10/07/14 03:21AM
Help me be better...
I feel like to my self, my art is becoming quite stale.
It could be just me being to much of an artist, and coming to the point where I dislike my art so much that I don't like going through the motions.

But I need to know what I can improve on, I want to be better for everyone. And my self~!
Just needing a few tips... or examples of things that i did good in the past, or even just little details and or ideas people think might help my art expand.

I don't want to disappoint my clients. So I want to be even better then i currently am.
10/07/14 05:19AM
I think you're already a very good artist
so the only thing I could critizise is: Don't dissappoint your clients by cutting of in the middle of your comics! Some people might get interested in it and then earnest dissappointed if the comic ends with a cliffhanger for LoZ of time.

Totally not Linking to some comic... ;)
10/07/14 10:38AM
You have pretty good line work and your own distinctive style; I think more than anything what would up your game is to spend some time focusing on anatomy. In particular skeletons and the musculature on limbs, maybe also some time on boobs.

In particular your arms come out as plain sticks a lot because they're so elongated. I've read from several artists that a foundation of realistic anatomy gives you the power to go off in cartoony directions (such as really long, slender limbs) without looking "wrong" because you're contorting real shapes instead of making up new ones.

Then again selfishly the #1 thing would be to ignore all that and just stop making pictures with poopoo and peepee because that stuff's gross. x-c
10/07/14 10:54AM
You might actually benefit from some architectural drawing practice. I think the biggest issue I see is with perspective/proportion rather than individual parts of anatomy.
10/07/14 01:24PM
Hmmmm.... I know how you feel. I have many areas I need to improve too, my linework and shading are my biggest fears right now. I'd love to have nice lines like yours.

If I had to say anything new.... Hair? You hair sometimes doesn't seem to flow right, like it's not 3D so it distorts the shape of the head. Then there are strands of hair that look out of place because the don't have the right length or angle for where they are.

I don't know, I'm not one to talk.... I'm still sub par myself. If you want to return the favour then feel free.
10/07/14 02:51PM
greasyi said:

Thanks for the awesome input~!
Looking back, I see what you mean, I have always just winged the anatomy and never giving in to to much thought as I just want to get through my ideas as fast as possible before I lose inspiration for them. Always worried that my boobs might nor be all that amazing either. Guess I'll have to draw boobs more often then to improve.c:

As for poopoo and peepee. I'll keep drawing it aslong as people keep asking for it. Can't help peoples likes and dislikes~!

TakyonH said:

Perspective too, has always been a bothersome thing, as you need to put the time and effort into lining and measuring the distance. Guess, I'll just have to kick my self in the butt and do it if it means my art will improve.

eshie said:
Hmmmm.... I know how you feel. I have many areas I need to improve too, my linework and shading are my biggest fears right now. I'd love to have nice lines like yours.

If I had to say anything new.... Hair? You hair sometimes doesn't seem to flow right, like it's not 3D so it distorts the shape of the head. Then there are strands of hair that look out of place because the don't have the right length or angle for where they are.

I don't know, I'm not one to talk.... I'm still sub par myself. If you want to return the favour then feel free.

I have to listen to your words as you do hair so awesomely. You do have a point as I notice that in haste I pump out a blob of a hair piece just so there is something on there head, even though it might not match up with the head all that much....

btw, my lines are poop, utter poop. Never consistent, either sketchy or neat, then i get caught up in which i should be doing and it becomes poop.
Shading is no deal, chose which shading you prefer, cell shading or a more blending tone of shading. and roll... or me, vomit out colours and hope they seem shaded.
As for your artwork... nothing bad i can say about it that comes to mind... so you must be doing an alright job. c:

Anno1404 said:

I know... it hurts me more then it would hurt the clients, and you must work around the client wants. but not enough to harm the artwork~!
Thanks everyone for your comments~!
10/07/14 03:13PM
If it's any help, I saw <<i.imgur.com/ZZESTi7.png|this>> and was reminded of your style. The artist name is Akaume, if you want to look at any more of his stuff.
10/08/14 04:03AM
DHB said:
I have to listen to your words as you do hair so awesomely. You do have a point as I notice that in haste I pump out a blob of a hair piece just so there is something on there head, even though it might not match up with the head all that much....

btw, my lines are poop, utter poop. Never consistent, either sketchy or neat, then i get caught up in which i should be doing and it becomes poop.
Shading is no deal, chose which shading you prefer, cell shading or a more blending tone of shading. and roll... or me, vomit out colours and hope they seem shaded.
As for your artwork... nothing bad i can say about it that comes to mind... so you must be doing an alright job. c:

You like my hair? T-thanks! If it helps I think of the hair having a crown and also split it into four parts: front, sides, top and back. If you think of it like that you can place it on your heads and keep the shape. I like hair a lot so I tend to make it look nice for my own purposes. I'm still not the best at it....

Thanks for the kind words after I said bad things about your stuff.

And don't stop drawing pee related stuff.... I like it....
10/08/14 04:32AM
eshie said:
And don't stop drawing pee related stuff.... I like it....

(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
You monster! Now I have to add another tag to my blacklist -.-
10/08/14 04:44AM
Anno1404 said:
(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻
You monster! Now I have to add another tag to my blacklist -.-

Well, you don't have too~! you could always embrace it. X3

eshie said:
Thanks for the kind words after I said bad things about your stuff.

And don't stop drawing pee related stuff.... I like it....

I'll take that advice and store it to memory. c:

we are all artists, its all good. And as I said, I'll keep drawing it, because people want it~!
10/08/14 06:34AM
A not-issue, more of a comment... the shades of yellow and pink you use seem to work way better if contrasted with more red and blue. Like in the last 2 commissions.
10/08/14 01:59PM
I can't think of any particular objections I have with your work as it is really awesome.

Though I guess maybe you could try not doing the poop/pee stuff. Not because I personally dislike it (It's not my favorite or anything but you're able to do it well enough that I can enjoy it without being grossed out or anything). Personally I would just recommend it so you can try a few new things and expand your horizons.
10/08/14 04:02PM
Ooh good idea I thought I should share.

Try drawing in a different style for a single picture. Like try to copy someone else's style that's different to your own. I don't mean change your style at all but it'll kinda give you a break from yours and you'll come back to your style more refreshed. Maybe you'll figure out some new ways of drawing too. Don't worry if it doesn't look good or anything, it's like a challenge for yourself. Just don't let yourself end up using the style afterwards, just take a break from it.

Better yet you could just draw some real life stuff.... It'll help your anatomy and perspective but you'll still have to figure out how to balance real anatomy with cartoon anatomy. You should see the contrast of my real life stuff and my anime style stuff from a few years ago.... I look at them side by side and it's like two different people drew them.

The thing is if you're like me you'll never be happy.... Because I tend to like different art styles and change my mind on which I like more. But you gotta try anyway!

I really like your stuff anyway, I thought it was really good. You're one of the reasons I wanted to start posting on the hub....

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