09/20/14 11:35PM
TakyonH said:
I'm pretty sure Volco's not affiliated.

Honestly this is more of a reddit thing. /r/gaming mods cracked down on it immediately, so they were like SHIT WHAT'S THE ONLY OTHER WEBSITE WE KNOW HMM 4CHAN USED TO DO RAIDS RIGHT? And then they braved the dangerous waters of a SFW video game board to stage their brave crusade against Chad the video game journalist. Then they cracked down because, surprise, raids haven't been allowed for fucking years. Then /pol/ got involved and made 8chan. "4chan" had very little to do with any of this, as far as I know, and probably handled it better and much more consistently than reddit.

You know, the more you talk, the more I think you're one of the SJWs involved in all of this. This is bigger than just Reddit or 4chan, they're just two of the many victims of this.
09/20/14 11:53PM
LittleToyMaker said:
You know, the more you talk, the more I think you're one of the SJWs involved in all of this. This is bigger than just Reddit or 4chan, they're just two of the many victims of this.

I think that Takyon said that he hated both sides.
09/20/14 11:56PM
LittleToyMaker said:
You know, the more you talk, the more I think you're one of the SJWs involved in all of this. This is bigger than just Reddit or 4chan, they're just two of the many victims of this.

Jesus christ, quit making this out to be some kind of enormous internet conspiracy puppeteered by the big bad SJW boogeyman.
09/21/14 12:14AM
Mindwipe said:
I'm just gonna keep sitting over here laughing at all the 4chan drama

Dito. Although I like me some 4chan for fun and giggles from time to time, I don't give a damn about all that drama. We had that sort of stuff so many times... and absolutely nothing changed on 4chan in the long run.

Second, they're already signing their own death warrant by encouraging people to upload as much pirated material as they can and acting like no one will ever know.

Oh, it is absolutely set in stone that the site will eventually go down because of that. On the other hand hypnochan managed to stay online for years, despite all the DMCA complaints and uploaded copyrighted stuff. True, the mods on hypnochan did delete stuff when asked to, on the other hand hypnochan was WAY bigger than this 8chan clone even in the earliest days, and as one of the main pillars of the hypnofetish community it was incredibly well known for the people interested in this sort of stuff. It'll take time before copyright holders realize what is going on and notice that that site even exists, especially if the guys over there manage to keep a low profile. Maybe the site will be online for 3 months. Maybe for 6, maybe a year... On the other hand you can download tons of content in spans of time like that.
I'll be happy that I won't have to rely on gigatribe (and it's terrifyingly low download speeds without prem account (25-75 kb/s for a 1 GB vid, seriously?)) for some time for one...

The time of MC chans is over anyway, the hub is simply far superior in almost every regard (size, popularity, community interaction (massive for such a niche fetish), a dedicated forum and multiple easy to access chat channels, a massive easy to search archive in which the pics never get deleted etc. etc.), the only thing a chan has going for it is "anonymity" (that doesn't really exists as long as you are not using TOR or proxies as anyone with some know-how can easily track down your IP), not really a big advantage considering that you don't even need an email to register here (too bad that's something many people on the chans don't realize, if they only wanted they could easily name themselves something like AnonymousX(1/2/4/99/etc) and oekaki functions (wish imoutobooru would support that :/). The days of any MC-chan are numbered, especially if there are so many of them and they lack activity and content as a result. You might just as well create a series of "copyright -what is that?" chans that at least go out with a bang after a few months than a wisper, dying a slow and lonely death.

And there's still the matter of a 16-year-old running the whole thing (again, no offense to him).

To be honest I was already uploading stuff on hypnochan and discussing porn and sex with classmates when I was that age. Not really genius of him to make that information public... but as long as talking about porn with teenagers isn't illegal (which it isn't) I honestly don't give a damn ^^. At least that's what I am thinking.
09/21/14 03:56AM
Vorp said:
Jesus christ, quit making this out to be some kind of enormous internet conspiracy puppeteered by the big bad SJW boogeyman.

Yeah, you are definitely one of them.
09/21/14 03:57AM
So I was able to contact him on reddit.

He said that he's having some life issues currently, but he'll try to keep the place running. He's also legal in his area to view, obtain, talk about, etc. of porn in his state. He's just not old enough for him to post pictures of his naked body online.
09/21/14 04:14AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Yeah, you are definitely one of them.

09/21/14 04:19AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Yeah, you are definitely one of them.

You seem <<|paranoid>>.

volco said:
So I was able to contact him on reddit.

He said that he's having some life issues currently, but he'll try to keep the place running. He's also legal in his area to view, obtain, talk about, etc. of porn in his state. He's just not old enough for him to post pictures of his naked body online.

Unfortunate that we can't make an exception for him, here. But the legal age for viewing porn in many places (lol, you need an age restriction for that...) is 18 or, in some places, 21, so that could be problematic. I rather miss him, tbh. He's a pretty nice guy.
09/21/14 04:21AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Yeah, you are definitely one of them.

settle down little boy, no need to get yer penis in a vagina
09/21/14 04:23AM
PenKen said:
settle down little boy, no need to get yer penis in a vagina

There's always a need for that particular constriction. :P
09/21/14 04:25AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Yeah, you are definitely one of them.

Top kek.

Vanndril said:
You seem <<|paranoid>>.

Unfortunate that we can't make an exception for him, here. But the legal age for viewing porn in many places (lol, you need an age restriction for that...) is 18 or, in some places, 21, so that could be problematic. I rather miss him, tbh. He's a pretty nice guy.

Heh, okay. He says he's still on this place, just lurking/posting under a new username. 2spooky4me
09/21/14 04:25AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Yeah, you are definitely one of them.

<<|Don't you see what's REALLY going on here?!>>
09/21/14 04:26AM
volco said:
Heh, okay. He says he's still on this place, just lurking/posting under a new username. 2spooky4me

I figured that, tbh.
09/21/14 04:28AM
Vanndril said:
There's always a need for that particular constriction. :P


my brotha
09/21/14 04:32AM
PenKen said:

my brotha

I thought you'd find that word a tight fit. ;)
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