10/04/14 05:48AM
HypnoHub's First Official Art Contest!
h2. Contest Summary
h5. Original Art Contest
Theme: Holloween
End Date: October 31, 2014
End Time: 11:59 PM EST (So, essentially, Nov 1'st).
Winner's Reward: One piece of work from any rewarder.
To Enter: Upload piece of your original artwork to the Hub's gallery and add it to <<|this pool>>.

h2. Rewarder Pool

h5. Artists - One Free Commission

* <<|PenKen>> (<<|Reference>>)
* <<|Hypnogoat666>> (<<|Reference>>)
* <<|DHB>> (<<|Reference>>)
* <<|Eshie>> (<<|Reference>>)

h5. Manippers - One Custom Manip

* <<|Greasyi>> (<<|Reference>>)
* <<|EdgeOfTheMoon>> (<<|Reference>>)
** In particular, EdgeOfTheMoon offered to make a simple animation. I assume he meant animated manip. Correct me if I'm wrong.

h5. Notes On Prizes

* There will be no 2'nd or 3'rd place prizes in this first contest. This is subject to change in future contests depending on number of participants, but for now there is only one prize.

* It will be up to the winner and the rewarder to decide what the reward will be. The rewarder is in no way obligated to do something that they are not willing to do. If they can't offer what you want and you can't reach an agreement, then you should choose another rewarder.

h2. Contest Description (And Jokes!)

Some of you have waited a long time for this. More of you didn't even know you wanted this. One of you is staring at a clean sock wondering where the second of the pair disappeared to, I mean, you know you put it into the dryer...

That's right, folks, it's time! The HypnoHub is hosting its very first (totally ghetto) art contest!

Let me explain how this will work...

The theme of the contest will be Holloween, the time of ghouls, ghosts, Jack-o-lanterns...and candy! Entries must be original works of art focused on Holloween and all its spooky goodness! Of course, don't forget the hypnosis! Possession? Hypnotic candy? Hex Magic? We'll let you decide!

From this point on until the midnight (EST) of November 1'st, the Hypnohub will be accepting submissions involving this theme. If you intend to contend, be sure to submit your artwork by then! To make a submission, just upload your original artwork related to the theme to the Hub's gallery and add it to <<|this pool>>. After the contest ends, Mindwipe, Henry, and I, as well as members of the Quality Control Council if they wish to opt-in (more info on that later, QCC), will choose what we feel to be the piece that best portrays the theme and best ties it in with hypnosis and mind control. Of course, overall art quality will be a factor, too.

What's that? What do you get if you win? Well, you get to choose! The first prize winner will get one free piece of work from any one person in our pool of rewarders. This could be customized original art, a customized manip, a customized animated manip, a custom short story, etc., depending on which rewarder is offering what. Refer to the Rewarder Pool segment of this post.

And there we have it, folks. Let the contest begin!

If you have any questions or comments regarding the contest, post them here.
10/04/14 06:57AM
Welp, time for me to get started on that Don't Starve fanart I've been meaning to do for months.
10/04/14 06:58AM
10/04/14 08:59AM
tyro said:
Welp, time for me to get started on that Don't Starve fanart I've been meaning to do for months.

Don't Starve? Are you talking about that game?

And Vann, darlin', perhaps you should change the ending.
12 on Nov.1 could be TWO different times. When it becomes Nov1, OR at the end of Nov1 when it becomes Nov2.

My suggestion? Change it to 11.59PM on Oct31. Just for clarity's sake.

10/04/14 09:33AM
Can we have multiple entries? or is it one person?
10/04/14 10:34AM
DHB said:
Can we have multiple entries? or is it one person?

I figure since we all just want to see more hypno art more than anything else, it would probably be a good idea to allow multiple entries. Maybe they should say you can enter as many times as you like but only win once?
10/04/14 12:53PM
hmm, this sounds interesting, but i doubt my chances hahaah XD
10/04/14 12:58PM
nettimato said:
hmm, this sounds interesting, but i doubt my chances hahaah XD

You have as much a chance as anyone else here. So keep your hopes high. ;)
10/04/14 01:07PM
\(^_^)/ Yay more pics incoming :D
10/04/14 05:51PM
Haha! I just got the best idea! I already have a good costume design from a sketch I did a few weeks ago and so I started thinking how to use it. I just need to think of an ending....
10/04/14 11:49PM
DHB said:
You have as much a chance as anyone else here. So keep your hopes high. ;)

i suspect lower chance on my part due to lack of time i've spent here and skill overall :B
10/05/14 03:21AM
Damn it man, I'm a writer, not an artist!

Good luck to those participating though!
10/05/14 04:17AM
nettimato said:
i suspect lower chance on my part due to lack of time i've spent here and skill overall :B

Its less about time and skill, and more about PASSION!
10/05/14 04:21AM
DHB said:
Its less about time and skill, and more about PASSION!

first things first, i need to know if we are allowed to make multiple entries and how does the pooling thing work... :P
10/05/14 05:00AM
Tranceless said:
Damn it man, I'm a writer, not an artist!

Good luck to those participating though!

Let us mourn our mutual inability to draw.
1 234>>>

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