09/26/14 09:41AM
How about an official "I don't like this fetish" thread?

A certain phenomenon has been baffling me ever since I came here and I'm starting to tire of it. Namely, people commenting on a picture to merely point out the fact that they don't like the particular fetish in it.

I mean... yeah, I get it. Not everybody likes the same thing. What turns one person on can be disgusting to another. Hence my nickname. What a messed up world we live in.

But how the hell is that bit information, that some person somewhere doesn't have some fetish others apparantly have, how is that supposed to be interesting to anybody?

The short answer, in my opinion: It isn't. So a comment like that might as well be left unwritten. It adds nothing of value. It helps no one.

And the worst part is, once someone starts with it, others come following, agreeing (or pointing out the equally irrelevant fact that they happen to disagree because they like the fetish theme of the picture).

I admit there are some rare cases where a comment of that sort might make sense after all. Like, when a tag is missing and you had to look at a fetish picture that should have been blacklisted. Or perhaps you only want to be constructive ("helluva sexy pic, but did you have to make the father a fire breathing horse with two cocks? It should have been a futanari pygmy hippo instead!"). But that's the exception.

So I'd humbly suggest that people who just feel obliged to point out what sort of fetishes they don't have, can do so in this thread instead of some pictures' comments. Thank you.
09/26/14 09:46AM
This would make no difference. People's opinions will differ, and no one ever said that comments are supposed to be interesting or constructive. They're literally just comments. They can be positive, negative, on-topic, or irrelevant.
09/26/14 09:59AM
I'm not talking about opinions, which are of course subject to discussion by nature. I'm talking about sexual dislikes and the habit of commenting about them in a negative way where it makes no sense to do so. To not have a fetish is not an opinion in my book, it's just how the perv center of your brain is wired up.

You have a point though about comments being irrelevant all the time... but those I mean aren't just irrelevant, they are actively annoying imo.

I do realize it's not the biggest problem in the world and I can certainly deal with it the way it is. But I like the idea of having this thead now, to link if such a "discussion" should unfurl again in the future. And anyway, it's just a suggestion, everybody can still be annoying and there is nothing in the world I can do to stop them from it.
09/26/14 10:03AM
Furry can be hot sometimes, but I've only ever felt disgust for meteorological-furry-hentai. Up until recently, it was mercifully rare. Then f*cking Sharknado came out, and the floodgates burst with fangirls. Can't open a damn rule 34 board now without the obligatory BBW-Sharknado-nailing-a-trap-Snakevalanche pic.
09/26/14 10:07AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
Furry can be hot sometimes, but I've only ever felt disgust for meteorological-furry-hentai. Up until recently, it was mercifully rare. Then f*cking Sharknado came out, and the floodgates burst with fangirls. Can't open a damn rule 34 board now without the obligatory BBW-Sharknado-nailing-a-trap-Snakevalanche pic.

09/26/14 10:11AM

We basically already had this thread before. It was called "What's on your blacklist". Thing is, you realize the people commenting could just blacklist the tags they hate and never see the pics, right? The fact that they still leave the comments even so, means they won't make use of this thread, either. And in the meantime, we'll have a thread full of nothing but "I hate ___" in the forums.
09/26/14 10:20AM
@dg I get the feeling you are actively looking for people to call your fetishes disgusting. Like if you get off on that, cool, but maybe tone it down a little here. You're generally the one bringing it up first regardless of whether or not anyone has said they don't like the material.
09/26/14 01:21PM
TakyonH said:
@dg I get the feeling you are actively looking for people to call your fetishes disgusting. Like if you get off on that

It is an interesting assumption but I must disappoint you. I am absolutely not getting off on that at all. Me saying such things about my own manips is more an act of precaution: I tend to think "if I briefly mention the fact that people might not like this upfront, maybe they will not feel the need to tell me again."

But they still do, so that doesn't seem to work too well. Maybe I'm being a little paranoid doing things like that and it seems that it doesn't do me much good, seeing how you interpret it.

Plus, it's not just about my stuff. It happens in other comment sections as well.

Perhaps I should just ease up on the whole thing and ignore what bothers me...
09/26/14 04:43PM
Here's a tip: Who the hell cares

disgustinggirl said:
Not everybody likes the same thing. What turns one person on can be disgusting to another. Hence my nickname. What a messed up world we live in.

Oh please, let's not start on this.

If you're seriously bothered by people bashing on your fetish, then I don't even know what to say to you.

Just know that this thread will not solve anything. Right now it just feels like an invite to a game of attack & defend

TakyonH said:
I get the feeling you are actively looking for people to call your fetishes disgusting.

09/26/14 05:56PM
I think it's a tad bit sad that even among people who share certain interests that already might be considered perverted by the outside world, we still tend to focus on the differences that remain between us and try distinguishing ourselves from the "even pervier perverts" to feel better.
09/26/14 08:26PM
Dr_Mabuse said:
Furry can be hot sometimes, but I've only ever felt disgust for meteorological-furry-hentai. Up until recently, it was mercifully rare. Then f*cking Sharknado came out, and the floodgates burst with fangirls. Can't open a damn rule 34 board now without the obligatory BBW-Sharknado-nailing-a-trap-Snakevalanche pic.

That is bullshit and you know it.

Snakevalanches are not meteorological events, they do not have anything to do with the atmosphere. :P
09/26/14 09:06PM
If I feel like to comment on something, I will do it. And if it is "I hate scat", deal with it.
09/26/14 09:50PM
Morgoth said:
If I feel like to comment on something, I will do it. And if it is "I hate scat", deal with it.

You must be quite the free spirit for speaking your mind like that. I'm ever so charmed.

Bur srsly, let us not fight. It was silly of me to even start this thread.
09/26/14 10:25PM
disgustinggirl said:
You must be quite the free spirit for speaking your mind like that. I'm ever so charmed.

Yeah, I hate when someone tells me what to do... wait, I think I am at the wrong place. No, seriously, I would not write comments like that anyway. But if I ever feel like it, I will do it. Usually I just comment on the pictures I like, and leave the others alone. And don´t get me wrong, I don´t really like that sort of comment either, but I think it is not that hard to deal with them.They are just comments ^^
09/26/14 10:35PM
I think it is not that hard to deal with them.They are just comments ^^

true. Let ther be peace.
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