09/21/14 05:36AM
Mindwipe said:
<<i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/183/103/alens.jpg|Don't you see what's REALLY going on here?!>>

Crap! My cover is blown! *Jumps out nearest closed window*
09/21/14 05:38AM
LittleToyMaker said:
You know, the more you talk, the more I think you're one of the SJWs involved in all of this. This is bigger than just Reddit or 4chan, they're just two of the many victims of this.

Lol okay pal. People here could vouch that I think you're all fucknuts whether you think you're an SJW or anti-SJW or whatever the sides involved in this particular kerfuffle are. I just generally am not a fan of people actually caring about "gaming journalism." It's an "industry" run by failures, so obviously I won't have a high opinion of anyone who takes it seriously enough to engage in EPIC COMBAT with it.
09/21/14 06:01AM
I think it's pretty fucking sad that we still live in a world where people refuse to believe that people commit conspiracies for personal gain, and that there are losers who are paid to spread propaganda for these causes.
09/21/14 07:22AM
LittleToyMaker said:
I think it's pretty fucking sad that we still live in a world where people refuse to believe that people commit conspiracies for personal gain, and that there are losers who are paid to spread propaganda for these causes.

are you
are you seriously suggesting takyonh and i were paid
expressly for the purpose
of spreading propaganda
about gaming journalism

someone disagrees with me? well golly day, they must be an sjw shill being paid by the she-devil zoe quinn herself to besmirch the name of 4chan!
09/21/14 07:27AM
LittleToyMaker said:
I think it's pretty fucking sad that we still live in a world where people refuse to believe that people commit conspiracies for personal gain, and that there are losers who are paid to spread propaganda for these causes.

Even worse than being ignorant of ignorance is believing ignorance as truth.

The entire situation just reeks of internet and stupidity, two things which often go hand-in-hand. I doubt there's any meaningful conspiracy actually going on here, because it's all just so pointless a topic. No one's really going to get anything out of this, I assure you. There's gonna be some trash talking over the internet, some feminist activity due to the involvement of a female, and a few sites coming and going.
09/21/14 07:33AM
LittleToyMaker said:
I think it's pretty fucking sad that we still live in a world where people refuse to believe that people commit conspiracies for personal gain, and that there are losers who are paid to spread propaganda for these causes.

Last I checked this was a place for us to get together and look at pretty hypno pics. Take yer conspiracy theories elsewhere good sir
09/21/14 08:40AM
That's right, kids! Conspiracies don't exist! And don't forget, the NSA is NOT spying on you!
09/21/14 09:26AM
TakyonH said:
I just generally am not a fan of people actually caring about "gaming journalism."
Even as someone who followed the whole thing obsessively for two weeks, I like the cut of your jib.

I've come to realize that I was interested because I liked watching a big internet argument and people make assholes of themselves, since I already knew that I didn't like those sites and stopped visiting them anyway years ago; I couldn't care less how disclosing they are or aren't since I'm not reading them.

09/21/14 09:29AM
LittleToyMaker said:
I think it's pretty fucking sad that we still live in a world where people refuse to believe that people commit conspiracies for personal gain, and that there are losers who are paid to spread propaganda for these causes.

I always thought people like this were just jokes. But no, ether this is high quality Poe's law, or you're cookoo.

LittleToyMaker said:
That's right, kids! Conspiracies don't exist! And don't forget, the NSA is NOT spying on you!

09/21/14 10:04AM
volco said:
I always thought people like this were just jokes. But no, ether this is high quality Poe's law, or you're cookoo.


Jesus Christ you people are fucking pathetic and delusional.
09/21/14 10:16AM
First they spoke out for the blacks, and I did not care, because I was not white.

Then they spoke out for the gays, and I did not care, because I was not straight.

Then they spoke out for the female gamers, and I did not care, because I was not a male gamer.

Then they spoke out for the fetishists, and... well...

...Social justice just sucks! >_<
09/21/14 10:21AM
LittleToyMaker said:
That's right, kids! Conspiracies don't exist! And don't forget, the NSA is NOT spying on you!

<<www.therooster.com/sites/...userfiles/images/original(4).jpg|You seem to know a lot about the information security industry and the bureaucracy's interaction with it.>> Please tell me you use /r/conspiracy.
09/21/14 10:25AM
TakyonH said:
<<www.therooster.com/sites/...userfiles/images/original(4).jpg|You seem to know a lot about the information security industry and the bureaucracy's interaction with it.>> Please tell me you use /r/conspiracy.

Dude, post him to /r/conspratard.
09/21/14 10:25AM
TakyonH said:
<<www.therooster.com/sites/...userfiles/images/original(4).jpg|You seem to know a lot about the information security industry and the bureaucracy's interaction with it.>> Please tell me you use /r/conspiracy.

And I'm sure you use /r/conspiratard, you worthless shill.

But hey, if you guys don't believe what I'm saying, take a gander over at 8chan's /pol/ board. Lots of very clear, easy to understand evidence that this absolutely is a conspiracy and it is a much, much bigger deal than just some gamers mad about some whore sleeping around. It's about censorship on multiple websites, and shady backroom deals between journalists, moderators and administrators on many very large websites.

But I think that sadly, many of you have your heads too far up your asses to even begin to accept the truth. I could shove proof right in your face and you would probably just say that I'm crazy for believing that anybody could ever do anything wrong for personal gain.

Truly, the worst people in this world are the willfully ignorant.
09/21/14 10:27AM
volco said:
Dude, post him to /r/conspratard.

As if I needed more evidence that you're a shill.
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