PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
054622Excuse me, is it okay if I pee?Rai2022-11-07 03:37:19Revert
054623Ah. Yes, of course it's fine.Rai2022-11-07 03:37:48Revert
054624Excuse me, would you mind peeing your diaper?Rai2022-11-07 04:39:11Revert
054625By the way, today is...Rai2022-11-07 03:39:40Revert
054626This only the first.Rai2022-11-07 03:40:27Revert
054627Really, I'm glad.Rai2022-11-07 03:40:42Revert
054628By the way, how many times have you peed today?Rai2022-11-07 03:41:01Revert
054629Sorry, give it a moment to come out.Rai2022-11-07 03:41:24Revert
054630It's fine, I'm not in a hurry.Rai2022-11-07 03:42:36Revert
054631Really? Thanks for your patience.Rai2022-11-07 03:43:00Revert