09/20/14 05:47AM
Nightington said:
Not really. As usual with this entire mess.

moot specifically stated that the reason for a lot of the bans was people posting things in the wrong boards and starting multiple threads for the same shit - both things that have been against the rules outside of /b/ since 2004.

Yeah. I mean, I think it'd be great for 4chan if all the underage kids who actually gave a single solitary fuck about the Zoe Quinn thing left, and they're the ones mad enough about getting b& to build a ship to jump to, so I won't fight it. I mean, look at this dude on /burgers/ -

Basically, we need to go mainstream.

This is a PR war, despite what other might think. And here we are, /pol/acks and /v/irgins fighting and keeping pace with all these fuckers who are so SMUG.

Milo dropped the bomb and got us our best weapon against the media. The collusion.

It's happening again.

My idea is to actually set up a domino affect using positive liberal media press.

These people are literally the fucking attention whoring SJWs they generally claim to hate; their idea of "justice" is just different. I mean don't get me wrong - I think everyone in this is a fucktard on both sides, not just these guys. But these are the /pol/-using shitheads that have been making 4chan unusable for years. They want to go? Great, bye! Good luck with your epic gamer crusades.

Unfortunately, 8chan isn't going to survive and they'll go back so yeah. The people too emotional and vitriolic for fucking 4chan aren't going to be able to maintain a community that's not kept insular by the amount of drama between its members. I mean 8chan the site might stay up but it's not going to be a force. "4chan alternatives" have always been doomed to obscurity and/or failure. Nothing to really worry about with "splintering."

*Also, lol bulletmonkey -
Anonymous said:
Waiting on more OC and premium hypno porn vids on my end. Enough of these bitch punk hypnochans afraid of big bad DMCA.

Bulletmonkey said:
Exactly. I doubt this place will ever be big enough for people to give a shit for copyright, but big enough for hypno fetishes.

The board definitely isn't going to last. Shit, it might be the ACTUAL death of the whole site itself.

**Holy shit this site is a goldmine of hilarity.
Dear Furries.

I owe you a HUGE apology. For years now I have been nonchalantly heaping abuse on furrykind, acting as some kind of judgemental back seat morality fuckwad against you because you liked something I did not and you were an easy target for cheap laughs.

It wasn't until recently when sjw's started doing the same damn thing to me, calling me a misogynistic shitlord pissbaby for liking my hobby and persecuting me out of my own home and comfort zone that I realized just how unfairly I have treated you.

I am sorry.
09/20/14 06:32AM
TakyonH said:
Is there any actual proof that the mods have been replaced?

Yes, one of the mods who was thrown out posted logs about it.
09/20/14 06:33AM
4chan didn't collapse with the beginning of 7chan way back in the day, it didn't collapse with the beginning of (is it /i/chan or something) the anti-scientology board, it didn't collapse when the anonymous hackers went out to become their own thing, and it sure as hell won't collapse from a marginal issue like this.

8chan will gain more traffic than it has ever had for a very short while, sperglords will dominate it for a bit and then interest will peter out. Hating Zoe Quinn is not enough to sustain interest for an entire board. Well, I should say not enough for non-insane, non-stalker normal people. The obsessives will probably move from hiding place to hiding place to fap over/hate/stalk her for years (as has happened over and over and over again on 4chan).

Meanwhile 4chan will give no fucks and continue on as it always has, minus a bit of the cancer.

I just wish /pol/ would leave, but that's a totally different diatribe. Or rather return to that Storm-something or other site composed of neo-nazis.

But then I only visit /tg/ and /co/ anyway, so I've barely seen any of this.
09/20/14 07:14AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Yes, one of the mods who was thrown out posted logs about it.

Ah yes. Historically, 4chan's mod room IRC log leaks have been 100% accurate.

cypress_z said:
But then I only visit /tg/ and /co/ anyway, so I've barely seen any of this.

I wonder if these "new mods" would let us do ERP threads on /tg/ again [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
09/20/14 12:06PM
Oh hey, since I woke up this morning and couldn't find anything like it in my internet history I had figured I must have dreamed it up.
Why they decided to add a hypno board to the place I don't know, but I'll take it.

cypress_z said:
8chan will gain more traffic than it has ever had for a very short while, sperglords will dominate it for a bit and then interest will peter out. Hating Zoe Quinn is not enough to sustain interest for an entire board. Well, I should say not enough for non-insane, non-stalker normal people. The obsessives will probably move from hiding place to hiding place to fap over/hate/stalk her for years (as has happened over and over and over again on 4chan).

I was under the impression that the Quinn nonsense was only how it began, and that there was actually a bunch of different stuff they were calling out on now. Not to say that a large part of the people pushing this thing aren't insane "they're out to get us because we're showing the world THE TRUTH" types, since a quick look around the board shows that sentiment is in full swing.

Still, if
volco said:
According to the guy, he says he's going to allow download links and link to porn, unlike sleepychan which banned all links. So that's a plus.

remains true, then I find it hard to imagine the hypno board will peter out: they're offering something that currently isn't available elsewhere (as far as I'm aware) so those looking for a place to gather and share their piratically gained goods should keep that place alive. Closest current place I know of is NewFapChan's /hypno/ board, and that's been smothered a bit there since the site set up a "do not post" list system after getting too many DMCAs.
09/20/14 12:29PM
^ I too found the NewFapChan hypno board recently.

Also, www.trancechan.org/
09/20/14 02:22PM
rain said:
Why they decided to add a hypno board to the place I don't know, but I'll take it.

They seem to have a reddit-style approach to board creation.

rain said:
I find it hard to imagine the hypno board will peter out... Closest current place I know of is NewFapChan's /hypno/ board, and that's been smothered a bit there since the site set up a "do not post" list system after getting too many DMCAs.

Which is exactly what has happened to every other site that had the brilliant idea of allowing illegal copies and is exactly what will happen to 8chan.co.
09/20/14 03:20PM
TakyonH said:
They seem to have a reddit-style approach to board creation.

Which is exactly what has happened to every other site that had the brilliant idea of allowing illegal copies and is exactly what will happen to 8chan.co.

8chan has a much bigger problem than a few greedy hypnodommes asking for content to be removed. They've got a DARPA-funded SJW army on their hands to deal with.
09/20/14 03:29PM
TakyonH said:
Which is exactly what has happened to every other site that had the brilliant idea of allowing illegal copies and is exactly what will happen to 8chan.co.

Actually, yeah, you're right. I was giving them too much credit by assuming they'd already considered that.

sasazuka said:
^ I too found the NewFapChan hypno board recently.

Also, www.trancechan.org/

I didn't list them since they ruled against allowing people to post links to unauthorized copies from the outset.
09/20/14 03:42PM
rain said:
those looking for a place to gather and share their piratically gained goods should keep that place alive.

Personally, I imagine mind control porn would be the worst thing to pirate ever. In fact, there aught to be a story about a person who pirates a mind control themed game, and is reprogrammed by the subliminals to pay the developers back through.. more creative means.

If there isn't, I should start writing that...

09/20/14 04:48PM
nice advertisement topic you made here
09/20/14 05:02PM
I'm just gonna keep sitting over here laughing at all the 4chan drama, and bookmark this thread for whenever someone tries to tell me that 4chan isn't absolutely the worst thing on the internet.

But, anyway, I'm normally one to wish good luck to folks who try to set these things up, but not this time. For one, I feel like I've given my best wishes to enough Hypnochan successors already, and the last one isn't even dead (seriously, if these go down, it's time to give it up, guys). Second, they're already signing their own death warrant by encouraging people to upload as much pirated material as they can and acting like no one will ever know. And there's still the matter of a 16-year-old running the whole thing (again, no offense to him).
09/20/14 05:44PM
slayerduck said:
nice advertisement topic you made here

I'm pretty sure Volco's not affiliated.

Mindwipe said:
I'm just gonna keep sitting over here laughing at all the 4chan drama, and bookmark this thread for whenever someone tries to tell me that 4chan isn't absolutely the worst thing on the internet.

Honestly this is more of a reddit thing. /r/gaming mods cracked down on it immediately, so they were like SHIT WHAT'S THE ONLY OTHER WEBSITE WE KNOW HMM 4CHAN USED TO DO RAIDS RIGHT? And then they braved the dangerous waters of a SFW video game board to stage their brave crusade against Chad the video game journalist. Then they cracked down because, surprise, raids haven't been allowed for fucking years. Then /pol/ got involved and made 8chan. "4chan" had very little to do with any of this, as far as I know, and probably handled it better and much more consistently than reddit.
09/20/14 08:38PM
I am super happy for the commentary here. I've been getting third hand info the entire debacle and this thread is the closest I've felt to understanding what the fish is going on.
09/20/14 11:31PM
slayerduck said:
nice advertisement topic you made here

I'm not the guy. Just a fellow hypnosis fetishist. As I (think I) said, I found it on a hypnosis subreddit posted by the guy.
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