09/21/14 02:32PM
1: Zoe Quinn is an unknown. Before the whole controversy over her ex and everything nobody knew or cared who she was.

2: "Connections" Is a pretty vague term. But if you are going to get into a field, you do a little thing called "networking". It's where you make friends with other people in the industry so you can stay in the loop on news and job opportunities. Literally every major industry does this. It's not suspicious.

3: That those sites do not want to get involved in yet another massive controversy is not proof that they are being hijacked.

4: Moderators who will not enforce the rules are not good moderators. If the Admin decided on new rules and the Mods decided to refuse to enforce them, it is completely acceptable to replace the Mods with people who will enforce the rules.

5: I do not like Anita, because she does not contribute to gaming at all. She is not afraid to lie in her videos about some of the games she includes, and she offers no solutions in her videos aside from "Stop using these trops". However, she HAS received death threats and a lot of nasty attacks from 4chan. It is not unreasonable that Moot saw the viciousness and illegality of the community's behavior and decided to put a stop to it. (and what does him meeting with Anita have to do with that anyway? Are you saying Anita managed to invent a mind control device and used it on Moot while they were meeting?)

6: See networking from number 2. They probably all just disagreed with the rage being tossed around lately and collaborated to post their articles together. It doesn't mean they are being puppet mastered.

So, when you get to the theories part of this, it's taking several easily explained things and building a far more convoluted narrative out of them.

Honestly though, the loss of 4Chan as an anti-SJW "force" isn't really much a loss. It is amazingly difficult to get people to take intelligent criticism of someone like Anita seriously when she can point to the word vomit coming out of 4Chan and convince everyone to treat you as the same as them.
09/21/14 03:14PM

You people are so blind that it's sad...
09/21/14 03:18PM
People are hardly blind who do not share your hallucinations. The only "evidence" of a real conspiracy is up in the "theory" part of your post. everything else can be attributed to common and easily understood concepts without need for any conspiracy to exist. Until more of that 7+ part gets confirmed as fact, there is no reason to treat it as anything more than a wild theory.

Isn't ironic though that I took your post seriously and write a detailed reply to you, and you just hand waved it with a sentence, when that is exactly what you accused us of being likely to do to you?
09/21/14 03:29PM
Changer said:
People are hardly blind who do not share your hallucinations. The only "evidence" of a real conspiracy is up in the "theory" part of your post. everything else can be attributed to common and easily understood concepts without need for any conspiracy to exist. Until more of that 7+ part gets confirmed as fact, there is no reason to treat it as anything more than a wild theory.

Isn't ironic though that I took your post seriously and write a detailed reply to you, and you just hand waved it with a sentence, when that is exactly what you accused us of being likely to do to you?

A hallucination, is it?

Ha. You people are so fucking deluded. Fools like you are the sort that believes everything the government tells them. You never think for yourselves about anything. Never question the "truth" placed in front of you. Truly, this site is for you, because you are all mindless.
09/21/14 03:33PM
How is "random guy wants to get revenge against an entire website, and orchestrates a puppet regime of video game reviewers by using his secret government connections in order to facilitate the infiltration of and rules change of two big websites" a more plausible explanation for the site policy changes than "Many people are getting sick of all the rage on the internet"?

09/21/14 03:39PM
As one of the people behind this whole thing I can confirm it's all true. And we would have got away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids

6 is a classic. Proof of a conspiracy to hurt the feelings of people who take things personally! These people are pure evil and must be stopped
09/21/14 04:15PM
LittleToyMaker is sounding like The Warden from Shawshank Redemption at the moment.
09/21/14 04:56PM
The shill playbook is, interestingly, Uncle John's Bathroom Reader
09/21/14 05:10PM
The aliens got Elvis! There was a second shooter on the grassy knoll! 9/11 was an inside job! The President is a Kenyan Socialist who wants to kill us with death panels and FEMA camps!



Okay, seriously, ToyMaker, just stop now. You're just making a total ass of yourself, and it's sad to see, because you've actually contributed some nice stuff to this site in the past. You seem to be actively trying to make enemies out of people, and you're doing a pretty good job of it. It's clear you're not actually interested in providing any evidence of anything or holding any real kind of discussion, since you simply straw man anyone who makes any counterpoint against you. So, just stop now. This is supposed to be a thread about the new 8chan board. Any 4chan/reddit drama can stay contained to those sites, and I think we'd all be better for it.
09/21/14 06:26PM
This is how I feel everytime I open this thread right now:

Sorry, but it's just too appropriate :3.
C'mon guys, let's get back to the discussion which this thread is about: the new hypnochan.
09/22/14 12:13AM
LittleToyMaker said:
The fact that you automatically say conspiracy theories have no credibility makes you lose all of your credibility, since you are trying to lump ALL conspiracy theories together.

Okay, so let's say that they aren't in on it. Then there is only two other possibilities:

1. They are ignorant of the facts, but are willing to learn the facts.

2. The are willfully ignorant and no matter what anyone says, they will refuse to accept the facts even if evidence is handed to them.

Judging by their posting behavior, I'm going to say that they proooobably fit into category 2. And this is assuming they simply aren't in on it, which is something I've come to assume from people who say the same things as every other shill (because they all read from the same playbook).

However, regardless of all of this, this isn't just a conspiracy theory anyway. For something to be a conspiracy THEORY, it must be an accusation of a conspiracy which has not been completely proven without a shadow of a doubt, even if there is evidence to support it.

This is just plain a conspiracy. There is plenty of evidence proving a great majority of this is absolutely truth without a shadow of a doubt. But there are different levels to this conspiracy, and while we have deduced some of them, we have not yet gotten to the bottom of the entire thing.

But some things we DO know, and are PROVEN with EVIDENCE and are NOT ARGUABLE:

1. Zoe Quinn slept with some people to get positive press for her game.

2. These people (and Zoe herself) have numerous connections to gaming journalism, indie game development culture, a PR firm called Silverstring Media, and numerous other people and groups that create a giant ball of conflict of interest. We know all of this due to public Twitter and Facebook messages, as well as leaked private emails and chat logs.This is how it all started.

3. The censorship which took place on websites like Reddit and 4chan goes all the way to the administrator levels. This includes people being banned from both Reddit and 4chan for merely inquiring about what GamerGate was even about. Logs have been revealed between moderators and administrators of these sites, explicitly stating that they were removing any content related to it, accusing people of doxxing Zoe and these other people (which pretty much never took place, and in fact I think the only person who actually was doxxed was Phil Fish, but he's an asshole so he had it coming anyway), and blaming everything on heterosexual white males who want to oppress this poor "innocent" (guilty as fuck) woman when it stopped even being about her the moment we found out about all these other connections.

4. Moderators have been banned from Reddit for criticizing these new policies. After being banned, one of /r/gaming's former mods went on the record and said that not only was all of this totally happening exactly as everyone thought it was, but Reddit's mod and admin staff is corrupt throughout and they've even threatened to frame him for distributing CP for his actions in the past.

5. 4chan's entire mod staff was thrown out and replaced abruptly. The new moderators, on orders from moot from leaked chat logs, are now deleting not only GamerGate threads, but any threads that are anti-feminism, fat-shaming, racist, sexist, things which are pretty bad in their own right, but were NEVER removed in the past. 4chan's policy was one of freedom of speech, and as long as you weren't posting anything illegal, they did not give two fucks what you said. Not anymore. Also, just days before the mods were all booted, moot met with Anita Sarkesian (another crazy radical feminist) and discussed unknown things, and now he has suddenly demanded that all of this be censored. Also, during these logs, moot admits that he is being threatened by someone, and that they are demanding that all of this take place.

6. Prior to this, 10 different gaming journalism publications created articles on the same day, with almost the exact same content, calling gaming culture dead, and saying that gaming is full of sexist white males and we should all be ashamed of ourselves. This is obviously a PR stunt, and is likely done by Silverstring Media since they're all connected, as I stated before. And then some days later, someone managed to get into a mailing list group used by many gaming journalists, and leaked tons of emails showing that they were absolutely in collusion, just as everyone suspected all along.

Now, here is where we get into the THEORIES. Everything else I just said is a FACT. This stuff is up to interpretation, but is not without it's own evidence to back it up.

7. An unknown person claiming to be a former 4chan moderator says that several of the big names on the anti-SJW side of GamerGate like Internet Aristocrat and Mundane Matt have been doxxed and if things start to go south for the SJW cause, their information will be revealed. This is however unconfirmed.

8. After following a trail of connections leading from Zoe, we come to a company (which name escapes me at the moment) that is believed to be funded by DARPA. Why DARPA would be involved in this, I don't know.

9. Some believe that this is, from the very beginning, a false flag. That even the Zoe Quinn leak was in fact intentional, and is being controlled at least in part by some high-ranking guy in Gawker. The reason for this theory is that a few months ago, 4chan raided tumblr and got a few SJWs to try and commit suicide. One of the people who tried (and failed) was this Gawker guy's niece. It is believed that possibly, this is an attempt to destroy 4chan in retaliation for this raid. And of course, Gawker guy is tangentially related to Zoe Quinn.

And there's lots of other stuff, but I'm getting tired and don't feel like writing anymore, especially since I know most of you are going to completely ignore this post like a bunch of willfully ignorant tools.


Dantus said:
This is how I feel everytime I open this thread right now:

Sorry, but it's just too appropriate :3.
C'mon guys, let's get back to the discussion which this thread is about: the new hypnochan.

Yep. I'd fucking love if we could get back to the topic, but nope, the guy who said he "wasn't going to waste time on us" is still here, wasting time on us. :/
09/22/14 01:03AM

This is how I feel everytime I open this thread right now:

Thread derailed big time.
09/22/14 02:03AM

Jon: -laughing- Are - Are you calling me... a trainwreck?

Arin: I was kind of implying you were derailing.

-both laugh-
09/22/14 02:13AM
volco said:

Jon: -laughing- Are - Are you calling me... a trainwreck?

Arin: I was kind of implying you were derailing.

-both laugh-

09/22/14 03:25AM
Mindwipe said:

Ah shit, I forgot about that part. xP
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