09/22/14 03:32AM
SO someone is trying to make a new HypnoChan/SleepyChan.
09/22/14 03:54AM
greasyi said:
SO someone is trying to make a new HypnoChan/SleepyChan.

Really? I blame those gosh darn social jus*ahem*

I mean I'll keep an eye on it but for images I prefer the layout of hub. Plus the quality control here does wonders. But more places for this kink can't be a bad thing
09/22/14 04:45AM Get out with the arguments, it isn't helping.
Also, rip 4chan.
09/22/14 09:04AM
greasyi said:
SO someone is trying to make a new HypnoChan/SleepyChan.

Ooh, link?
09/22/14 09:06AM
volco said:
Ooh, link?

I see wut u did thar.
09/22/14 09:17AM
Vanndril said:
I see wut u did thar.

I don't. :(
09/23/14 12:49AM
people create these new boards / websites not out of service for the community, but a desire to seize power for themselves and be admin
09/23/14 12:51AM
lepig said:
people create these new boards / websites not out of service for the community, but a desire to seize power for themselves and be admin

People should just do what I do. Take over preexisting boards by force.

Ok Vann, you've been my ottoman for long enough. I'll let you take a quick break for now, then back to work!
09/23/14 01:36AM
Am I the only one that gets a 404 Not Found right now on pretty much all the images on that chan, with images refusing to load?
09/23/14 02:04AM
Dantus said:
Am I the only one that gets a 404 Not Found right now on pretty much all the images on that chan, with images refusing to load?

Lol, nope!

PomPom said:
People should just do what I do. Take over preexisting boards by force.

Ok Vann, you've been my ottoman for long enough. I'll let you take a quick break for now, then back to work!

09/23/14 02:57AM
Dantus said:
Am I the only one that gets a 404 Not Found right now on pretty much all the images on that chan, with images refusing to load?

Hotwheels, the admin, is working on the severs. The images are not lost, just currently inaccessible.
09/23/14 02:59AM

If you work hard enough, you can be promoted to Mindwipe's position of coffee table or Mugi's position of shoe rack.

Hehehe, too many femdom manips this weekend >_>
09/23/14 03:29AM
PomPom said:
If you work hard enough, you can be promoted to Mindwipe's position of coffee table or Mugi's position of shoe rack.

Hehehe, too many femdom manips this weekend >_>

okokok....just for the record....Mindwipe is a "she"? D:
09/23/14 03:42AM
Anno1404 said:
okokok....just for the record....Mindwipe is a "she"? D:

Not that I'm aware of? I don't know if I wrongly insinuated that, my bad :/
09/23/14 03:56AM
Anno1404 said:
okokok....just for the record....Mindwipe is a "she"? D:

yes mindwipe is A GUY
spread the word as fast as possible before she has a chance to say otherwise
the secret is OUT
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