09/20/14 07:07AM
Luna's commish info.
Hey guys.

So I figured I would start up a thread here regarding me and commissions. Mostly because of the fact that I know that my commishs are like... always XD

So I figured I would post this thread. Yep.

anytime I am offering commissions [sometimes deals that will ONLY be available here, even!] I'll post in here for ya.

So! yeah. I'll post any commissions I finish here too, or mention that I finished 'em, or if I'm working on any, or whatever.

Yeah... confusing, probably, I know. XDD

But anyway!
^-- Commission information [how does I link? DX]


Commissions are OPEN!

Two images with three people, or three images with two people =)

I'm offering three of 'em, too =)
09/25/14 09:47AM
New deal =)

Turns out I could use like... 25 bucks for something DX So... yeah.
Doing a bit of a deal to try and get that.

Previously it was for a new tblet screen thingy, but that may be sorted out thanks to a couple of kind souls here =)
10/02/14 05:45AM
No interest? =(

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