09/21/14 04:57AM
So, we might do an official art contest next month...
...and we need some volunteers for the sake of rewards.

No contest is complete without a reward for the winner! But us here at HypnoHub are broke, which vastly limits possible rewards...

The solution, then, is obvious: User Generated Content! Because we love leeching off of you all! :3

If you're an artist, a writer, or a manipper (or anything else that'll work) that is confident enough in your work to offer your services to another, and you're willing to help us out by creating something for the winner of our contest, then please post here!

The idea is that we round up 3-4 volunteers willing to make the reward and allow the winner of the contest to choose who they wish to make it.

Please note that, if you volunteer, you are not restricted from participating in the contest, because you can just choose another volunteer for your reward.

I know a few mentioned their willingness to draw/write/make rewards for the contest(s) in another thread, so I'm sure there will be at least a few of you.

So, any volunteers?
09/21/14 05:35AM
i already cut my weiner off for another contest prize, so i guess my art would suffice!
09/21/14 07:16AM

I offer myself as a volunteer

( o wo)7
09/21/14 09:32AM
I'm in. Even though I only do manips, I think I would be acceptable as a prize since of my 40 manips (and none having ever been removed), 29 are in the top 25% scores, and only 3 are below the site median score.

Also my obsession with quality is such that I maintain data on how many fake internet points I am earning on a porn site.
09/21/14 01:22PM
Why not HumbleBundles for the 2nd and 3rd place? Or do they get nothing?
09/21/14 01:32PM
I volunteer! I could do a bit of simple animation for a winner
09/30/14 09:04AM
PenKen, Hypnogoat, Greasyi, EdgeOfTheMoon:

With October so close, I just want to reconfirm that you're all interested in being added to the pool of artists/manippers who the winner of the contest can choose to make his or her reward. Once we have your a-okays, Mindwipe and I will start figuring out when we can start this thing and plan the specific details.

The way I imagine this working is the winner of the contest will pick one of you from the pool of rewarders. Whoever they pick will work with the winner to draw/manip (depending on which you're offering) one image to the winner's liking. That one image will be the winner's reward.

Limits on what you're willing to do for the reward image and any details related to the image can be worked out between you and the winner. However, if you have any hard limits - things you definitely will not make - then I recommend that you post them here so that I can inform the future winner of them before he or she makes their choice.
09/30/14 10:42AM
So, its winner gets to pick from the list of artist/manipers/writers as a prize.
Winner wins, chooses one of them, they make the request. And boom. Okay I get it now.

Btw, I wouldn't mind chucking my 2cents into the mix. Meaning ofcourse, my amazing artistic abilities are up for grabs, I hope that would bring in a few contestants.

And so in saying that I to can compete for a prize? lets say I can get a manipper to manip one of my drawings, or get a writer to write a piece on a topic that tickles my fancy?
If so, I will make the most perverse Halloween you can imaging!
09/30/14 11:34AM
DHB said:
So, its winner gets to pick from the list of artist/manipers/writers as a prize.
Winner wins, chooses one of them, they make the request. And boom. Okay I get it now.

Yeah, that's it in a nutshell.

DHB said:
Btw, I wouldn't mind chucking my 2cents into the mix. Meaning ofcourse, my amazing artistic abilities are up for grabs, I hope that would bring in a few contestants.

You would be a very welcome addition to our little rewarder pool thing. And 5 people is a very solid number for a pool like this, so, if everyone else who offered reconfirms, we're in a good place as far as reward potential goes. Thank ye for your offering. :D

DHB said:
And so in saying that I to can compete for a prize? lets say I can get a manipper to manip one of my drawings, or get a writer to write a piece on a topic that tickles my fancy?
If so, I will make the most perverse Halloween you can imaging!

Aye, of course! The beauty of this little rewarder pool idea is that being a potential rewarder does not exclude you from participating in the contest, as you can simply choose another from the pool to make your reward, should you win. I mean, I suppose you could choose to make your own reward if you win and you're part of the pool, but that's something only strange people would do. :P
09/30/14 11:50AM
I'm in. I definitely will not make anything that takes more than like 2 hours. ;)
09/30/14 02:26PM
I know I was talking about T-shirts for prizes but it won't be for this one. Making T-shirts would take time and effort and I want to see how this one pans out first. Still gonna push ahead with the designs either way.

I guess I could do art for prizes if you'll have me. I'll try my best I promise but if you want a better artist then that's okay. I'll draw either single art or even a comic, I don't mind because you're the winner and I aim to please!

I already have ideas for entering the contest anyway so I'll be looking forward to doing that.
09/30/14 03:38PM
eshie said:
I guess I could do art for prizes if you'll have me. I'll try my best I promise but if you want a better artist then that's okay. I'll draw either single art or even a comic, I don't mind because you're the winner and I aim to please!

wait... your saying if I win I get the chance to have a fine piece of art made by the awesome eshie.... Better hone my skills.

09/30/14 07:04PM
Vanndril said:
PenKen, Hypnogoat, Greasyi, EdgeOfTheMoon:

With October so close, I just want to reconfirm that you're all interested in being added to the pool of artists/manippers who the winner of the contest can choose to make his or her reward. Once we have your a-okays, Mindwipe and I will start figuring out when we can start this thing and plan the specific details.

The way I imagine this working is the winner of the contest will pick one of you from the pool of rewarders. Whoever they pick will work with the winner to draw/manip (depending on which you're offering) one image to the winner's liking. That one image will be the winner's reward.

Limits on what you're willing to do for the reward image and any details related to the image can be worked out between you and the winner. However, if you have any hard limits - things you definitely will not make - then I recommend that you post them here so that I can inform the future winner of them before he or she makes their choice.

ookily dokily! One thing I will say in terms of limits. No child porn. But nobody here is that insane so I doubt that'll be an issue.
09/30/14 08:41PM
PenKen said:
ookily dokily! One thing I will say in terms of limits. No child porn. But nobody here is that insane so I doubt that'll be an issue.

I'm not sure one can draw legitimate child porn. :P

Unless you meant loli/shota, in which case it's a good thing you mention that as a limit because many people here love the stuff.

eshie said:
I guess I could do art for prizes if you'll have me. I'll try my best I promise but if you want a better artist then that's okay. I'll draw either single art or even a comic, I don't mind because you're the winner and I aim to please!

You, too, are a welcome addition, of course! However, given that we now have six potential volunteers, and we don't want the pool to be TOO huge, we may need to start drawing names out of my gloriously dapper top hat. XD

*thinks* Then again, why do we want to limit the size of the pool...?

*shrugs* Mindwipe and I will sort it out, in any case.
10/01/14 02:07AM
DHB said:
wait... your saying if I win I get the chance to have a fine piece of art made by the awesome eshie.... Better hone my skills.

Waah~ You're making me blush.

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