10/01/14 04:16AM
About that, hypnosis is indeed just a natural ability of your mind. But you need to know what brings you under. For me, not a single person managed to hypnotise me, but I can easily hypnotise myself. I can go to trance at will.
Also I have tried to kinda bring myself under and let someone else suggest things to me, while under I kept on lying, arguing, doing things my way, not listening at all... And I did not even remember that, before that person told me and I read the chatlog...
It is nice to be special and dominant inside...
So yeah, pretty much my own fail is probably caused by my brain recognizing it as my own attemps to hypnotise myself lol. Focused on my own work and reciting my own script inside of my head. Focused shift and I stopped to care about anything, just kept on hypnotising myself and fell asleep.

And yeah, I absolutely do not trust people, when going under with that other person, I have actually convinced myself that I will not do anything he tells me beforehand.
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