10/01/13 04:59AM
Seem like i can't post

It s been a while (i guess 1or 2 mouth) since my last upload, i don't know if you remember of me but whatever. This evening i finished one of my work and so i wanted to upload it for know the level of my drawn was enough but when i try to select my file i got this thing : no search supplied ==

Sooo i post my art here, feel free to upload for me :p.


By the way since my english is bad i didn't understund how do the tag i m also sorry for that ><
10/01/13 08:27AM
Still improving, I see. Your colors and shading are good as ever. However, her arms appear a bit stubby to me, and her hands a bit small. I think her waist may also be a little low (or her torso too long, as it were). The actual artists here could probably give you much better advice than I can. I can basically only point out the things that seem off to me.

And the "no search provided" notice that appears when you select a file to upload doesn't have any effect on your ability to upload. You can ignore it.
10/01/13 01:30PM
Okay, i guess drawn someone naked still hard for me, i ll have to train that too.
10/01/13 10:51PM
It's reaaaally hard to draw naked bodies right. I can only recommend practice and following tutorials, but better yet: practice. Lots of it :P

Also, drawing on top of references helps a lot - one way to do this without essentially ripping off some other artist's work is to trace 3D models, stock photos, etc. for particular things which are hard to you (like hands),
10/02/13 04:22AM
You have so much potential! Doubly so because you keep drawing Touhou. :P Keep improving, bro! I was deathly afraid I chased you away with the last judgment, but really, I do look forward to you getting really good at this. XD

I still adore your coloring and shading. :3

Ah, instead of vague, nearly-useless advice this time around, I think I'll link you this: howtodraw.host22.com/tutorial.php?id_tutorial=3

I've had that link sitting around my favs for a while for no particular reason. His guides seem pretty comprehensive as far as I looked at them, so you may wish to give them a look. His style's a tad oldschool as far as anime goes, but I'm sure the basics he tries to teach throughout his guides are pretty much universal anyway.
10/02/13 02:29PM
Thank you for your advice ^^, It not like you chased me away the last time, i wanted train more before come back. I still have some problem but i guess i ll fix that fast (that was my first attemps to drawn a naked body anyway i m used to drawn with the cloth).

By the way, yeah i can only drawn Touhou charactere =p and for your tuto i saw it and save the link i guess i ll need it =)
10/02/13 07:19PM
aiykawa said:
By the way, yeah i can only drawn Touhou charactere =p

Well, when you improve your drawing skills further, prepare to be on my favorite artists list, then. :P There can never be enough Touhou MC!
10/03/13 01:48AM
haha thank x)

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