10/12/13 01:44AM
By the way, I coded the link-adding to the front page, then I look in my development booru and... "strange, why doesn't it work?"

Then I saw that the scripts aren't loaded in the front page -_-'

Kinda sucks, because now the only option is for me to see which file to edit and tell Vanndril to edit it, but it would be wiped by the next upgrade. I'd still go for it because it would (should) be a simple edit.

(Actually, since other two scripts are loaded, I could write a single line of javascript to be appended to any of those weird-named javascript files, at the end. Would still be wiped but seems cleaner and easier to reproduce after a myimouto update.)
10/12/13 04:07AM
Figured it out, basically the home page is built from a different template. Most pages are built from this file:

But the home page is built from this file:

So Vanndril, on that file bare.php you have to add this right before </head>:

<?php foreach (CONFIG()->asset_javascripts as $asset) : ?>
<?= $this->javascript_include_tag($asset) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>

and on the same file, remove these two lines (as the previous one has the same effect):

<?= $this->javascript_include_tag('application') ?>
<?= $this->javascript_include_tag('moe-legacy/application') ?>

Tell me when you do.
10/12/13 06:05AM
Stem_Cell said:
Actually, on my development booru I had to solve this very issue, being such an inactive place... Here's what happened (open in new tab):

The obsessive scribblings of a man possessed. I don't believe I've ever felt more fear in my life than in this one instant. Hark, I hear him tapping at my door, my life ends here. I will be dead on my floor.

10/12/13 08:21AM
Stem_Cell said:
Tell me when you do.

10/12/13 09:06AM
Vanndril said:

Great! I've coded the link-adding in the same code-golfed style, and even added a new feature in the same style.

I must say, I love writing code in that style:

$(w=window).scroll(function(){$('#comment-list .post').each(

What does it do? You'll have to guess until you upload the file! But I can tell you that I squeezed the life out of those characters for it.

<<|Here it is>>, bumped to 2.0 thanks to the new feature.

Henry-killenger said:
The obsessive scribblings of a man possessed. I don't believe I've ever felt more fear in my life than in this one instant. Hark, I hear him tapping at my door, my life ends here. I will be dead on my floor.


Don't worry, I just knocked to bring cookies :)
10/12/13 09:18AM
Stem_Cell said:
I must say, I love writing code in that style:

$(w=window).scroll(function(){$('#comment-list .post').each(

The new functionality will be amazing =D
10/12/13 09:18AM
Stem_Cell said:
Great! I've coded the link-adding in the same code-golfed style, and even added a new feature in the same style. [...] What does it do? You'll have to guess until you upload the file! But I can tell you that I squeezed the life out of those characters for it.

You clever bastard, you. :P
Nice feature. XD
10/12/13 09:41AM
This new feature kinda bugs me. Probably because I'm a mod, and can't blacklist anything. So, the pics I don't like now follow me on the comments page. And I like things stationary. It makes me feel safe.

It's neat, though.
10/12/13 09:51AM
Mindwipe said:
This new feature kinda bugs me. Probably because I'm a mod, and can't blacklist anything. So, the pics I don't like now follow me on the comments page. And I like things stationary. It makes me feel safe.

It's neat, though.

Hmmm... so you'd like an options page, like the one for the hover zoom?

I wonder how it should be. Maybe integrating the Hover Zoom and Improvements settings into a single interface?

Maybe it would also be time to implement server-side stored settings (so that you don't lose them when you log in on two different browsers/computers or when cleaning cache). But the thing that I really don't know is how it should look like (one link in the bottom? two links? what label(s)?)
10/12/13 08:34PM
Stem_Cell said:
I wonder how it should be. Maybe integrating the Hover Zoom and Improvements settings into a single interface?

I don't know how difficult this would be, but maybe all your improvements could go into a single options menu, each feature under a different tab? It would get a little redundant if you kept adding new cool things and we end up flooded with links at the bottom. XD

Stem_Cell said:
Maybe it would also be time to implement server-side stored settings (so that you don't lose them when you log in on two different browsers/computers or when cleaning cache).

What would that entail, exactly?


On a mostly off-topic note: would you say that your hypnohub zoom feature is more or less complete and bug-tested? Or do you think we should keep messing with it for a while? I still intend to bring that up to the imouto developer and offer to allow him to use it.

Also, that line you had me add to base.php that loops to include all of the javascripts...wouldn't that work for ANY install of the imouto software that uses any number of scripts? Maybe I could bring that up, too, to the developer. He might make that the default handling of the matter for the next version, assuming no downsides to doing so.

If any of these things (mainly the zoom feature) do get used, do you require he give you credit for the source or something, or could he just silently use it. You know that I just have to ask.
10/13/13 12:25AM
Vanndril said:
I don't know how difficult this would be, but maybe all your improvements could go into a single options menu, each feature under a different tab? It would get a little redundant if you kept adding new cool things and we end up flooded with links at the bottom. XD

Indeed. It would be good to have a single link, but I don't know what to call it anymore. "Settings" sounds too general... Improvement Settings? HypnoTools?

Vanndril said:
What would that entail, exactly?

What I really want is for this to be easy on your end. I can add code to the hypnohub-hover-zoom.php file and it would serve the settings page, or I could just create a new file. Either way, it should be just files for you to copy, as it's been.

Then, when navingating to the script (or a parameter, like how I did <<|this>>), it would show a settings page. It can be loaded in the same page too (like how it looks now) by creating an <<|iframe>>


Vanndril said:
On a mostly off-topic note: would you say that your hypnohub zoom feature is more or less complete and bug-tested?

Not really, I still want to add tags to the left, and a few other nice features, plus a boatload more plugins for previewing whatever site people want to host images on, since the plugin API is beautifully simple.

Vanndril said:
Also, that line you had me add to base.php that loops to include all of the javascripts...wouldn't that work for ANY install of the imouto software that uses any number of scripts? Maybe I could bring that up, too, to the developer. He might make that the default handling of the matter for the next version, assuming no downsides to doing so.

Yes, it would be great, and there's no downside to it. Probably should include custom CSSs too, even if we're not using any (that way if you wanted to add CSS yourself for some small fix, you could).

Vanndril said:
If any of these things (mainly the zoom feature) do get used, do you require he give you credit for the source or something, or could he just silently use it. You know that I just have to ask.

As stated in the files themselves, it's public domain. Credit is welcome, but I know how boring it is to credit every piece of software you use, so I wouldn't be angry if he just minified it together with the rest of the scripts or something.
10/13/13 08:17AM
Stem_Cell said:
I don't know what to call it anymore. "Settings" sounds too general... Improvement Settings? HypnoTools?

Just wanted to point out that until we settle on a name, it's gonna be called <<|Christina>>.
10/13/13 08:22AM
Stem_Cell said:
Just wanted to point out that until we settle on a name, it's gonna be called <<|Christina>>.

Man, that is weird in Japanese.
10/13/13 08:51AM
Mindwipe said:
Man, that is weird in Japanese.

I seldom watch anything dubbed, in this case your voice... I mean, Daru's voice sounds better in English, but Mayushii's voice is so cute in Japanese! And that scene sounded awesome in Japanese.
10/13/13 11:10AM
Stem_Cell said:
I seldom watch anything dubbed, in this case your voice... I mean, Daru's voice sounds better in English, but Mayushii's voice is so cute in Japanese! And that scene sounded awesome in Japanese.

Agreed. XD

Stem_Cell said:
[all that stuff that was said]

My reactions, in order:
No idea on a name. I was trying to think of one, too.
Oh. Okay, then. Sounds simple enough.
Okay, WIP it is, then.
I'll bring it up to him sometime soon, then.

Stem_Cell said:
Just wanted to point out that until we settle on a name, it's gonna be called <<|Christina>>.

I approve!
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