09/17/14 11:53PM
JonSmisu said:
This contributes nothing, but I'm with Dreamshade on the "lolis are cute" thing. Hypnotized lolis are even cuter.

It is a known fact that cute girls are cuter when hypnotized. (No, I don't have anything to add to this topic.)
09/18/14 12:02AM
TakyonH said:
You write stories about high school girls, you disgusting sick-o! ( :3 ) That'd get lumped in with loli bans if they were actually legally obligated to "root it out" or whatever. It's not just the obvious stuff that's at risk, is the thing. I could give a shit if loli went away and we could be done with it, but I don't want to have to jump through hoops to get my hypnosis and furry on either, and those could plausibly come under attack from rape/bestiality standpoints. THAT is why I don't like sites making this banning shit seem like it's an acceptable norm.

Oh it is totally fine to write stories about schoolgirls even involving rape and publish them. You can even become Mayor in Tokyo if you do this. Just say stories and books are art and anime/manga is not. Worked just fine the past couple of years for Ishihara.
09/18/14 12:17AM
People have been warming up to Japan but they've been changing pretty rapidly and it's hard to keep up. Tentacle porn is a thing because censor laws were so restrictive a generation ago that they had to be stand-ins for penises.

Japan just passed a law in June that makes it illegal to possess child pornography.
TIME said:
The passage of the legislation comes after years of international pressure urging the country to tighten lax possession laws, which activists say endangered children. Despite banning the production and distribution of child pornography in 1999, Japan is the last Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development nation to make possession a punishable offense.

Japan is known as an “international hub for the production and trafficking of child pornography,” according to the 2013 U.S. Department of State’s human-rights report.

Given that kind of reputation, cracking down seems like the way to go; so I think the general trend is that all countries are slowly converging on the most reasonable policies regarding this kind of stuff.
09/18/14 03:50AM
I don't think there's a common definition to find. The cultures are just too different and ppl don't like it when their rights are being cut because of the interference of another country/organisation. This in the end would create more damage (political unrest) than it would help. Things like that backfire way to often. At best we are looking at several years/decades (by that time it won't be relevant anymore IF it was a generation issue), at worst it will never happen.
09/18/14 04:23AM
slayerduck said:
Old news, the loli ban. They were pressured by a german 'child protect' organisation (paid with donations and tax money)

They should have just moved hosting outside Germany. Then again its only a matter of time before we to have to start removing it to. Might be in weeks, months, years.. who knows. But eventually laws will be made against it.

Kinda ironic considering that loli porn is still legal in Germany right now and yet they still gave in...
Although, considering the latest child pornography debate over here (things might get as overboard as you running the risk of being arrested for posessing family photos of you last trip to the beach with some random child running around naked in the background) who knows if Germany will follow suit <.<... lets just hope it won't happen.
09/18/14 05:50AM
Awww well..... in the eyes of the government we're all pedophilic terrorists and need to be watched all the time -_-
09/18/14 06:45AM
slayerduck said:
Old news, the loli ban. They were pressured by a german 'child protect' organisation (paid with donations and tax money)

They should have just moved hosting outside Germany. Then again its only a matter of time before we to have to start removing it to. Might be in weeks, months, years.. who knows. But eventually laws will be made against it.

If you're US based, laws can't be made against it, unless the court is so inclined to overturn Ashcroft v Free Speech Coalition. They'd pass a law, you sue to stop and recruit the Free Speech Coalition (the porn-industry group that defeated the last such law) who'll cover your legal fees, and out it goes in federal court.
09/18/14 08:39AM
Ogodei-Khan said:
If you're US based, laws can't be made against it, unless the court is so inclined to overturn Ashcroft v Free Speech Coalition. They'd pass a law, you sue to stop and recruit the Free Speech Coalition (the porn-industry group that defeated the last such law) who'll cover your legal fees, and out it goes in federal court.

We aren't US-based, though. Slayer lives elsewhere and the servers are with him.

If loli/shota are ever outlawed where our servers are kept, unless we are able to find an alternative miracle-host like Slayer, then we'd be forced to purge loli/shota content as well.

Hell, if they outlawed loli/shota there, Slayer would probably off himself. I doubt he could live without his loli fix. ;)

Off topic, I find it ironic that the only threat of censorship laws that REALLY rustles my jimmies are ones that threaten my porn. XD
09/18/14 08:45AM
Anno1404 said:
Awww well..... in the eyes of the government we're all pedophilic terrorists and need to be watched all the time -_-

One in one thousand US residents (or citizens I don't care to research) are on the American terrorist watchlist (margin of error on that about 10%.) UK's rate is probably higher but I don't know if we've ever been given a number on how many they watch. Don't let reddit-tier scaremongering get you down about surveillance too much.

Vanndril said:
I find it ironic that the only threat of censorship laws that REALLY rustles my jimmies are ones that threaten my porn

What is ironic about that?
09/18/14 08:48AM
TakyonH said:
What is ironic about that?

Choose one:

The fact that I misused the word ironic without realizing it.


The fact that, to everyone who knows me off the net, I am the last person they'd expect to be as into porn as I am. Thus making it ironic due to how I seem irl.


The fact that I have a strong distaste of most needlessly restrictive laws to begin with, and yet the threat of most censorship laws, which are restrictive by their very nature, doesn't bother me.
09/18/14 11:09AM
Honestly, I'm really opposed to censorship in general. Just so happens that it bothers me even more when it threatens the pr0nz.
09/18/14 01:23PM
It makes sense actually that censorship against porn feels worse than most other censorship. Porn happens to be one kind of free speech that is almost defenseless compared to the rest. Thanks to the nonsensical but extreme public shame involving just about everything about sex in our society, defending porn would be essentially political suicide.
09/19/14 02:25PM
When it comes to morality, I follow a simple guideline: 'Is it hurting or exploiting a living being?', and for much of it, I personally feel censorship does not address that guideline, thus leaving me bitter for most of it. Focusing on the loli/shota issue, I don't think it is right to censor it, as it isn't real children. No living being is being hurt/exploited to satisfy those who view it (at least from my understanding).
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