09/24/14 05:40PM
Will anyone help me to improve the qulity of my texts?
I have changed this thread. Instead of looking for someone who wants to beta-read my texts, I will just post it here.

I would appreciate any help... Proofreading for grammar or syntax errors, suggestions, etc...
Inspired by fanart for the anime "Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko"
- ... Please, grant my wish.
- Are you sure?
- Yes!
- You will not be able to cancel your wish after its granted. Do you still wish it?
- Yes.
- Very good Tsukiko, I shall grant your wish... But you have to trust me and follow all of my instructions. I will ask you to do only easy things... Like "close your eyes and listen to every word I say". If you can, feel how nice my voice is, how it is able to carry all of your worries away. My words will transform you, but that is what you want all along. So let my spell sink deeply into you. Before we continue, I want you to promise me that you will accept everything I say as a fact and will not question anything. You can still go back, but you can follow my words, so, do you promise?
- Yes...
- So, follow my words, they sink deep into your mind and you sink together with them. They reach the bottom of your mind and they sleep there. You will sleep as well in 3 seconds. 3...2...1... Sleep... When you wake up, you will be completly different. You will stop being your old self. Expressing human emotions will be impossible for you. Your old human self is gone, its belongs to someone else now, someone you do not even know. Instead, you will be cat girl and will only be able to express your emotions like a cat. It will be easy for you to learn how to act catlike, but you will not be able to act humanlike. Also, you know that I am the God of cats. You will worship me and serve me in every way possible. When I count up to 3, you will wake up full of energy, refresh and your heart will long to be more catlike. 1... 2... 3... Wake up.
- Meow. What did you do? I suddenly fell asleep.
- I granted your wish. By the way, in 1 hour it will be the time for all cat girls to worship me, so get ready.
- Yes, my God.

Leave a comment in this thread. thank you in advance.

09/24/14 06:44PM
Hmmm.... I don't know if I'd be able to pick up on bad grammar or spelling mistakes too well. I tend to be pretty bad at proofreading my own stuff.... Though I do notice all the mistakes after submitting it.
09/24/14 09:11PM
It might work out better if you edited the OP and just made this a general feedback/proofreading thread. Just post your pics in here before you upload them to the main gallery rather than trying to get people on skype or whatever.
09/24/14 09:27PM
Better yet you could just dump the text here in a post.
09/25/14 05:08AM
I agree. If it's just a manip, it shouldn't be hard to critique.

I wouldn't be available for more hardcore critiquing anyway. School is becoming a *bitch* right now.
09/25/14 11:22AM
I would volunteer but I don't have too much time. I will point out mistakes that I see if/when I see them but not as a regular thing.

Really good to see that you are taking that advice though. I look forward to seeing what else you'll manip.
09/26/14 07:45AM
I have updated my first post... Waiting for any kind of critique.

You might have not realized this yet, but you feel very tired. It is fine to relax. May be, there is something that worries you... And those worries are drifting away. You can trust me; I can protect your peace and tranquillity... Just feel how a soft mist is forming inside of your head and with each second you start to feel lighter and lighter. You might start to notice that you feel lighter than my words. You can imagine how my words carry you away... Into a place deep within you. If you feel so tired, you can just let me carry you. I carry you with my words. They echo softly inside of you. So soft like clouds.
I will count down from five and with each number you will feel even lighter... And the lighter you feel, the easier it is to let go of all of your worries... The easier it is to absorb my suggestions. 5... You can feel how easy it would be to lose control and go into a light slumber. 4... You become aware that something that was preventing you from sleeping now has been turned off. 3... Your body is falling asleep. 2... Your mind is following your body into a sweet dream... 1... Sleep...
You are now inside of your dream and in that dream you see a cat girl... The cat girl is relaxing and enjoying that she is a cat girl. It is a wonderful idea to let her inside. She looks very appealing to you. You might want to look her into the eyes... And let yourself melt inside of her face... As melt you are going deeper into your dreams.
You can hear, from deeper inside of yourself, a soft melody that sounds like your mothers lullaby... It says "I want to be a cat ❤"... It repeats, each time softer and more appealing to you... Do not think what it means; just follow the charming sound... As you flow deeper you want to repeat that lullaby... "I want to be a cat ❤"... It is your deepest and the most honest desire.
It was always there, deep inside of you, but you have not noticed... You have not noticed how wonderful it feels to think that you are, by a fact, a cat. And you are, by a fact, deep of you a cat. And you want to act like a cat. It might be not so easy at first, but with each day you will notice that you are acting more catlike. It is natural and easy. You are new-born kitten and with each day you learn how to act more like a proper cat.
As a new-born kitten you do not want to be homeless, don't you? You need an owner of you. Your owner will look after you and you will be docile and obedient kitten in return. You want to do anything for your owner, but being a cat comes first. You will feel satisfied by acting like a cat... And you will feel special sexual pleasure by acting like a sexual cat... You will get addicted to that special pleasure. While all by yourself or with your owner; you will want to feel it regularly. You will be enjoying it.
Soon, I will start waking you up and you will wake up willing to be a cat. And every morning, in the future; you will feel how my suggestions are getting stronger inside of you and how you are more willing to follow them. If you try to resist and fight them, they will only stronger until you submit.
Waking up on five.
1... Slowly coming up, still asleep.
2... Feeling how the idea to act catlike is very arousing.
3... Becoming more catlike and waking up. 4... Almost awake.
5... Wide awake, refreshed, full of energy and completly willing to be a cat.
   Meow ❤
09/26/14 08:01AM
Minor stuff:

5… You can feel how easy it would be to lose control and go into a light slumber. 4… You become aware that something that was preventing you from sleeping now has been turned off.
09/27/14 12:05AM
Thank you, sasazuka,
I guess, my text is actually too long for someone to actually come over and beta read it.
Personally, I do not see any errors in there.
09/27/14 04:32AM
Anything else would just be things I'd phrase differently, but I'm not the one writing the story.

Okay, here's a minor punctuation error I just spotted.

"And each time, in the future, you wake up from a regular sleep or trance; you will feel how my suggestions are getting stronger inside of you and how you are more willing to follow them."

There shouldn't be a semi-colon in there because the first part of the sentence before the semi-colon isn't a complete clause in and of itself.
09/27/14 05:21AM
I have made a few changes to that text and posted. hypnohub.net/post/show/19739

Well, actually... I want to hear how would you rephrase things.
09/27/14 06:28PM
New text is ready... I have updated the first post in the thread. If you want to help, please, do help.

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