10/06/14 05:40AM
DHB said:
Can we have multiple entries? or is it one person?

You know, my first reaction is to say "just one entry per person", but TakyonH brings up a good point, we all really DO just want more content. XD

Just one entry per person for now. I'll talk to Mindwipe about it tomorrow evening and we'll decide what we'll do. It's something we totally forgot to consider, which is to be expected since neither of us have run a contest before. I have a feeling we'll allow multiple entries per person, but I don't want to jump the gun.

I'll make another post here later, answering your question.

nettimato said:
first things first, i need to know if we are allowed to make multiple entries and how does the pooling thing work... :P

You'll have to wait another day for the answer to the former. :P For now, if you want to participate, I'd recommend just drawing up one image to enter. You can always draw and enter more later if we decide to allow it.

As for pools? Just...

* Go to your <<|account settings>> and check Advanced Editing.
* Go the the post page for an image you've uploaded.
* Under Options, which is a bit under the image's tag list, click the "Add to pool" URL. A dropdown box should appear.
* Find the name of the contest pool in the dropdown list and click the Add button.


* Go to your image's post page and click the "Edit" link underneath the image.
* In the Edit Tags text box, add "pool:459" and click the "Save changes" button.
** 459 is the ID of the contest pool. You can add an image to any public pool this way by using that pool's ID instead. A pool's ID is visible in the URL when visiting the pool - it's the only number in that pool's URL, near the end.

Tranceless said:
Damn it man, I'm a writer, not an artist!

Don't sweat it. There's a strong possibility that we'll have writing contests and manipping contests in the future. You might get your chance, yet. :3

Lunakiri said:
And Vann, darlin', perhaps you should change the ending.
12 on Nov.1 could be TWO different times. When it becomes Nov1, OR at the end of Nov1 when it becomes Nov2.

My suggestion? Change it to 11.59PM on Oct31. Just for clarity's sake.

Aw, heck. I debated doing this, too, but figured against it. Still, I guess you're right, it is more clear.

Lunakiri said:

Huzzah! I hope this helps break you out of your "artist's funk", assuming you're still in it. :)
10/07/14 09:21AM
For the record, a decision was reached. Multiple entries per person are a go! Have at!

Granted, of course, you can only win once.
10/07/14 07:32PM
Vanndril said:
Granted, of course, you can only win once.

hard to win twice with 1 prize
10/07/14 10:11PM
nettimato said:
hard to win twice with 1 prize

Yeah, but if I don't specify the obvious, someone will ask anyway. :P
10/07/14 11:20PM
Vanndril said:

** In particular, EdgeOfTheMoon offered to make a simple animation. I assume he meant animated manip. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Ah yes that's what I meant. Figured I could make a gif out of something the winner has drawn

10/25/14 01:32AM
Only seven days left until the end of the submission phase of the contest! Once the time limit is met, new submissions will no longer be accepted, so make sure to get them in if you're working on something!
10/26/14 10:50AM
I commissioned a piece that fits the theme; can I submit it?
one the one hand, the idea was mine and I payed for it - also I'm no artist or manipper, which means otherwise, I could not participate
on the other hand, I'm not the artist, just he commissioner, and this potentially opens the door to someone theoretically hiring an amazing artist to win the contest... but is that really a problem, if the goal is to add more themed Mc art?
10/27/14 02:58PM
Grim said:
I commissioned a piece that fits the theme; can I submit it?

No. You should definitely post it, but we can't allow someone to enter the contest using someone else's work. It would be dishonest and unfair.

Grim said:
this potentially opens the door to someone theoretically hiring an amazing artist to win the contest... but is that really a problem, if the goal is to add more themed Mc art?

Yes, because the idea is also to reward one of the artists who contributes with a free pic. It would be a very douchebag move of us to reward the prize to someone who didn't even make the pic they're submitting.
11/01/14 07:37AM
Submissions for the contest are officially closed! We'll get hard at work looking closely at the merits - how well it matches the contest theme, how well it ties hypnosis into the theme, and general art quality - and announce the winner, likely within the next week.

Cross your fingers, contestants!
11/01/14 03:49PM
I'm gonna lose.... I should have focused on quality over quantity....

You are counting the whole comic right? There weren't any rules against comics....

It's not very well written anyway, it just ends.
11/01/14 11:45PM
eshie said:
I'm gonna lose.... I should have focused on quality over quantity....

You are counting the whole comic right? There weren't any rules against comics....

It's not very well written anyway, it just ends.

*laughs* Relax. If your submission is multiple parts long, we'll consider the whole. And don't worry about whether you win or not. There's only one winner out of quite a few contestants, so not winning is the norm, here. I'm just happy you and the other artists decided to participate.

It's been fun hosting this contest so far, so I have little doubt that we'll do it again. Not that this one is over, yet, of course. We still need to decide on the victor.
11/01/14 11:47PM
Hey, just wanted to stop in and say good luck to everyone that entered! There are a few entries that just blow mine outta the water!
11/02/14 12:18AM
I'm just happy to see a lot of the visitors of the site contribute to something just for fun~! Had an entry planned my self, but it was the end of the month and my interwebs ran dry. Guess I'll upload it later.
All the Halloween based pictures where a pleasure to see~!
Which only means that, who ever the winner is, there prize idea will be just as good or better then there submission. Looking forward to that. c:

Glad to see that throwing the idea of a contest was a success~!
11/02/14 01:22AM
eshie said:
I'm gonna lose.... I should have focused on quality over quantity....

You are counting the whole comic right? There weren't any rules against comics....

It's not very well written anyway, it just ends.

its not winning that matters, its bringing joy and erections to all the people of the site, and you definitely succeeded in that.
11/02/14 03:20AM
Zko said:
its not winning that matters, its bringing joy and erections to all the people of the site, and you definitely succeeded in that.

Yay! That's the best thing of all! Seriously, knowing somebody got aroused by my work is enough for me.
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