10/08/14 03:58AM
Have you ever been worried that you have fingers on your hands?
Weird title is it not? Are you a fan of complete brainwashing? Well, I had a male subject that requested to make him think that he is something else + change his personality. So I did... Applied transformation into cat, memory washing, planting fake memories, identity erasing, etc... And here you go, in just 2 hours, my male subject fully believes that "she" is a cat girl.

In 24 hours he comes and tells me that he does not know what is happening, he woke up like a normal cat girl, but for a few moments he thought that he is a human and... and... He has fingers... Fingers!
-How do you look like?
-I look like a normal human girl meow, with cat ears, cat tail, front and back paws meow... And there are fingers on my front paws meow! What is happening to me meow? Why do I think that I am human meow?

The conversation was a bit different, but the meaning is the same and it sounds awesome xD. Do not worry, I had means to turn him back to normal like was before brainwashing, he requested that experience himself.
10/08/14 04:24AM
As I read the title I just thought "Seriously how high are you? 0_o" XD
10/08/14 06:15AM
Nyahaha, that sounds sooooo adorable!
10/08/14 06:29AM
Wow, way wickedly awesome. I too thought you were tripping, but now I am jelly.
Having subjects seems super interesting, even if I would rather have females.
10/08/14 07:17AM
Wow... o.o

Nice job XD
10/08/14 09:08AM
I've wondered why I have fingers, but for completely different reasons that aren't nearly as interesting.
10/08/14 01:55PM
DunkelSpiral said:
Wow, way wickedly awesome. I too thought you were tripping, but now I am jelly.
Having subjects seems super interesting, even if I would rather have females.

I love female subjects, but they are twice as rare. Also, females are easier subjects... So yeah, males are good practice.
10/08/14 02:01PM
Dreamshade said:
I've wondered why I have fingers, but for completely different reasons that aren't nearly as interesting.

Did you anger the mafia?

That is a pretty cool story though. Nice job.
10/08/14 03:42PM
This actually sort of reminds me when I tried out self hypnosis stuff awhile back, typing when your hands feel and look like paws from your perspective can be weird, so he should count himself thankful that he still had fingers.
10/08/14 04:20PM
IvoryScratch said:
This actually sort of reminds me when I tried out self hypnosis stuff awhile back, typing when your hands feel and look like paws from your perspective can be weird, so he should count himself thankful that he still had fingers.

I always make sure that my subjects is able to type with front paws normally.
10/08/14 04:50PM
I guess I'm the only one who finds this whole thing really disturbing. Oh well.
10/08/14 05:34PM
DragonIce said:
I always make sure that my subjects is able to type with front paws normally.

Well that's good, I always found it hard personally.

10/08/14 05:39PM
Mindwipe said:
I guess I'm the only one who finds this whole thing really disturbing. Oh well.

If it weren't for the last sentence it might be :p
10/09/14 02:38AM
Dr_Mabuse said:
If it weren't for the last sentence it might be :p

Even with the last sentence it is, imo.
10/09/14 02:48AM
This is pretty cool :)

I like hallucinations and experiences more than triggers really (though I still like them ^^). So a good, dreamy session involving hallucinations like that are always fun.
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