09/17/14 07:18AM
My hypnotized girl with Eggs and Ham... please! :3
I know ... I know ...

I'm just perverse, trying to know what everyone thinks.

It is well known that in this group, the most popular images are not only hypnosis ...

It is always a combination ....

Hypnosis with feet ...
Hypnosis, drool and erect nipples

but I want to hear from you ...

What is the weirdest? ...
what they most enjoy?

in my case; one loli, sports uniform with no expression on his face ...

sorry if the translation is rough, it is with google translator

lo se... lo se...

sólo estoy de perverso, intentando saber lo que todos piensan.

es muy sabido que en este grupo, las imagenes más populares no sólo son de hipnosis...

siempre es una combinación....

Hipnosis con pies...
hipnosis, drool and pezones erectos

pero quiero escucharlos a ustedes...

Qué es lo más raro?...
qué es lo que mas disfrutan?

en mi caso; una loli, con uniforme deportivo, sin expresión en la cara...

perdon si es ruda la traducción, es con google traductor
09/17/14 06:17PM
Well then, I´d say I go for something ahegao, with many girls if possible.

Either that or dazed/happy gets to me.

Bien, pues... digo que preferiria algo con ahegao, con multiples chicas si se puede.

Eso o desorientadas/felices me llega.
09/17/14 11:50PM
Feet and yuri are my main things to combine with hypnosis. And if you combine feet, yuri, AND hypnosis... OOOOOOOOOH man...

Snakes and hypnosis are also great.
09/18/14 04:22AM
I would have to say, humiliation. Anything that outrageously breaks the norm, in the norm in a perverse way, combine that with a leader-figure or someone in a responsible position like a princable or teacher.... mmm, making them do things they would never think of doing in public~!

Also the messy results of hypnosis are awesome, that why you can tell they are really giving it their all.
09/18/14 10:58AM
Latex and hypnosis is a nice combination (Rosvo was the first hypno artist that I found)
09/19/14 02:54PM
Oh, alguien que habla español :P

My fetish are several, latex, hypnosis, human pets, lactation, milking, cowgirl, bimbo, etc.

09/19/14 05:21PM
Also the messy results of hypnosis are awesome, that why you can tell they are really giving it their all.

That's the best reason I've heard to enjoy this sort of thing!

Humiliation is a big thing for me too. Stealth triggers of which the subject is unaware. Loss of control. Anything to spice up a dull day at the office. Pencil skirts and repeatedly bending over in them, for example. A woman being made to "accidentally" show off her body. Many other things.
09/20/14 04:07AM

I do enjoy feet in my hypnosis. Sort of. It's mainly the act of taking off their shoes and socks that get me. A touch of...not humiliation, but embarrassment is always good. Not sexual though. I prefer more...mundane, but creative means for my embarrassment. Stage hypnosis, or hypnosis demonstrations in front of a crowd are nice too. There are a few more, but I've talked about them before.

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