09/19/14 11:08PM
SO someone is trying to make a new HypnoChan/Sleepychan.

Found it on reddit. Started up yesterday.
09/19/14 11:48PM
Jeeze. How many of these are people gonna make? Someone already made a new Hypno/Sleepychan, and now another one?
09/20/14 12:12AM
My two cents on the matter is we need to just let it go. Hypnochan had a good run, but we should move on. I for one have enjoyed the Hubs community and I think it has a good thing going for it.
09/20/14 12:52AM
According to the guy, he says he's going to allow download links and link to porn, unlike sleepychan which banned all links. So that's a plus.
09/20/14 12:54AM
Hmmm. Let's see how this one plays out.
09/20/14 12:57AM
Mindwipe said:
Jeeze. How many of these are people gonna make? Someone already made a new Hypno/Sleepychan, and now another one?

Oh, so I'm guessing I shouldn't start up a new Hypno Newsgroup?
09/20/14 01:36AM
volco said:
According to the guy, he says he's going to allow download links and link to porn, unlike sleepychan which banned all links. So that's a plus.

Sounds good for as long as it'll last (which won't be very long), that's at least a niche worth filling. I'll give the site a try.

Also find it hilarious that everyone and his dog is opening up new hypnochans right now, that is definitely going to work when the community is getting splintered more and more. Well, thank god we have the hub, getting people together on one site is the way to go with a niche fetish and definitely works wonders (considering the amount of new artists that started drawing and uploading MC stuff here since the hub opened up) :).
On the other hand, the more I think about it ... perhaps I should open up dantusandhypnosisisaresogreathypsterhypchan.com after all :P...
09/20/14 02:59AM
Dantus said:
Sounds good for as long as it'll last (which won't be very long), that's at least a niche worth filling. I'll give the site a try.

Also find it hilarious that everyone and his dog is opening up new hypnochans right now, that is definitely going to work when the community is getting splintered more and more. Well, thank god we have the hub, getting people together on one site is the way to go with a niche fetish and definitely works wonders (considering the amount of new artists that started drawing and uploading MC stuff here since the hub opened up) :).
On the other hand, the more I think about it ... perhaps I should open up dantusandhypnosisisaresogreathypsterhypchan.com after all :P...

Oh, there's more on 8chan?
09/20/14 03:04AM
Isn't 8chan the "we're taking it back!" reaction some areas of 4chan had to the mods and Moot wanting to sweep the recent gaming drama under the rug? I remember seeing a lot of "they do it for free" shitposting before 8chan just exploded into the forefront.

I legit don't know the history of the site, it's just I didn't know about it 2 days ago and now I am seeing it everywhere.
09/20/14 03:20AM
bellchan said:
Isn't 8chan the "we're taking it back!" reaction some areas of 4chan had to the mods and Moot wanting to sweep the recent gaming drama under the rug? I remember seeing a lot of "they do it for free" shitposting before 8chan just exploded into the forefront.

I legit don't know the history of the site, it's just I didn't know about it 2 days ago and now I am seeing it everywhere.

Yeah, basically moot sold out and has been clearly siding with the SJWs, ALL of 4chan's mods were removed abruptly and have been replaced with a set of new mods who are all about censorship and SJW garbage. People have been getting banned for even mentioning Zoe Quinn or even saying things like "SJWs suck". This isn't like, some squeeky-clean family friendly forum here, this is fucking 4chan. The internet hate machine. And they're trying to censor it? Did they not think the users would be pissed?

So yeah, everyone has migrated over to 8chan. Fuck moot, fuck Zoe Quinn and fuck everyone that associates with or supports her.
09/20/14 03:37AM
Yeah, yeah, 4chan, censorship, and all that. Did anyone notice this board was made by our old friend Bull3tM0nk3y? A nice guy, for sure, but still underage, as far as I know (unless he aged 2 years just recently). Not knocking this board or anything, but for those of you who are concerned about knowingly talking about 18+ stuff with minors, be warned.
09/20/14 03:38AM
bellchan said:
Isn't 8chan the "we're taking it back!" reaction some areas of 4chan had to the mods and Moot wanting to sweep the recent gaming drama under the rug? I remember seeing a lot of "they do it for free" shitposting before 8chan just exploded into the forefront.

I legit don't know the history of the site, it's just I didn't know about it 2 days ago and now I am seeing it everywhere.

I think that 8chan existed before this, but I'm probably wrong.
09/20/14 04:59AM
LittleToyMaker said:
Yeah, basically moot sold out and has been clearly siding with the SJWs, ALL of 4chan's mods were removed abruptly and have been replaced with a set of new mods who are all about censorship and SJW garbage. People have been getting banned for even mentioning Zoe Quinn or even saying things like "SJWs suck". This isn't like, some squeeky-clean family friendly forum here, this is fucking 4chan. The internet hate machine. And they're trying to censor it? Did they not think the users would be pissed?

So yeah, everyone has migrated over to 8chan. Fuck moot, fuck Zoe Quinn and fuck everyone that associates with or supports her.

Is there any actual proof that the mods have been replaced?
09/20/14 05:24AM
TakyonH said:
Is there any actual proof that the mods have been replaced?

Not really. As usual with this entire mess.

moot specifically stated that the reason for a lot of the bans was people posting things in the wrong boards and starting multiple threads for the same shit - both things that have been against the rules outside of /b/ since 2004.
09/20/14 05:28AM
So basically the ocean of piss is an ocean of piss and for good or bad, people are up in arms and angry.

Seems like it's another normal week with the chan clan.
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