09/25/14 12:35AM
I would say that is pretty rare. Most people don't want the people they live with to find out about this kind of shit. Like I said, they may have found hypnohub.net in the history and asked her about it before they found her account and uploads. I dunno shit about lolivia but this is a weird amount of speculation.
09/25/14 01:15AM
TakyonH said:
I dunno shit about lolivia but this is a weird amount of speculation.

I also speculate she was 9% Martian on her mother's side.

And that she had a mole shaped like Germany on her left elbow.
09/25/14 08:30AM
I figured someone was bound to ask. I'd have kept her uploads up for a few days so people could grab them while they had the chance, but I wasn't sure just how urgent it was for her to get them removed, and I didn't want to risk causing her any trouble due to my own inaction.

It's a real shame, what happened, but reality is reality.

Dr_Mabuse said:
Young or old, if you're still dependent on your folks, they can still make your life a living hell if they feel the need.

My ex-girlfriend was in this situation while we were dating (adult but still reliant on parents who still controlled her life), so I can vouch for the validity of this statement. It's possible that LOlivia is underage, sure, but that's nothing more than speculation.
10/13/14 07:07AM

Allow me to show you a magic trick...

If you were to, say, use this link to go to all the pages that poor LOLivia has uploaded, and subsequently deleted her work, indeed, they appear to have vanished. However, all one must do is say the magic words....


And voila... the direct image link to each manip appears... deleted from view, but not the servers...

However, if you're too lazy to do all that:
I've taken the time to do it for you.

10/13/14 07:24AM
Arioth said:
Allow me to show you a magic trick...

If you were to, say, use this link to go to all the pages that poor LOLivia has uploaded, and subsequently deleted her work, indeed, they appear to have vanished. However, all one must do is say the magic words....


And voila... the direct image link to each manip appears... deleted from view, but not the servers...

However, if you're too lazy to do all that:
I've taken the time to do it for you.


Nice save :) . I'm no worker of wiki magic, so I couldn't pull that off
10/13/14 08:01AM
PomPom said:
Not to talk sourly about our dearly departed, but a few things jump out at me here. This is just speculation and there's absolutely no proof. However, I'm getting the implication that she's underage.

It's just the vibe I'm getting, as I feel like it may have been a case of using her family computer, which could lead to such a predicament. I may be totally wrong.

In this day and age, it is not uncommon for a person to live with their family, or be bound by their family's rules beyond the age of 18. Hell I'm 27 and moved out, and still fear my parents finding out about my drawings because they would give me hell over it.

I recall once they found my old youtube channel and saw a music video I'd made about Ranma 1/2, that happened to have a few frames of topless female Ranma because it included part of the opening graphics, and they spent quite a few hours ranting at me over it.

They also gave me a massive chewing out another time due to another video in which I said a mild "bad word"...
10/13/14 08:36AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
Nice save :) . I'm no worker of wiki magic, so I couldn't pull that off

No problem! While I'm generally gay and not interested in that much of her work, some of it was quite good, and I'd hate to see other people not be able to enjoy it, especially if it could be saved.

Now, as for the controversial issue of her age... I'm not sure, myself. Could go either way. All I have is her work, and her name... which "LOLivia" could be a reference to "loli", but could just as easily be a cross of "LOL" and "Olivia", which could just as easily be a name she goes by. However, the stance I take on it is this: If none of her work violates any legal statute (i.e. it's not kiddie porn (that's actual CP; loli/shota art is a bit of a gray area but doesn't harm an actual person)), then it doesn't matter. If you enjoy it, great!

Of course, I may be rather biased. Full disclosure: I'm currently 23, but I've been participating in various hypnosis related communities under different guises for almost ten years now. Some I only was a member; a couple photo-manip sites I was active, creating and submitting my own 'work'. I put that in quotes because, looking back at what I have of my archives, the quality ranges from 'decent' to 'embarrassingly bad'. However, a small number of people enjoyed it, being none the wiser to my age. Of the submissions that were actually decent, though, I would hope that my identity wouldn't have ruined the manip for the people that enjoyed it; the point of it was to share my fetish and give people something related to enjoy, and to some minor extent, I succeeded in that. To this day, I don't regret it. It certainly made things easier during some of the most turbulent years of my life.

Either way, regardless of LOLivia's actual age/identity, her manips are quite good, and they deserve to be enjoyed by the community here. I wish her well in her ventures, and hope that she can return once she has things sorted out.
10/13/14 09:45AM
Thanks for the save.
10/14/14 09:25AM
@Arioth - I suppose it was only a matter of time until someone found out how to do this. XD

See, when images are deleted here, they're not physically deleted from the FTP server. I mean, we can hard delete them, but we don't normally do so. Leaving the posts soft deleted allow for undeletion at a future date, if the need ever arises, so we don't need to worry about our duplicate post detection system.

In any case, props to you for puzzling it out and thanks for your work.
10/14/14 01:29PM
I like how I literally just realized LOLivia's stuff was deleted, went to the forums to see what gives, and this is at the top of the forum list.
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