about her personal life, so I don't know the chances of her being willing to quit modeling for whatever reason.

There are a million and a half reasons that she might have deleted her modeling profile on that site as well as her facebook, so I doubt she's deceased. Nonetheless, I hope she's alright.
09/16/14 06:06AM
Last I heard about her was a few months ago. Apparently she was working with a new hypnotist who is very dominant and she wasn't aware of it. I don't have direct contact with her though.
09/16/14 06:09AM
I know she did some pics on The Collective but I didn't even know she was a model. I hope she's alright as well. It's creepy seeing people doing this without letting anyone know.
09/16/14 06:41AM
Or could have gotten a "straight" modelling gig and is now burying her past as an "Old Shame"
09/16/14 08:24AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
Or could have gotten a "straight" modelling gig and is now burying her past as an "Old Shame"

Like I said, a million and a half potential reasons.
09/16/14 11:54AM
I didn't even know she did modeling.

Vanndril said:
Like I said, a million and a half potential reasons.

I'm going to cast my vote for "Summoned to save the world from secret alien invaders and currently has to lay low"
09/16/14 01:04PM
But why wouldn't you tell your community why you're leaving? Like Vanndril would close HH instantly because he's tired of PHP.
And what makes me angry is that I paid for her new comic she deleted from the Collective and nobody seems to have :\
09/16/14 03:31PM
Anno1404 said:
But why wouldn't you tell your community why you're leaving? Like Vanndril would close HH instantly because he's tired of PHP.
And what makes me angry is that I paid for her new comic she deleted from the Collective and nobody seems to have :\

Well, I was more surprised about the fact that she deleted ALL of her pics and her hypnopics gallery because of "stalkers" (well, TBH she should have never used her RL facebook account for fetish web activity, especially considering she was good looking as well, it just attracts jerks and creeps like moths to the light) and still remained active on sleepychan and a few other sites, albeit never ever responding to any questions about reupping her art. Last time I checked she wanted to do a flash/RPG-maker MC game, something like that.

Considering her art deletion I'm not that surprised now that she decided to pull the plug of her facebook as well, only that she didn't do it earlier. Shame though that the miniscule chance of her ever reupping her art is gone now as well.
Seriously sucks for the people that payed money for her comic that she never finished. At least it teached me the lesson of saving EVERY pic that I like to my HDD, no matter the apparent long livety of the site/account.
09/17/14 06:01AM
Dantus said:
Seriously sucks for the people that payed money for her comic that she never finished.

Bad thing is is WAS finished :( Last status was that a hdd error resetted all the text of the pages to be uploaded and she wanted to repair them....but never did....
09/17/14 06:17AM
Anno1404 said:
Bad thing is is WAS finished :( Last status was that a hdd error resetted all the text of the pages to be uploaded and she wanted to repair them....but never did....

This sounds about as legit as a $20 Rolex you get from a dude in china with a beard that's just a little too long for you not to notice that it's weird
09/17/14 09:37AM
Last I heard of her some douche posted a bunch of nude pics of her online and she disappeared right after that.

No, I don't have them. Don't ask.
09/17/14 11:07AM
cypress_z said:
Last I heard of her some douche posted a bunch of nude pics of her online and she disappeared right after that.

No, I don't have them. Don't ask.

It would be profoundly disappointing if someone here were to ask for those pics upon hearing that. What we should be wondering is if there is a way to find the name of the douche. They sound like they are in need of a pitchforking.
09/18/14 01:32AM
Changer said:
It would be profoundly disappointing if someone here were to ask for those pics upon hearing that. What we should be wondering is if there is a way to find the name of the douche. They sound like they are in need of a pitchforking.

The individual did so anonymously, but I have suspicions. Of course I only have suspicions so I'm not going to voice them. I will say that the pictures were posted to a certain website, I STRONGLY encouraged the moderation staff (with whom I was well acquainted) to remove them and they refused because they thought it "might have been some sort of roleplaying thing" even though it clearly wasn't (and she later confirmed that). Not long after that I made a total break with that community. Mind you I didn't suspect the mods of being anything but clueless. My suspicions were for someone else.

Faustus was a cool person that made cool comics and contributed to the hypno-community in very good and significant ways. It is truly a shame that she's gone.

The hypnofetish community has a higher concentration of female enthusiasts than most other fetishes. If you don't want douchebags harassing them, causing major issues and ultimately driving them away (eventually leaving only a pit of douchebags) then you have to be very strict with your moderation. Far too many girls into this fetish hide their gender or pretend to be men as it is simply to avoid people like that.

The hub has a good moderation staff with several female members. I hope things stay that way and that this community continues to grow and add many more regulars, both male and female.
09/18/14 05:59AM
Even if we're a small community I think we're still able to defend our female artists if it comes to things like stalkers and such.....
If Ayashe would've simply called 'randomguy89 keeps annoying me' we would've pointed out for him it was the wrong decision to assault a member of our community!

*insert cool slogan like <<|Anonymous>>*
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