PostNoteBody Edited ByDateOptions
050855Target's Mental State - Target is in the afterglow of multiple, continuous climaxes, and is in a state of embarrassment and mental fatigue. She is now vulnerable to more advanced Hypnosis.BanannaBread2022-03-31 02:07:17Revert
050856Haa...❤ Haa...❤ Ko-kokoro... please... let me rest...BanannaBread2022-03-31 02:08:03Revert
050857I'm not too bothered, but is it really fine to take a break?BanannaBread2022-03-31 02:08:59Revert
050858Right now, Rin? You know *you're in the middle of town*, right?BanannaBread2022-03-31 02:10:02Revert