11/02/14 03:24AM
eshie said:
Yay! That's the best thing of all! Seriously, knowing somebody got aroused by my work is enough for me.

There aren't many things you've posted here that don't fuel my boners, so don't even worry about that. :3
11/02/14 04:33AM
Zko said:
its not winning that matters, its bringing joy and erections to all the people of the site, and you definitely succeeded in that.

What about those of us with clits instead of dicks? DX
//cries in a corner since she wasn't included in that

11/02/14 06:08PM
Vanndril said:
There aren't many things you've posted here that don't fuel my boners, so don't even worry about that. :3

That's the nicest thing anybody has ever said to me.
11/04/14 12:33AM
Lunakiri said:
What about those of us with clits instead of dicks? DX
//cries in a corner since she wasn't included in that


Clits and nipples get erections, too. :P

eshie said:
That's the nicest thing anybody has ever said to me.

11/06/14 10:09PM
Alrighty! I guess it's time I announce the winner of the HypnoHub's first official original art contest!

I'd like to preface this announcement by saying that all of our entries were impressive. All of them were pretty damned good! It was difficult to choose the victor, and it took us multiple hours of deliberation to do.

The judges were Henry, Mindwipe, and myself. In addition, the members of the QCC were offered a chance to throw their support behind one image, and a few of them did as well. Images were judged based on how closely they tied in with the theme of Holloween, on how well the mind control was portrayed, and on general art quality.

Without further ado, I shall announce the winner.

The winner is...

h2. <<|Nell-Chrome!>>

We felt that Nell-Chrome's submission best fit the three combined criteria. Nothing says Holloween like a creepy pumpkin-headed man wearing a jester costume! Did I mention he had a pumpkin as a head? Classic! The portrayal of the mind control was fairly subtle, but it had its own distinct aesthetic flavor very much due to that. Those empty eyes and that equally empty expression on the sub, combined with those magical sparkles that surround her face... Mmm! So good! And, of course, Nell's art quality goes without saying.

Congratulations, Nell-Chrome, for winning the first ever HypnoHub art contest!

To those who did not win, I say to you: do not lose heart. It was truly a very close decision. You all did very good work, and I'm not just saying that.
11/07/14 05:31AM
Gratz Nell. Who didn't see this coming once she[?] posted? XD
11/08/14 03:16AM
Vanndril said:
To those who did not win, I say to you: do not lose heart. It was truly a very close decision. You all did very good work, and I'm not just saying that.

So true. I couldn't even decide which image to pick and rather decided to abstain from voting altogether, even as a QCC member. There were just too many awesome pictures (or comics in case of eshie's submission) to pick a single one over the others, at least for me ^^.

Congratz to Nell, you sure deserved to be chosen ;-).
11/08/14 09:08AM
Oh sorry for being late to respond >_>

I... I won!! *frantic intensified*

Lunakiri said:
Gratz Nell. Who didn't see this coming once she[?] posted? XD

I'm a he =))
I thought I made it clear in top left of my dA gallery :v
If I'm a girl, I think I will be more of yaoi fan or something :v
...uh on a second thought, no. It's better if I'm a normal girl... >_>


Okay so, after i re-read the first post here, I pick one rewarder, and then that's it? Other rewarders won't get their turn nor the participants?
11/08/14 10:33AM
Nell-Chrome said:
Oh sorry for being late to respond >_>

I... I won!! *frantic intensified*

I'm a he =))
I thought I made it clear in top left of my dA gallery :v
If I'm a girl, I think I will be more of yaoi fan or something :v
...uh on a second thought, no. It's better if I'm a normal girl... >_>


Okay so, after i re-read the first post here, I pick one rewarder, and then that's it? Other rewarders won't get their turn nor the participants?

Congrats. Your picture was great. Though they all were great too.
11/08/14 07:12PM
Congrats Nell!
11/08/14 11:30PM
Heh I kinda figured you'd win after seeing it.... I really liked the picture too.

Congratulations Nell!

11/09/14 01:46AM
Nell-Chrome said:
I'm a he =))

I never look at that, solely because people lie. XD
And 'Nell' sounds like a chicks name to me. So I was mostly going off of that.
Sorry ^^;;

And I dunno if that's how it is. There wasn't anything said about runners ups, sooooooo
Gotta leave it to Vann to comment on it though. Lol.

But seriously, congratz~ Loved the pic [and I love your overall art quality, for that matter. ^^]
11/09/14 06:51AM
Nell-Chrome said:
Okay so, after i re-read the first post here, I pick one rewarder, and then that's it? Other rewarders won't get their turn nor the participants?

That is correct. There is one winner (you, in this case) and one reward. Who makes your reward is up to you, with your choices being the people listed in the pool of rewarders. "Shop around" for what you want and choose one rewarder. That rewarder will make your reward and that'll be that. :)
11/10/14 04:45PM
Congratularions Nell-Chrome! I kind of saw this coming, it was a great drawing =)
11/11/14 01:24PM
Thank you everyone (again), it's like I can't thank you enough =))

Okay, I talked with edgeofthemoon and love with his idea of reward. So yeah, I choose him. Sorry for the other rewarders if I make up my mind before even talk to you ._.
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