09/23/14 07:27PM
underage character age-up?
if my character was originally underaged, is it allowed to upload something about her if i change her appearance more mature for the one picture only?

deviantArt at least seems to have some rules against aging up an originally underaged character in order to make NSFW art of them, so i'm asking if the similar rule applies here too...
09/23/14 07:43PM
We only care about appearance here, not canon. Explicitly underage characters (ew) are even allowed; just be sure to tag them with "loli" or "shota".
09/24/14 02:44AM
We are not deviantArt. Wanna upload a pic of your underage character? Go ahead. Just, if they look like a kid, tag it loli/shota (depending on gender).
09/24/14 04:43AM
Mindwipe said:
We are not deviantArt. Wanna upload a pic of your underage character? Go ahead. Just, if they look like a kid, tag it loli/shota (depending on gender).

This. Being able to host loli/shota pics was the main reason the hub was created in the first place, it was something that the hypnobooru lacked. Although the added functionalities and stuff played a big role too once our glorious mods figured out what imoutobooru has to offer :3...
09/24/14 09:44AM
okay, that makes sense. i guess i just misread the rules somehow, then :P

but i won't upload... "much" of underaged characters nevertheless, i was just clearing it out for myself. thanks ^w^

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