PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
050727Now that you understand your place, kneel, like you should...BanannaBread2022-03-25 06:45:10Revert
050728*Yes... my Lord, this doll will dedicate it's life to your orders...*BanannaBread2022-03-25 06:46:29Revert
050729My words are now your everything...BanannaBread2022-03-25 06:47:05Revert
050730*My Lord's words are this doll's everything... it is the duty of this doll to be used by it's Lord...*BanannaBread2022-03-25 06:48:07Revert
050745Now that you understand your place, kneel before me...BanannaBread2022-03-25 14:27:06Revert