09/27/14 10:03AM
VN's split into multiple parts
Been meaning to ask this but kept on forgetting. Alot of the times when people give download links for a VN, they're split into multiple different folders. Several games in the Saimin Zero blog are like this.

My question is, how does the VN function if it's split up like that. I mean, Logic dictates that you're supposed to manually combine them somehow but I don't know how to start doing that.
09/27/14 01:36PM
I've never downloaded a VN but if you mean they're split like ", etc." then I select all of them ,right-click and select 'Extract' (or whatever compressing program you use) and it extracts them to one folder named "part1"

There are many compressing programs like <<|WinRar>>,7zip,iZarc,WinZip and since Win 7 there's an build-in simple unzip program included in the system
09/28/14 03:44PM
You don't even need to select them all, usually. Most extractors will automatically search out the necessary parts. As long as they haven't been renamed, they'll extract out just fine.

Just note that not all extractors will work with all filetypes. I don't believe anything that isn't .zip is extractable with the OS extractor, for example.
09/30/14 05:18AM
As mentioned above, most extractor programs handle the combining automatically. Just have all of the parts completely downloaded and extract part 1. Doing so should give you the full file that you need, and you shouldn't need to extract the other parts manually.

I just use Winrar as an extractor. Does everything I want it to do, and is free with basic (or all? Not sure if there's even any feature restrictions) features. The only downside with Winrar's free version is that every time you open it it reminds you, with a popup, to buy it. But you can use it for free indefinitely.

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