10/06/14 04:22PM
Best suggestion gets drawn ^^
Right, i've got Gerph waiting for me to tell him the details for a hypnosis commission, but i thought it would be interesting to find out what the community would like to see.

So write your suggestions below and i will pick the one that appeals to me the most, please be detailed as possible as i need to relay to Gerph and he struggles a little bit with English.

Conditions are:
-Single picture (not a page)
-Maximum of three characters in the picture.
-Any three characters is fine, they don't even have to be from the same universe.
-If its a particular niche of hypnotism then please give a link to an example picture.
-Mostly anything is fine, but please do not ask for: Loli, scat, guro, watersports, yaoi, furry, MLP related artwork.

I look forward to hearing your suggestions.

10/06/14 06:19PM
Gerph seems to like Shygirl (and I love it too), so what about something with the blue, the red and the dark one on <<|this animation>> ?
They could be hypnotized by tentacles, something similar to <<|this>>.

Or Aquarius who sing and hypnotize Lucy and Erza.

10/06/14 07:40PM
Roxa said:
Gerph seems to like Shygirl (and I love it too), so what about something with the blue, the red and the dark one on <<|this animation>> ?
They could be hypnotized by tentacles, something similar to <<|this>>.

Or Aquarius who sing and hypnotize Lucy and Erza.

I can agree with the aquarius one, so thats currently the favorite to be commissioned by Gerph. I'll wait for another 9 hours, see if anyone can rival that idea.
10/06/14 08:08PM
I'm not sure what your stance is on Fire Emblem: Awakening, but I personally would love to see more content from this game. Perhaps <<|Tharja>> here can use dark magic to put <<|Sumia>> and <<|Anna>> into a nice, deep, and relaxing trance?
10/06/14 08:24PM
MrGerp said:
I'm not sure what your stance is on Fire Emblem: Awakening, but I personally would love to see more content from this game. Perhaps <<|Tharja>> here can use dark magic to put <<|Sumia>> and <<|Anna>> into a nice, deep, and relaxing trance?

Tell you what, i am not familiar with Fire Emblem, but since you obviously are a big fan of it, you've caught my interest. While this idea won't be the chosen one for this commission i will in fact buy a fire emblem game, so thanks to you mentioning it to me i will support its creators by getting one of the games ^^.
10/06/14 11:34PM
So to clarify: Roxa's suggestions are currently the ones to be picked, you have another 3 hours and 20 minutes to throw your suggestions in as well, so don't hold back guys and girls. Just let me know what you'd like to see and maybe i'll pick yours over Roxa's.
10/07/14 02:15AM
45 minutes left.
10/07/14 02:48AM
I admit one thought that's been bouncing around in /my/ head lately is Rise from Persona 4 (the brown-haired girl in ) hypnotizing Yukiko and Chie (the other two girls in the picture) with a song.
10/07/14 02:53AM
Astral said:
I admit one thought that's been bouncing around in /my/ head lately is Rise from Persona 4 (the brown-haired girl in ) hypnotizing Yukiko and Chie (the other two girls in the picture) with a song.

I'll write that one down, thats actually quite a decent thought. Then she would have the MC all to herself xD.
10/07/14 03:00AM
Alright, that's all the suggestions I'll accept for now. You can expect a new hypnosis picture featuring one of these ideas in the next couple weeks.
10/07/14 05:03AM
Damn, I saw this late T_T, she will accept more suggestions later?
10/07/14 09:28AM
ZaruTicher said:
Tell you what, i am not familiar with Fire Emblem, but since you obviously are a big fan of it, you've caught my interest. While this idea won't be the chosen one for this commission i will in fact buy a fire emblem game, so thanks to you mentioning it to me i will support its creators by getting one of the games ^^.

If you have a 3DS, I highly recommend buying the newest FE, Fire Emblem: Awakening. While it's arguably the best or worst modern FE game depending on who you talk to, it is undeniably the most new-player friendly, due to its various options and the ability to safely grind if you get stuck (which previous FE games lacked).

Also, I look forward to the comission. :3

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